Terms and Conditions

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(King Nicholas's P.O.V.)
The new Kingsman opened the car door for me. Reynolds knows that I don't like having car doors opened for me. I can do that myself, I am not a small child needing assistance every moment of my life. But for this time, I let Barnes do his job. I stepped out, fixed my suit jacket, and looked over the run down building. Which had cracks in the walls, broken windows and the paint of the wooden door had withered away. A pang of guilt struck my heart, realising people - my people - lived like this, while I lived in palaces and castles. "Sir, I don't think-" Barnes began but I cut him off, "be quiet" I snapped and walked away from the car. It was clear to me that Barnes did not enjoy being here, which agitated me to no end. Barnes was just an entitled brat, like my brother, and I was going to teach him he is not. I stopped and turned to face him "a Kingsman duty is to be 5 paces behind his King" I told him and then motioned to the space between us "and it seems to me that you are 8 paces". I could see Barnes be annoyed by my comment. But still moved forward to follow me. "Good boy" I responded praisingly with sarcasm, like he was a dog. Behind me, I could here Barnes curse me out underneath his breath. I ignored him and continued further into the building. I had no desire to give attention to him. I walked inside the building and stepped towards the appartment that I saw first. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. "Mummy, who is there?" A young childs voice softly came from behind the door, accompanied by another wailing child. Before the door was even completely open a young boy ran out "You're staying here! Get inside" The mother loudly told the young boy while pulling him back into the house by his collar. A third child kept begging the mother for some attention, not liking that the infant brother or sister was being held by her mother. The mother ignored her begging children and looked up at me. Immediatly shock and suprise flashed her face upon seeing me. She even did a double take to the picture of me that hung on the wall of the kitchen. To make sure it was actually me, her King. "Y-your Grace" she said and tried doing a bow but I immediatly stopped her from doing so, fearing she might drop her infant. Behind me Barnes whispered a correction how she should have addressed me. I immediatly shut him up with a dangerous glance. I turned back to face the stressed out mother. "Does a Mrs Reynolds live here?" I questioned her, "Mrs Reynolds?" She questioned, "never heard of her - would you be quiet" she told me before turning to scold her begging daughter, "my apologies, Your Grace, I just came to live here and - Guys, I cannot even hear myself while all of you are whining - and I don't know any of the neighbours" she told me while juggling between answering my questions and paying attention to her children. "How about Harding?" I asked her, using the maiden name. The small infant in the mother's arms started to cry harder "and now the baby is crying even louder" she said with frustration and tiredness, "Ma'am?" I said gaining her attention quickly, "Harding?". "Sorry, your Grace, I haven't heard of that name, either. I have children of my own to worry about. Maybe you could ask the neighbours?". I nodded and thanked her for her time and handed her some money in return. She looked at my hand and nearly took a step back, unsure of taking the money. "Please" I told her with a soft smile, "for your troubles". I could see her contemplating for a second but soon she took the money from my hands. "Your kindness is appreciated, my King" she told me and bent her neck. After bidding our goodbyes I turned around. A man, carrying some bags, walked up the stairs of the appartment building. "Sir?" I said stopping him in his tracks. "Your Majesty" he greeted me with shocked expression, "it's an honor". "Pleasure is all mine, Mr-" I asked and extended my hand toeards the polite man, "Louis Parker" he told me and shook my hand. "Mr Parker" I said letting his name roll of my tongue as I shook his hand. He immediatly seemed proud that his King had said his name. "Does the name Reynolds or Harding, come to mind?" I asked him and saw him think for a second. Before nodding at me as he pointed upstairs "appartment 201". I bent my head at him and thanked him for the help. Also handing him some money. I turned around to walk away but Louis Parker stopped me, "your Majesty?". I looked over my shoulder to the man who now spoke with nervousness. "May I speak plainly?" He asked at first. I nodded for him to continue, "you're not going to hurt her, right? Mrs Reynolds?" He questioned fidgeting with his hands. I looked at him for a second, studying his facial feautures. "Like the other men that came before you". After his last sentence he turned to go down the stairs. Immediatly after his departure, I quickly made my way onto the stairs to find appartment 201. I spotted the door and knocked on the door. I heard a voice from the otherside of the door, telling a child to listen to her about putting on shoes. The door opened and the a pregnant woman walked out after scolding her child once more, before closing the door behind her. Turning her head to face me she immediatly froze to her spot as she realized it was me. An arm wrapped around her pregnant belly out of instinct to protect the child growing in her belly. My eyes wandered further over her face, bruises and cuts littered her face, even a blue eye was beginning to form as she glared at me with hatred. "Mark isn't here" she told me sharply, catching me out of my thoughts. I could tell there was resentment in her voice. "You should respect your King" Barnes snapped at her from behind me and stepped forward. Making her step back out of fear. I immediatly blocked Barnes off "don't you dare". The entitled man looked me square in my eyes but soon took his place again, knowing I had the power here. I turned my head back to Reynolds wife. "I know he isn't here and I'm-" I was cut of short when a little girl ran out the door. Stopping as she saw me for a second before running to hide behind her mother's skirt. Like her mother, she also had some marks on her little face. In an instance my hand clenched in a fist, anger consuming me as I realized Reynolds pregnant wife and daughter had been hurt. "What do you want from us now, your Majesty?" she asked me still holding resentment and hatred in her voice, "you want my daughter's shoes? The food out of our bellies, what little there is?". "No. No!" I said raising my voice, but immediatly lowering it seeing the child flinch, "it's-", "Mark gave everything to protect you. Everything!" She told me, "but then there came some men demanding to know your secrets. The secrets Mark kept for you that he would take to the grave with him". I could tell she was getting upset and then she stared me right in my eyes. Anger, hatred and disgust shined in them. "He would've never talked if it wasn't-" she sniffed trying to contain her tears, "if it wasn't-". She couldn't find the words to tell me what really happened, but I understood what she was wanting to tell me. When the home office couldn't get needed information from Reynolds, they went after his wife and child. "Pack your bags" I told her simply. She looked at me with confusion. "You and your family will come and live under my roof from now on. Including, Mark". I turn on my heel and walk away, pissed out of my mind at the people who worked for me.

