𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢; 𝚅𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚖

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    Being abducted was nothing new to her. It happened to her at least twenty times throughout her entire life. It felt like it anyway. As if the world around her had continued to grow cold and only showed her the warmth when it wanted to torment her that she was incapable of such happiness.

    Being led deeper into a forest of unknown trailing right behind Lucien Castle right besides Freya and Vincent. Hands bound. She could break free if she wanted to but she didn't for the sake of her best friend's imprint and sister-in-law. "After all that flirtation this is your idea of a first date?" Freya pokes.

    Lucien laughs loudly, echoing and bouncing off of the bark of trees. "Think of it as a date with destiny, love. Though, I admit, four is a crowd. Vincent is a necessary evil I'm afraid—here to keep you two in check should you misbehave. As for Rosalice I need something from her."

    Vincent barks out angrily, "Yeah, you're leaving out the part where I ain't exactly here of my own volition, man. The Ancestors must have lost their damn minds!"

    "Quite the opposite!" Lucien smiles out of pure glee. "I've never dealt with a saner bunch. See, when I arrived in New Orleans, I made them a deal. UPon my request, they would grant me access to the Regent." He then gestures to Vincent. "And in exchange, I'd provide for them a world without the Originals. Didn't take much convincing. They do despise your family."

    Stopping after a few yards. Looking round smirking. "Ah, we're here."

    Looking around, Vincent asks, "Yeah, but where the hell is here, man?" Irritable clear in his tone.

    Lucien gasps in shock. Disappointment dancing across his features. "What? How disappointing! Two powerful witches who cannot sense when you're treading on hallowed ground?"

    Both witches make eye contact. "Welcome to Mystic Falls. The place where it all began. Where Esther Mikealson created the vampire species. Under the shade of the infamous white oak tree, she crafted the spell that turned each of her children. And I mean to replicate that spell. I have everything I need to become what I deserve to be."

    "You want to become an Original?" Rosalice raised an eyebrow. She couldn't contain her laughter that left her pink lips exposing bits of her fangs. "Your comedic genius Castle. Really funny."

    Lucien hisses out, "Do I look like the sort who'd settle for some shoddy Original model? I intend to be an upgrade."

    "You're insane to think I'd ever help you craft any spell."

    "Oh, no no no. You misunderstand. Vincent will handle the spell." Yanking her towards the basin, he smirks, "From you... I need something a bit more intimate." Sinking his teeth into Freya's wrist. Rosalice watched and was forced to listen as she shrieked in pain as Lucien squeezed the wound for blood. The blood poured down to the stone basin.

    Whimpering in pain. Vincent yells, "Okay. Okay, man, that's enough!"

    Lucien shrugs, "Huh. Right you are. That should just about do it." Dropping her to the side.

    Vincent and Rosalice went to her side. "Here, let me see it." Showing her injured wrist. "Can't you heal her?"

     "My venom will instantly turn her." Rosalice states not trusting her blood one bit. It brought more harm than good.

    "Enough!" Lucien says to the two heading over to the married Mikealson grabbing her bicep harshly, he yanks her towards the stone basin. Moss and greens covering it. Having yet broken since it was first made a thousand years ago. "Show me your beautiful fangs darling."

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