𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗; 𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚜

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    Two souls never find each other by accident. Right before Elijah left to find his sister, he placed a soft kiss on his wife's lips, murmuring, "My perfect wife, I'll be back tonight."

    Rosalice smiles widely, gushing a little, "I'll be here with them." Jacob, bored as his daughter slept, threw a pillow at them. The married Mikealson caught it with ease, side eyeing the shifter harshly. Her eyes instantly softened when looking back at her wonderful mate. "Go, get her."

    Esme and Alice strung up fairy lights throughout the living room of the compound, whilst the two spoke. The Cullen brother's on tree duty. The three silently cursed at and towards each other. Amusing to say the least, the entire house grew with buzzing noise.

    With that Elijah took his leave making sure each of his children had too gotten a kiss on the head from him. Voices carried from one room to another. Decorations hung and placed that Alice deemed perfect.

[Time Skip]

    Placing her son into her aunt's arm, turning towards the door, her own father calling out, "You don't have to fix Mikealson's problems." Staring into his eyes, she stiffens. "Let them deal with it."

    Relaxing she points out, "Mikealson problems are my problems too—or did you forget that I married Elijah?" Rushes to the living room finding Freya with a broken arm in a makeshift sling. Hayley too now joining. "Hey, I got your text. What happened?" The werewolf-vampire hybrid asks, worriedly.

    Jackson answers, "She got jumped. Three vampires, all dressed like yuppies."

    Both Hayley and Rosalice looked at each other, "The Strix." The two said in sync.

    Nodding his head, "Yeah." Looking at the blonde Mikealson he adds, "She needs your blood." Hayley wastes no time, biting into her wrist and placing it on her lips. Freya drinks the blood, sighing in relief as she heals.

    "You okay?" Rosalice asks, joining her sister-in-law.

    Freya nods. Hayley, smiling at her husband, highly impressed, "Knd of hard to ignore it when someone needs your help, huh?"

    Jackson goes to say something but Freya speaks up before him, "They took it. The Serratura." Sitting up she begins to explain, "I was meeting with a witch from the bloodline who built the lock. I was hoping she could help me destroy it, but it's not possible. She said the only way to get rid of it is to use it. We have to get it back and lock something else away. Anything but my family."

    Hayley groans in annoyance, "Great. Why don't we pay Tristan a visit and ask him really, really nicely?"

    Stepping into the room, Elijah frowns, speaking, "I'm afraid we have a far more urgent problem."

    Right besides him, pale and tired. Smiling at everyone when taking notice of them. "Well, to be fair, I am the prettiest urgent problem you have ever seen." Settling onto the couch besides her older sister, observing as Freya took in the skull-shaped weal on her wrist.

    Rosalice wraps her arms around her husband's waist rubbing soothing circles on his hips trying to calm down his nerves to the best of her abilities. "Give me the bad news, Doc." Rebekah says, preparing herself.

    "Aya's stake was cursed," Freya begins to explain. "It infected you. As this mark grows, you will go mad. Left unchecked, you will become a relentless, unstoppable Ripper."

    Rebekah sighs, rolling her eyes, "Aya always was thorough."

    "The Strix always employ a safeguard. In the event that we were successful at retrieving your body, you were cursed. You see, if one is on a rampage, one is not difficult to hunt." Turning to his sister, with a concerned expression, "Can you fix this?"

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