𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚎𝚗; 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚜𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐

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    Rebirth. Reborn. Reincarnated. It all meant the same thing. To live again. Transitioning into a vampire into a monster was something Rosalice had prepared for ever since her teenage years. Preparing that one day she will die or that she will continue living and stay the age of seventeen years old.

    Pacing the room, those same words had finally hollowed out, had fallen to her lips and allowed her to speak about them. "I think I'm still a hybrid." She confessed in a whisper.

    Hazel eyes filled and mixed with different shades of brown bored into her own eyes. Eyes that no longer held lies but rather truth. A look of indifference in them. His hands fell from fastening the last button. Tilting his head forward, his hair—having yet to be made—fell in front of his pretty eyes.

    His hands promptly place themselves onto her hip, lightly pulling her in. "Do you wish to tell me how you came with that suspicion?" He asks kindly.

    Rosalice pulls away from him entirely. Feeling all too hot. Was that possible for her nature? To feel too hot? God she felt like she was a new shifter, new to the hotter temperatures. It was agonizing.

     Waving herself cool, she begins to tell him everything, "Well... Tristan talked about how much of a prize I am. How I am mortal and immortal. Stuck in the middle. And yesterday with Shen when he sunk his hand into my heart..." Lifting a hand into her hair, she knots her fingers through it, combing it. Trying to calm down her heart. "Don't you hear that, my heart? Smell my blood?"

     Elijah watches her carefully, smelling and listening to the air around the both of them. Freezing he looks at her with an unreadable look yet Rosalice just knew without ever peering into his mind that she was right. That her heart was beating. That there was still blood coursing her veins. Moving towards her once again, he raises a hand, placing it over her heart feeling it as it thrummed to its own beat of life.

     Her body just needed a jumpstart to return back to what it was meant to be. It only made sense that she could continue bearing a child. She wasn't fully dead. But she wasn't fully living.

    Hope ran through her eyes, as the memories of the future came to light, a future they once talked about after having Sage and Salem. Of having four kids. Licking his own lips, his eyes stares down at her, reading her exact thought, "Wanna try it?"

    A smile crept on her naturally beautiful features, a laugh following along with such questions. Not at all prepared to hear those leave his lips.

    Instantly relaxing, Rosalice smiles showing teeth. Elijah in turn smiles, leaning down and pressing a kiss to her lips.

[Time Skip]

    Descending down the steps, Rosalice feet were first to land, Elijah speaking up after she did so, "Welcome to our home! I do wish it was under better circumstances. We all face a common threat—a prophecy warning that my siblings and I would all fall within a year." He pauses looking at everyone individually. "I fear my sister already has."

     A moment of silence fills the room. Elijah's arm wrapping around his wife leading her towards the table. "Only as a precautionary measure, I assure you," Tristan speaks up.

    Elijah stares harshly at the man he created, that helped create him in many ways. "Interesting." He mutters. "You see, I would have called it an entirely unnecessary measure. We need to unite to prevent the prophecy from coming to pass. And, since any alliance is impossible without honesty..." Exchanging a look with his brother, he continues, "Let us begin this evening's proceedings by formally acknowledging your clandestine alliance."

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