𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗; 𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚜

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    Minds that were filled with thousands of thoughts and little memory were glorious on their own. It was meant for the dreamers that could never simply fall asleep. To those that could never and never wished to undergo the slumber of slipping time. Rosalice had come to sort of like those people. Living vicariously through them. While they dreamed of worlds beyond their own, she was forced to live through this a lifetime of battles from enemies she took in when she took the Mikealson name as her own. As her children were birthed into the world.

    Freya sighs out, "The spell is complete. Tristan cannot cross the boundary of his own will, but we can enter and leave as we please." Elijah crouches looking Tristan more closely at the man. "I took the liberty of injecting him with hibiscus and mugwort to counteract any vervain in his system. All you have to do is compel him to give you the longitude of Rebekah's location."

    Elijah mumbles out, "He says he's immune."

    Rosalice crosses her arms leaning against the table, voicing, You know I could just pluck it out of there.

    Lifting himself up to stand, Elijah shrugs his shoulders, replying, I want to torture him.

    Or I get the longitude out of his head. And we all play pretend as if we don't know it and you can continue whatever you please.

    Elijah lifts his head to meet the eyes of his wife that looked more human than cold one. You've given this much thought?

    It wasn't that hard to think of, Lijah. Rosalice slips from the table, heading up towards Tristan tilting her head towards him.

    Freya instantly said, "Well, then I'll find some other way to make him talk." Only Rosalice and Elijah knew of the plan. The witch picked up an old-fashioned wavy cut dagger.

     "Will you?" Elijah holds out a hand for the weapon.

    Rosalice's eyes bore into Tristan seeing the disturbed hues of blues and harsh black dots seen everywhere in his iris. The man kept his mouth shut, watching her carefully. Slipping a dagger out she overheard, "You're still upset I tortured Aurora without your permission."

    Elijah sighs out, amused, "Oh, Freya. I'm obscenely fond of torture. But yes, when I'm entertaining, I like to be the one to choose precisely when and how we violate the guests-"

    A loud moan of pain left Tristan's lips as a sickening rip of clothing and skin tore through the air. Both Mikealson's look towards the pale skinned woman. Freya held a smug look in her eyes whilst Elijah closed his, sighing in pure disappointment. "I could make it more painful... if you prefer it that way." Rosalice hums out. "Or is this how high your pain tolerance is? I'm kinda disappointed if it is." Her mind went astray as she began reading his mind searching for the longitude.

    Tristan glares at her, "I was so struck by your beauty when I saw you at the gala. And now, after this affront to my person, I'll be forced to finally kill the bitch that survived."

    Raising she shoves the dagger more inwards, leaning closer to his face. Biting her lip, smirking, "Bitch that survived? I like that name, don't you sweetheart?"

    "Remove the dagger from his body, darling." Obeying Elijah, she lifted the blade out of his skin. The original holds out a hand for her dagger. Wiping it clean on her pants, she shook her head. "Dagger please." He asks softly.

    "My knife."

    "What's mine is yours. And yours is mine."

    "Not my fucking knives," Rosalice replied quickly, joining his side. "So how should your dear older sister proceed?"

    Elijah scowls, turning to his older, ordering, "Devastate his body, infiltrate the mind, and steal the information we need. To that end, I've invited a friend."

    Hayley enters the room, holding Hope on her hip. "Elijah, I got your text."

    "Unless she's violently teething, I don't recommend this as a daycare."

    Hayley sighs, "Jack's gone, and I don't know if he's coming back. I also really don't want to talk about it. So, which one of you will take Hope while I take out my anger on this pompous dick."

    Elijah gives Freya a look in which the original witch went over to her niece, taking her into her own arms, "Come here, baby girl." Giving a sympathetic smile towards the hybrid, the witch then leaves.

    Elijah murmurs, "Bon appetit." Hayley snarls her fangs growing, yellow glowing as she sinks her own two teeth viciously into his neck. Screams cutting off the silence.

[Time Skip]

    Slipping the phone to her ear, she looks out of the window, her leg dangling off the edge of it as she listens to her mother, "I'm just worried about you Rosalice, I just don't want anything happening to you." Bella moved on her end, scuffling her feet scraping the ground. "I just need to know you're okay."

    Rosalice counted the three flocks of birds, seven in each, answering, "I'm doing okay, Mom." Dusting off her face from fallen dust. Her yellow eyes swiped away from the birds, the home filling with screams that any vampire could hear.

    "What's the screaming?" Bella asked worriedly.

    Mother's fretting. Rosalice tilts her head downwards, humming out an answer, "Just Mikealson business, as usual."

    Bella's eyes widened as she questioned, "That happens all the time?"

    "Not all the time," her daughter assured. "Just when an enemy shows up and they want answers." She made sure to keep it vague. To keep Rebekah's name hidden. No one needed to know what was going on fully. Unless Alice was of course watching over her through clouded visions.

    Biting her lip, Rosalice caught something in her vision, instantly smiling, "How's Grandpa doing?"

    Bella breathes out a lie, "Getting better."

    "That's good." Rosalice played the part of not knowing the full truth. "Are you coming down for Christmas?"

    "Of course, I'm coming to Christmas. I have to see you and my grandkids." Bella laughs loudly, never imagining herself to say those words whilst looking so young. "I'll be there. Spoiling them."

    "Classic grandma move." Rosalice in turn chuckles out.

     And in that moment with a test playing in between her legs she finally felt happy in life. That nothing could bring her down. That nothing was going to stop this good path. That the world had finally given her, her happiness, her blissful moment. 


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