𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝙾𝚗𝚎; 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕

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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕

    If she had a list of names of people she would act revenge upon the first person with a red underline on her list would be Lucien Castle. He had caused so much pain in her lifetime. It hurt staring at the body of Camille O'Connel. A person who has become a friend with time.

     But then again anyone that became Rosalice's friend or family had the tendency of dying on her. The only exception was those that knew how to fight for their life. Had been fighting for their life before she came into the picture.

     Clearing her throat. "I'm sorry we couldn't save you," She starts off with. "I'm sorry death had decided to claim such a nice perfect soul compatible with the Mikealsons. You shouldn't have been dealt the hands you were given. I will tell my children about you. Tell your stories." Grasping a hold of the same temperature hands. "I will kill Lucien Castle for you, I give you my word Cami." Rising, she places Cami's hand back under the sheet. "Goodbye, my friend."

[Time Skip]

     There was fire in her heart that burned her entire body. Her mind was covered with thoughts of vengeance and revenge. Only noticing Kol covered in blood and Marcel arriving at the compound. Begging to help them raise and bring back Davina.

      Elijah besides her shook his head, "This is a war. Please, understand, I despise the situation."

     Kol yells, "No, that's the wrong answer!"

     Kol takes a threatening step forward, yelling once again, "What if it was Rosalice! What of then? Would you save her from the same fate Davina is currently in? Or would you allow your wife to be tortured by the ancestral witches?"

     Elijah tenses. Looking away from his brother. Not daring to answer that particular question. Kol takes another step forward. Marcel this time placed a hand on Kol's chest stopping him. Speaking up, "no, no, no, I know this is a war but I've lost a lot of friends, too. Today I need your help."

     "Then you shall have it." Klaus walks into the room. "Come on, Kol. Let's get you cleaned up." Taking his brother upstairs.

     Marcel stares at both Elijah and Rosalice murmuring, "Thank you."

      Rosalice takes a step forward, placing a hand on the man's shoulder, squeezing it. "Of course Mars, your family. We will always help you." The two exchanges smiles.

[Time Skip]

     Appearing in the backseat, Rosalice tips her head in the middle of the front two passengers speaking, "I would go faster than that."

      Hayley screams while Klaus jumps both turning their head towards the hybrid. "How did you get in the car?!" Klaus hisses out angrily.

     "While you and Hayley were arguing I turned invisible and got into the backseat." Rosalice answers seriously. Leaning forward. "Press on the gas, and take the 16th. The 16th has a one way and fewer cars so you can speed down it over eighty."

     "How do you have a license?"

     "Aunt Alice gave it to me after I learned how to drive."

     "Of course. You Cullens drive like maniacs." Hayley slumps in her seat. "Why don't you drive a motorcycle?"

     "It's at the Reservation in Forks."

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