𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎; 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚕𝚎

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Gripping the edge of the counter, her mind fidgeting as her throat craved for the one thing it desperately wanted in that singular moment. Blood. Her mind craved blood. Her yellow eyes became black within one moment after another.

Forcing herself not to breathe. To take in the scents of others.

Her body all too tense, rigid, she pushes herself away from the counter, slamming into the wall. Shaking hands grab a hold of a vinyl placing it on the record player. The songs of only instruments thrummed against the walls of her confinement.

The music was meant to drown out all heartbeats but her hearing only seemed to focus on that sound. Beating. Thump. Thump. Thump! That was all she heard. Her mind just wanted to smell it. Even if it was a little.

But she couldn't for if she did then she would want to have a small taste. And a small taste goes little ways with an extremely thirsty-vampire.

"My love." Peeling her eyes open, she takes out the final bullet from Jackson's shoulders. Hisses and groans of pain left the werewolf's lips. Turning to her husband with an unreadable look. "You're here."

Grabbing the bloodied clothes and tools she tosses them to a small makeshift fireplace striking a match. She didn't dare talk, didn't dare speak to the man that gave her a sheepish smile. Angry with him for defying simple orders to watch the second generation of Mikealsons and called the one person who deserved a night out.

Jackson crosses his arms slowly healing, commenting, "Trouble in paradise?"

Elijah almost sent a harsh look towards the man. But refrain himself from doing so. "There's still no sign of her?" He takes notice of the lack of the Marshall woman. "I've seen the bodies." So did Rosalice. Every innocent wolf lives taken all for some property.

Jackson lowers his head, sighing, "Hunters set up traps all over the Bayou. Mowed us down with gunfire. ANy wolf that wasn't taken out scattered." There was a look of pain in his features. Not physical rather mental. "Elijah... how many bodies?' No one dared to answer that question. Shaking his head, he said, "A trap wouldn't hold Hayley after she turned back. Nothing would stop her from seeing that little girl. Something's wrong."

Elijah heads towards his wife who watched as the flame grew and flickered towards her indestructible skin that could melt underneath it. The beautiful flickering orange and red and yellows licking her extremely pale skin. Placing his hands on her shoulders, he pulls her away. "Where are you going?"

"To take my niece and children home. Then, I'll continue the search. You stay here, you tend to your dead-"

"No." Jackson states. "I got five hours 'til I'm a wolf again. Elijah, she's my wife."

Elijah was reluctant but ended up agreeing.

[Time Skip]

"I thought I smelled swamp." Were the first words that Klaus had come to say as the three walked towards the balcony. He doesn't dare turn, staring out into the city that's held before him.

Jackson barks out, "What'd you do with Hayley?"

Elijah came with a softer approach. And by soft, in a brotherly way. "Tell me what you know."

The original hybrid finally turns towards them, taking a step away from the balcony and into the warm room. "Has Jackson misplaced his bride?" He gives a coy expression. "Come to think about it, I did read that global warming was affecting migration patterns. Try Georgia!"

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