𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝; 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗

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Birthed between mortality and immortality. Human and vampire hybrid. Did it really all change whether or not she turned? When she was human she never once thought to drink blood. And now as a vampire she never once thought to eat human foods (with the exception of when she was pregnant.) Was she still more alive than dead? Yet more dead than alive?

It sounded like riddles... her entire existence. Dancing with Tristan, her eyes boring into his with an unreadable look and in turn a look of hunger coated them. It wasn't the kind of hunger that Rosalice was always met with; these were a different kind of hunger that she only met once before.

A human made howl screeched throughout the room. The music cutting off dramatically. Several women dressed up being wrapped around two arms of drunken vampires. A Castle and the one who calls himself king. "I'm ready for my medication," Klaus slurs to a dressed up nurse.

Lucien looks around with narrow drunken eyes, "My God, it's a room full of Elijahs."

Klaus chuckles out, "I had that exact same nightmare once!"

The group laughs hysterically. Rosalice pulls her hands to her side, keeping her eyes trained on her brother-in-law, muttering, "You should go handle that... copycat." She had to get under his skin. It was a normal Rosalice thing to do.

Lucien hand slips from a women's dress with a fuchsia corset. Clearly Rosalice could tell it was Freya. "Go and grab us a drink, love! Feel free to fetch one for yourself."

Klaus slurs once more, "One for me, please! And one for her, and her, and her, and her..."

Freya concealed well heads off. Tristan mumbles an apology and leaves heading towards Klaus and Lucien. "You should, uh, move along. You're not welcome here." Tristan states, giving them a patronizing smile.

"Oh. Oh, okay." Klaus glances over at Lucien. "We're-we're not welcome here-" He laughs loudly. Moving to grab a flute of champagne. "Or maybe you should move along before I make you cry in front of all your little friends." A cackle left his mouth.

"My concern is for your companions. They appear out of sorts without a shiny pole to writhe upon."

Lucien mumbles, "Ohhh, he's suggesting that you're exotic dancers! Which to him, is an insult." He then gestures towards the dancers. "If not hypocritical. But, don't take it personally, love. He finds all work demeaning. The only dignified way to accumulate wealth is by birth." He leans towards Tristan tapping the end of the dressed up vampire. "Boop!" Hysteria fell beneath the drunken. "Isn't that right, Tristan? Hmm?"

"Niklaus!" Elijah calls out, taking a step forward in front of his brother.

Klaus spins in a circle towards Elijah, "What is it?"

Rolling his eyes, Elijah states obviously, "Oh, you're hammered. Which should come as very little surprise to anyone here, but it does hamper the festivities somewhat. So, could I recommend that you find the nearest exit?"

Klaus whispers, "Just..."

"Yes, and could you take your playthings with you too?"

Rosalice slips behind the first line of people standing right behind Marcel, moving to the side so her back was facing him. The dark skinned male eyes flicker to the side down to the back piece, a gold snake chained to never leave its spot unless it was unleashed. Niklaus shoves his glass into Elijah's hands, staggering further into the ballroom. "You know, I used to find it insulting that I was barred from your special little club. But now, I realize that I lack the flexibility to become a member—I could never get my head far enough up my own ass." The original then bows dramatically, laughing. Raising himself he grabs his champagne, tilting his head back and swallowing it in one go. Sighing he then says, "Cheap."

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