𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎; 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚗

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𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚗

     The ice in her veins always seemed to thaw out when she was around him. Her icy rage shimmering down to blissful warmth. While his fiery rage cooled to something so similar. Their limbs entangled like rope. Their fingertips pressing each and every finger following the other movements. Playing a game of move but do not pull away.

     Seeking the other's touch before the babies awoke in the early morning and began their day.

     The original brunette pulled his hand away caressing his mate's face. Staring deeply into her black eyes. "You need to eat." He reminds.

     Rosalice hums, not saying another word.

     Elijah grasps a hold of her hand, kissing the back of it. "Please eat."

     Cupping his face, she assures, "You don't have to watch over me as if I need protection. I can handle what the world has to offer me." She leans down, pressing a small passionate kiss to his lips. "But I'll go to the Bayou and find some deer. Want some?"

     Chuckling, Elijah shakes his head, "I prefer human darling." Pressing a kiss to her temples he pats her outer thigh, "Go. I'll watch them in the meantime."

      Nodding, Rosalice slips out of the bed heading to her closet preparing to hunt.

[Time Skip]

     When Hayley called her and told her to go straight to Lucien she would've come without an explanation given to her but heard it when Hayley panicky informed her Freya was poisoned and they needed to search for an antidote and all the kids were there.

     Trashing Lucien's penthouse. Freya croaks, "It's not here. I can't find it."

    Hayley takes a deep breath calming herself and stares at the woman in front of her. "Calm down. Freya, think. When you were poisoned before, Klasu stole an antidote from Lucien. It has to be here."

     "There's no other place to look. If I can't find the cure, I will die."

     "Freya!" Elijah screams out, all of the brothers bursting into the room. Kol in between Elijah and Klaus heaving him towards the couch.

     Rosalice's eyes found the bitten wound on Kol's neck, frowning at the sight of what had happened to Finn before. Once on the couch, Rosalice searches Elijah looking for the same wound. "Rosalice, darling." Elijah calls her out. "Let's handle this later-" Grabbing a hold of his wrist she lifts it up pulling his sleeve down revealing the same wound.

     Her breath caught in her throat. Her heart thrummed, beating inside her own ears. Panic settling in her own bones. Tears brimming her eyes as she knew the inevitable. Death would always win. And it seemed to take the one she loved, the one her soul was bound to. It seemed her hands were poisoned when she touched someone—death would take them. It always did.

     Knowing the tears would fall and not wishing for anyone to see her cry she rushes to another room closing the door hiding away. Muffles of her sob heard by all with super hearing.

[Time Skip]

     Sitting in a chair Elijah wipes sweat off from his forehead with a handkerchief feeling the excruciating burning sensation of the venom doing its work. Barely having hallucinations. Niklaus enters the room staring at his older brother. "Elijah, Rosalice's attending the four, but I can get her for you."

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