𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡; 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚜

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Rosalice helped Sage stand up on both of her feet, her legs wobbling a bit. The twins are still learning how to walk. She too helped Salem stand up using her other arm. Her liquid gold eyes landed on Sierra who laid in a rocking baby chair. Smiling, giggling. "Your daddy is gonna miss this if he doesn't hurry up." Rosalice talked to the three of them.

Though she knew why he hadn't returned from speaking with Freya. From learning if this prophecy of his would be waved off. She had heard his mind loud and clear. The Mikealson would fall by a friend, a foe, and by family.

Lowering her hand from Sage and Salem she watched as they stood for a moment. Salem falling onto his bum. Frowning, determined, Salem places his hands flatly on his mother's arm, gripping it, lifting himself up.

She watched the two carefully mostly at Salem watching as he took a wobbly step forward before falling down.

Rosalice smiles softly at the both of them. Experiencing this moment alone. She couldn't help but be saddened at the lack of her husband. Lately with his children he wasn't really present to soak up their firsts. Rosalice had to experience her first pregnancy alone. While her second he experienced his first child being born into the world while she already had experienced. This moment, when taking their first steps, felt the same all over again.

"Dada!" Sage yelled.

Lifting her eyes up to the doorway, Elijah leaned on it watching them all with a soft smile. Crouching to the ground, he holds out his arms for the two, "Come here." He urges, watching proudly as Sage walks towards him. She being the more experienced one at keeping herself steady when standing—when first experiencing it she couldn't be sat down for long, she loved standing. She always needed to be moving.

Walking in a curved line, Sage reached Elijah's arms. Lifting her up to the air he attacks her with kisses. Shrieking laughter fills the room. Salem looks up at his father and twin sister frowning. Rosalice, presses a soft kiss to his temple, humming out, "Let's try again, shall we?"

Rosalice lifts Salem to his feet watching as he takes one step and another. His legs shaking. But Rosalice made sure he still stood, walking to his father who now stood in the same position as he did with Sage.

Salem smiles widely as he falls into his father's arms. Being attacked with kisses. Laughter fills the room just the same as before if not louder.

Settling on the ground, Rosalice glances at Sierra who only smiled, cooing at her mother. "It'll be your turn one day little missy," Rosalice whispers to her. Promising her that she will one day be kissed just like that for each milestone she will ever experience in her life.

[Time Skip]

Entering Lucien's penthouse, the place was much cleaner than when they left it. Both tables were replaced. "Lucien... Come out, come out, wherever you are." Klaus whispers, it sounding menacing.

"What are we playing? Hide and go seek?" Rosalice rolls her eyes.

Alexis a young witch dressed in drapes of silk holding a sly smug smile. "I'm afraid you missed him." Rosalice instantly didn't like her.

"Where is he?"

"At the police station." Alexis answers. "A detective, Kinney, had some questions for him."

"And he allowed himself to be arrested?" Elijah pipes in, skeptically.

Smugly she answers, "He has nothing to hide."

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