Death comes for Kings too

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(Nicholas's P.O.V.)
I pass the wild roses that grow by the palace walls. Walking into the royal court I see servants arranging benches. I stride further towards my father's room. I see him laying in a canopy bed. Around the room are people standing quietly, noblemen, lords and the Archbishops of Canterbury and York. Everyone notices me and the room falls into soft mumbling. The Archbishop of Canterbury sees me aswell and beging to approach me, wanting to intercept me from continueing further. "Move. Leave him" I order him. But the Archbishop refuses "the King needs rest". "He will have that soon enough" I answered back, "he is dying" he told me, still trying to get me to stay away. "Which is the reason why I was summoned here" I snarl and step into his personal bubble, "now stand aside". The archbishop slowly moves out of my way to go and stand with the rest of the nobles at the back of the room. I turn my head towards my father and stare for a moment. A thick navy blanket was drawn over his body. I find the courage to take myself forward to the side of his bed. I lean forward closer to his face. I can hear him whimper and shiver with cold. I don't have the ability to speak, I can only look at him. The ones bright blue eyes had now become dull and full with pain. The once strong and confident body, was now weak and drained from any kind of energy. My father weakily lifts his hand and I lower my head so he could gently stroke my cheek. "Nico" he speaks with a raspy voice as he addresses me by a nickname he often used when I was a young boy. "Nico" he continues with forced breathes, "you must be king, Nico". Then his hand drops to the bed. My father has trouble keeping his eyes open and his skin is covered with open sores. "Please" he beggs me, "you must be King, Nico". I sit back onto a chair and just listen to him mumble indistinctly and beginning to cry. Then his eyebrow creases and looks to gaze to me. I keep looking at my father, the King, without uttering a word. One last groan leaves his lips and then he is gone. I sit there for a moment, not moving an inch. Just watching as my father's face begins to grow whiter and more deceased. I blink and drop my gaze as my eyes well with tears. Then stand up from my chair and walk away from the bedside. I look up and see the lords beginning to kneel before me and dropping their heads. The archbishops stand with their heads bowed. I glance over each and every single one of them. I see in their eyes that they are waiting for my responce to the death of my father the king. I don't speak and just walk away. Clearly to much disamay of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Who are calling out after me. I can't look to the people who I pass on the street. I quickly stride over the street towards my appartment in London. I feel myself begin to panic, I need to get out of this city. I feel my hand beginning to shake. Sadness begins to consume my mind. Before I let out one loud yell in anger and grief. Before lowering myself to the ground against a wall. I sit there in silence as my eyes keep tearing up. Yet a tear never fell down. I may had a rougher relationship with my father the past few years. But it still hurt to loose him. It had also been harder because I realized I didn't exactly grief over my brother. Now I was truly the last member of my family.

I stay there for a couple of minutes

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I stay there for a couple of minutes. Not thinking about anything. But just trying to get myself back, before continuing my way to my appartment in the workingclass neighbourhoods of London.

I stumble into the appartment and Danny looks up curious. "Are you alright, Sir?" He questiomed and stands to help me up. "Yes... I just... I just need to get out.... out of this bloody city" I stammered to him, still continuing to panic. I didn't even give him time to respond before walking away. I had not grabbed anything beside a warmer coat and my car keys. "I don't know when I'll be back. But there is enough cash for you in that drawer for 2 weeks". Danny looks at me with suprised wide eyes but nods. I bid my farewell before leaving for Small Heath. I was not going to go to my home in Small Heath because I had no doubt that Inspector Campbell would be patrolling my doorstep every second of the day. So I need a different place to stay, but I will figure that out once I get in Small Heath.

Published: 10th of December 2023

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