Compassion in the cells

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(King Nicholas's P.O.V.)
Very early on in my life, I was taught how to control my emotions. Loss of control for a King can lead to disaster and chaos. After all, no ruler should put troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen. No general should fight a battle simply out of pique. If it is to your advantage, make a forward move. If not, stay where you are. Anger may in time change to gladness. Vexation may be succeeded by content. But a Kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being. Nor can the dead ever be brought back to life. I learned control. But most people thought differentky. That I was incapable of feeling real emotions. That they were all masquerade, all for show. It's not that I am incapable of feeling anger. I'm a King, I am capable of everything. It is just that I have not given the privilege to anybody to make me angry or ragefull. I've not given this privilege to anybody. These privileges I have kept only to myself. But when someone so close to me, stabbed me in the back so effortlessly, something snapped inside of me. And rage had consumed me until I had been told the truth.

With quick paces I walked through the hallway that lead to the cell containing Reynolds. The cold hallway looked depressing. The Guards all saluted as I passed them. After finding out Reynold's betrayal, I had ordered a man-hunt for my former Kingsman. And my soldiers delivered for their King. I stopped and looked down at the drained, exhausted and broken man. I hadn't given an order to hurt him, just to retrieve him. I had lashed out to the soldiers who had retrieved him for not doing what I had ordered them. They assured me they already found him like this, already bruised and battered. "Oh my friend" I sighed and put my hands in my pockets, "how can you be so hurtless? I invested all my trust in you. Yet, you betrayed me. Stabbed me right in my back with the knife I provided for you" I began and trailed my eyes over him. He may have betrayed me, but it still hurt seeing him in pain. "you were more than a servant, more than a friend. In you I had found a brother". I stayed silent just studying him for a second. Looking over his bruises and scars that where healing. But then the anger inside of me began to rise as I remember what he has done. My fist clenched so hard, that my fingers dug into the palm of my hand, nearly drawing blood. I bared my teeth and then banged my fist on the iron bars of the cell in pure anger and hurt "it shouldn't have been you!". I could see Reynolds flinch at the harshness and ragefull tone of my voice. "I thought I could trust you! But you betrayed me! Sold me out to the fucking home office! You were just using me for your own selfish reasons!". I tilted my chin up and took in a deep breath through my nose calming myself down before speaking in a more controlled manner. "You should have atleast warned me about the consequences of trusting in you, maybe I could have played it safe. But now it matters not. The truth of your betrayal has come to light". I turn on my heel and walk away from the cell after realising Reynolds was not going to talk to me. But as I was walking away, he did decide to talk "You don't know the truth, your Majesty". It came out softly as if he had given up, yet had only one thing left to say. I stopped in my tracks and looked over my shoulder back to his cell. "Pardon?" I replied, wanting to know for sure if I heard him correctly. I walked back, as Reynolds has not yet responded. "What did you just say?". Again, he didn't answer me. "Answer me!". I had ordered so loudly that it nearly shook the cell bars. Reynolds looked up at me and squinted due to the pain from the bruises and cuts around his eyes. "What truth?" I asked more calmly. "Find my wife" he answered out of breath, "she will tell you the truth". Without saying anything else, Reynolds lowered his head. Signaling to me he was done talking. I watch for a second as he nearly collapses fully to the ground out of exhaustion and pain. I turned my head to a nearby Guard. It was good to note that these aren't my King's Guards, just some glorified policemen. "Get him something to eat and drink" I told him, "can't do that, Sir" the man replied and gave a quick salute. I stopped and turned back to face him, "why not?". "I was ordered by the home office to not feed the betrayer". "Well, I over-rule their orders. So get him some food and water, by order of your King!" I sneered at him. The guard lifts his arm and salutes me "yes, Sir!". I give him a glare which reminds him who was in charge, before I walk away, to find Reynolds his wife.

Passing Reynolds I see a faint look of gratitude shine on his face

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Passing Reynolds I see a faint look of gratitude shine on his face. Glad, that I still had the dignity and kindness of feeding him. My compassion trait refused to let me, starve him out or hurt him, as if my gut was telling me something about his betrayal was not as it seemed. Reynolds words replaying in my mind like a gramophone

You don't know the truth

Published: 29th of March 2024

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