𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗; 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚡

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    "You're stuck in a dangerous zone that you refuse to leave. A name you should fear rather than wave off, Aberration. As I peer into your future Miss Cullen there is one thing and only one thing, your greatest fear wearing your face. The darkness finally overcoming you."

    Those words now echoed in her mind, banging against the side of her skull. Screaming. Yelling. Staring at herself in the mirror. She did not dare look anywhere to note her face, her features, her figure. She knew what she looked like all too well. A mix of both her parents yet looked a little more like her father.

    In the mirror she stared at her eyes. Her yellow eyes. Liquified gold swirling with shining glitter... those were her eyes—filled with lies. Anger possessed her, overcame her. Throwing her arms she swipes everything off of the counter. Her chest rose and fell in one swoop. Her own body frozen, stuck in lost time. Gulping down the harsh burning venom. The liquid of tears building in her eyes. Yet there was no longer water but rather venom like everything in her body. Venom trapped, no longer moving. Her heart stilled. Her skin hardened and rock.

    She couldn't escape the fate of a vampire. Always thirsty yet never tired. Endlessly restless.

    Her mind craved more as her body grew tired.

    There was a monster inside her that she created once human. A monster, a persona. The ability to kill her own kind with no remorse, no tears. A monster that grew to now kill humans, to drink every ounce of blood in their body and ached for more than just a single body.

    A knock alerted her. Not breathing, she looks over her shoulder, the scent of wet dog and pine tree filling her nose. Hayley stood there with a card in between two fingers. "This is for Elijah," She says, waving off the messy bathroom. Hayley looked at the card once more and repeated the words written out, summoning an awful British accent, "I do hope that you can come, old chum. Signed Tristan."

    Rosalice movements were fast as she snatched the letter, an invitation out of her hands. Her own deceiving eyes glossing over the phrases of calligraphy. "A vampire dropped it off as I was getting Hope." Hayley stared and took in the emotionless stare on the woman's face. "I can take the twins' and Sierra while you speak to Elijah," Hayley suggests. "We can have our own little Halloween party." She then smiles, "Jack got these really cute costumes for them, Goldilocks and the three bears. Sierra can be the little bear, Salem big bear... Sage just right bear and Hope Goldilocks?"

     Rosalice heard every word said to her, she just didn't say a word. Didn't know how to. Her mind astray looking back at what she could've done to Alexis.

    She wished heavily that she could've gotten her mother's control. But in the end she was cursed like her father. To always be thirsting but to never eat. To lose control and hunt. If there was a God then it would have laughed at its creation, at her. As this God gave her a gift of never to be seen and to taunt her victims. A gift that the monster inside her relished and played with.

    Hayley wraps her arms around Rosalice's tightly. Blinking, the married Mikealson looks at the hybrid before her. Their bodies are stone against soft fabric. Lifting her own two arms up, she wraps them around the unsired hybrid.

     Hayley pulls away but keeps her arms there. "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here." She says softly, gently. "Since your family are busy with their unneeding schooling and the baby... and I bet you those two Mikealsons aren't great at comforting."

    Rosalice smiles softly at her and Hayley returns the smile. "Now go, talk with Elijah, I'll take them."

    "You sure?" Rosalice asks. "Cause I can always call him."

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