When the King reminds the fools

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(Nicholas's P.O.V.)
I was in a meeting with the home office, having a discussion about the last missing gun. But mostly it was also a discussion regarding about high activity of a possible gang fued. I rubbed my temple as I listened to everyone scream at each other, wanting to take the control on handling this. Everyone blabbered through one another, not giving an opportunity to let the other finish. Even when I opened my mouth to talk I immediatly was interupted by another. So I rose up from my seat to declare "I have something to say". Everyone immediatly stopped talking and turns to look at me, "I did not become a Lieutenant Colonel in the war because I aspired to be one. It came about because of other people's actions". I glance to an oil painting of my late father that hung on a rememberence wall. Silently indicating that I fought because of my father actions nothing more. "And I did not become king out of ambition, but once again, I had no choice. I was simply born to be weather I want to or not". I look around the room "but none the less, I am King. That is who I am. The King". I turn to walk to the loudest and most arrogant person in this group. Prime Minister David George Lloyd and look him up and down. "Can someone tell me what a King does?". The room is silent for a moment before one of the other men speaks up "he rules". "10 points for you, Mr Baylock" I said laughing and turn away from the Prime Minister to nod at the Mr Baylock. "A king rules. And as a ruler-" I turn my attention back to David and lean forward to whisper in his ear "- I have the last say". Reminding him of his place. Just like in Paris he wanted to show everyone that he was a leader. Since he was not the ruler of this nation, I was going to remind him, that he was not. "Me!" I yell out loudly and take a step back, to awknowledge the rest. "You have all had your ideas to keep my family and my people safe. And they have all failed!". I eye every single one in anger and disgust. They let my people rot in the slumps while making the rich even richer. "And lets not forget, you bunch of fuckers, allowed my brother to be assasinated!" I roared, eyes burning with fire. I didn't forget that they had agreed to my brother's willingness to step foot in Ireland while knowing about the IRA intentions to kill members of the crown. "I shall deal with this issue my self" I stated, wanting to end this debate. Yet David had a different idea. "Your Majesty-", "be quiet!" I roared loudly at the Prime Minister immediatly silencing him. I had about enough of him and was getting more and more pissed off. David had instantly casted his eyes away. Hoping I would adverty attention to something else. But I was not done yet. I grabbed his shoulder and dragged him to a nearby window. "Look at those people" I told him and made him look outside the window. "Look at them!" I ordered loudly, feeling him flinch underneath my finger. But he looked out none the less. At the Londoners just continueing their usual day. "They will stop supporting me, if I continue to let you lot run this country" I began and let him go, "Why would they? I'm their King and I just stand aside and make others rule the country, while I life a luxurious life". I begin to stalk around the room, my presence and attitude making all of the men shrink under my gaze. They knew me as a reasonable, patient and calm King. So they have never seen me lash out before. By their faces I was able to tell they now understood that I could be ruthless if I needed to be."What kind of leader does that, huh? What kind of King lets others rule for him?!". Nobody moved a muscle, they stand like statues just looking at the ground and keep quiet. I turn on my heel to face the Prime Minister again. I straighten my back, calm myself down and with no emotion tell him three simple words "you are sacked". His eyes snap up to look at me, shock clearly shining in them. "I beg your pardon?" He replied in a shocked manner, yet still managed to sound arrogant. Again I feel my irritation for this man rise "I am not going to debate this with you, Mr Lloyd George". "The least you could do is explain yourself-" he tells me arrogantly, "I do not need to do anything!" I sneer at him and slam my fist on the desk, "I decide! I have decided! I am your King! And you will obey me!". My eyes have narrowed and I glare at the man infront of me. Forcing him to basically submit, and he does so. Lowering his head down. I raise my chin and take in a deep breath. "Now, as I stated previously, I will deal with this issue myself. No further discussion". I turn on my heel and leave the room. I kmew Tommy wanted to go against Kimber. And I also knew that if Kimber was the first one to be killed, this fued would not continue. After all, Kimber's men are just paid for their work, they are not loyal. They rather not die because of him. Meanwhile Tommy's men would die fighting with a smirk on their faces.

A day later

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
Together with the rest of the gang we walk along the street. With confidence we stride further towards the Garrison. Our polished boots clash in the puddles. Flames burst from a nearby boiler as we pass the factories. We make our way into the pub. "All right, lads, listen up" I call out the the group and in the office a phone begins to ring, but none of us make an attempt to go pick it up, "you have a pint and a chaser, no more. On the house" I tell them and walk behind the bar, again the phone rings again, "alright, let's get pouring" I said clapping my hands together. While I poured some drinks the phone had rang multiple times again and when Harry got the chance he made his way over. But the person must of hung up because before he could answer it stopped ringing. "If its urgent they'll call back" I told the barman with a chuckle. Then all of a sudden a hooded cloaked figure barged through the backdoor with urgency. Because of the hood, none of us could tell who it was. As they walked in further he loudly talked in pure annoyemce and irritation "What's the point of having a phone if you don't fucking pick it up!". Everyone glances between each other realising who the cloaked person was. It didn't even matter that he pulled the hood down, we already knew who he was. "You shouldn't be here, Nick-", he didnt even let me finish and just continued to talk "you are right, Thomas. I shouldn't be here. But never the less, here I am" he answered spreading his arms, "to warn you idiots about the two vans that are driving up the Statford Road at this very moment. It's the Kimber boys and they're heading this way". "Now since the police won't intervene, I thought you could use another man" Nicky stated, "you can't fight in-" Arthur began, "oh no, not me. God, think about the headlines. King turned gangster" Nicholas answered back improvising a newspaper headline, "so I brought someone else". I watched the King turn around and to watch someone else walk inside the Garrison. Someone I didn't expect to see. "Sergeant Thorne reporting for duty, Sir" Freddy answered with a smile plastered on his face. Nick noticed my suprised look. Freddy was meant to be in jail, soon to be hung. "Courtesy of your King" he said laughing and bowed, "now, please. Don't get yourselves killed. I don't have the patience to watch multiple fucking wagons burn" the King told us all sarcastically, before taking his leave. Nicky played his role and now it was our turn to play our roles.

Published: 20th of January 2023

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