𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚃𝚠𝚘; 𝙷𝚘𝚕𝚍

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     Freya hunched over a table, Rosalice watching her intently feels Elijah coming up on them. "Anything?" He asks. Placing his hands on his wife's hips pulling her into him. He presses a kiss onto her exposed shoulder. And proceeded to press many more.

     "There's too many pieces. Everytime I get close to seeing something, it just fades away," Freya answers.

     Leaning towards his sister, he places a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it. Both tensing, freezing. Rosalice watched the two carefully. Entering the mind of her mate. Voices of echoes. A painting of klaus drips with blood. A grimoire opens with a spell. A shadow figure hunched over stands alone showing Marcel with elongated fangs and dripping blood.

     Elijah pulls away shocked. Moving towards his older sister, he demands, "Finish it."

     Freya takes his hand into her own. Diving back in. Rosalice continues to read Elijah's mind. "You will all fall, one by friend, one by foe, and one by family." It echoes through each flashing vision. Marcel stands on a bridge as nightfall coats the sky. Elijah was weakened by a bite. A blood-faced Hayley standing in the mirror. Rosalice crying in a room by herself muffling herself with her hand. Klaus held down and the abattoir shoved into his chest. Elijah and Marcel clinked their glasses in Marcel's loft before he plunges a stake into Elijah's back. Several closed coffins.

     Both Mikealsons gasp as they pull away, sharing a look of panic. Rosalice stands tense. Staring at both of them. "What the hell did I just see?"

     "Vincent told me he found a way to extract the serum from Aurora, I was busy at the time but if Vincent did steal the serum... if he... gave it to Marcel."

     "We're in trouble."


     The original witch looked through Aurora's body to find any sight of the serum. All of it gone. No trace. Informing her brother, "The serum... there's no trace of it in her. We need to warn Klaus."

     Elijah states, "He's not answering."

     Freya sighs out, "Elijah, the power I stole from the Ancestors, it was enough to deal with Lucien, but that power's faded. If Marcel takes that serum and becomes the beast foretold in the prophecy, I won't be able to stop him"

     "Woah. Woah." Rosalice stares at the two. Both eyes filled with different colors stare at her. "Marcel is our family. And yeah he's hurt but he's also grieving two people he lasts within two days. Back to back." She looks at each set of eyes. "He's not going to lash out unless you give him more of a reason to lash out."

     Though her words fell on deaf ears as Elijah orders, "Locate Niklaus. I'll find Marcel." And with that he left. And so did Freya. Leaving Rosalice standing there to herself.

     Scoffing, she goes upstairs to tend to her children and watch as they continue to show their personality to her.

[Time Skip]

     Finally putting them to bed after yet another failed attempt of getting Sierra to say mama. She waited patiently for Elijah to come home. For him to tell her that she was right.

     But that didn't happen.

     Instead she heard panting and sobs leaving his lips. Pain littering his body. Pain she wanted gone not liking it there inside him. Moving towards the other room, she stares at him. "Elijah." She calls out softly.

     Forgive me. He thinks to her. Dropping to his knees. Crying. Grabbing a hold of the table.

     Instantly she was at his side holding him within her arms. Cupping his face she tilted it upwards to stare into his eyes. Gasping he continues to cry. What happened, Eli? Tell me what happened? Rosalice thought inside of his head.

      Thinking of the memory moments before. Plunging his hand into Marcel's chest he yanks out his heart. "No!" Niklaus screams in agony, in pain. Marcel falling into the river below. Horror filled her eyes as she continued to stare into his eyes. I took his life. I took Marcel's life. Sobbing harder. He hangs his head. And now you see me as what everyone sees me. A monster.

      Rosalice drops to her knees lifting his head once more. You're not a monster Elijah. You're my mate. My husband. The father to my kids. You are so much more than your past mistake. I'm just... you killed my friend. I had to experience two deaths back to back of my own friends and now him. I need time to process it. But I will never view you as a monster. Pressing a kiss to his head holding him close to her. His tears dripped down her clothes as he held her tightly.

[Time Skip]

      Finding him was easy. Rosalice didn't need to peer into his mind to find him. There he was looking down at a city he created with his older brother that took his son's life.

      "I assume Elijah told you. So you understand why I'd prefer to be alone."

     "He's hurting too, Klaus, he's beating himself over it." Rosalice stands besides him, leaning on the railings.

     Klaus spat out, "And had it been one of your children's hearts would you still defend him?"

    "Hey! You killed me, remember?" Rosalice stares at the original hybrid who dared not look at his brother's wife. "Hardly the same as losing a child. But he's hurt."

    "Marcel was a son to me."

     "I told him to not do anything." Rosalice told him truthfully. "But when he sees his family in danger he doesn't listen. He's stubborn. He did what was best for us all. But you have to understand too, you killed people he's loved in the past. Lovers, friends..." Looking back at the city that was filled with music. "He always managed to forgive you. Now it's your turn to forgive him. But I'm here to talk about the moments you two shared. I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to hug. I will always be here for you all. No matter what."

     Klaus stares at her. Seeing no response leaving him, she turns to leave only to be brought into a tight hug. Words leaving his mind, You sound like Camille. Hugging him back, Rosalice drags her hand up and down his back.

[Time Skip]

    "He just needs time, Elijah." Rosalice informs him, stepping into their bedroom.

     The fireplace lit up with dancing wild flames trying to escape its place. "Grief is different when you lose a friend, a lover, and a child." Joining his side. She wraps her arms around his waist. "He'll forgive you. But you need to forgive yourself for doing what you thought was the best action to take." Elijah doesn't say a word, laying his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes soaking up the moment. 


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