𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎; 𝙵𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚍

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She wanted to run away from her problems. Run away the recurring issue that thundered in her own mind that no one but her heard. Those same words that Tristan de Martel had come said to her had echoed relentlessly and she hadn't dared speak about them. And Elijah hadn't dared say a word to her about it.

Perhaps he was waiting until she felt comfortable to speak of those words. Taking a deep breath she smelled blood. Eyes flickering down to the ground seeing a small pool of blood. Yellow eyes moved everywhere taking in the surroundings.

Chaos and havoc mixed together. A brawl clearly being made. Tables broken. Glass everywhere. Clothing ripped and left discarded. Alcohol coating the air. The chandelier fell breaking, causing harsh noise that Sierra screamed at, crying at the noise. Rosalice quietly hums a soft tune in her ears, bouncing her.

Hearing conversation going on she heads towards the dining room side-stepping past the door. Her eyes caught the three Mikealson siblings. Freya who still held onto an abandoned table leg unscathed whilst the two brothers wore torn ripped clothes dressed in each other's blood. Hair tousled. Clearly looking to take a beating yet healed much quicker than anything. A bite mark on Elijah's wrist.

"Little cold one what wakes you in this dead hour of night?" Niklaus sips his drink.

Rosalice with a deadpan face pulls a patronizing smile, "Oh you know... taking care of my kid who woke up from a nightmare." She then shrugs her shoulders, "Or was it the fact that she conveniently heard you two fighting?"

A harsh glare sent towards the original vampire, who places his glass of blood down, his wound healing miraculously. The brunette Mikealson man gives a sheepish smile reaching towards his fussy daughter. "I'll put her to bed—" Rosalice pulls her away from his grasp. Frowning, he looks at his wife. "What?"

"The blood, Eli. The blood." Giving another sheepish dazzling smile. "Clean yourself up and you'll probably get the chance to put your daughter to bed."

Within two seconds of disappearing Elijah returns fully clean. No blood. His suit no longer ripped to shreds. Reaching out, he grasps a hold of his daughter with a smile. "Hey there little one, let's put you back to bed, shall we?" He coos at her.

[Time Skip]

Picking her nails, she walked alongside Hayley as she murmured down the phone, "Hey, Davina. It's me. I, um, am running a little late, actually, but I should be there soon." Stumbling over her words.

Something in Rosalice's stomach churned, bubbled, screaming at her. Nerves begin to tighten around her body. Telling her to turn invisible. "On second thought, I'll be a little longer." Hayley hangs up, walking down the street.

Heading down an alley filled with abandoned construction equipment. The two rush down towards the end of the alley, turning the corner. Rosalice finally turns invisible, standing right at the corner as Hayley hides. The dark-haired man stepped into the same steps as they did, only his eyes held confusion as he stared down the alleyway trying to figure where the girls went.

Her cold hands lifted up, grasping a hold of the man's face snapping his neck. Appearing, Hayley drops, talking, "Have you've always thought of doing that?"

"No, it just saves time." Picking up the man. "And I don't want to fight anyone at this particular moment."

"Fair enough."

[Time Skip]

Getting to St Anne's Church, Rosalice and Hayley had tied up the man. Within a few moments, Hayley bit him to make sure he would give out answers they needed, using her own blood as leverage.

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