At the Palace of Westminster 

I stormed through the hallways of the palace of Westminster. Which is exactly where the Parliament resides. The doors that lead to the home office where closed, indicating there was a meeting occuring. I could care less and stormed through the doors. Gaining the attention from everyone in the room. "What the hell is wrong with you people!" I seethed in anger, "beating a pregnant woman and her child!". Lord Chamberlain rose to his feet "we where trying to protect you, your Majesty". "By torturing my Kingsman and his family?!". Chaimberlin took in a deep breath before answering "your father, the late King, had requested one thing that allows you to stay ruler of this nation-", "my father is dead. His words or demands are not relevant any longer" I respond harshly. "That may be. But you agreed to his terms and conditions when you took the crown". I eyed him and the others as he continued. "He wrote in his will that you shall marry or atleast father an heir in your first year of ruling this Kingdom. If you don't succeed, you will abdicate. Either by your choice or ours". I scoff loudly "so instead of reminding me of these terms. You decide to take it as an opportinuty to control me". None of them replied to my statement. Just told me their terms and conditions "Considering your state of mind, we needed-". When he accused me of having a weak state of mind I angrily screamed at him.

 When he accused me of having a weak state of mind I angrily screamed at him

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The lord takes another deep breath but continues. "But we needed to take actions to eliminate your immoral thoughts and desires as fast as we could. And we have came up with two option". My chest rises quickly in pure anger as he continued explaining. "Option 1; you marry a woman of your own chosing, but will follow the treatments provided by the royal doctor that will take this sickness out of your mind". Sickness meaning my love for Tommy. "Or option 2; we will release Thomas Shelby and Mark Reynolds, stating that they where accused wrongly of treason against the King. But, you will have a Lavander Marriage with a high-born woman of our choosing". Lavender marriage is an union that conceals any immoral activity or homosexual relationships from the public. I grit my teeth and lower my gaze "I think you know the answer".

Published: 7th of April 2024

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