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Y/N L/N is the newest resident of Home and has already made a couple of friends so far.  

Today they have plans with the local painter, Wally Darling. Y/N is going over Home to meet up with Wally and set off to go paint and pick apples in the nearby forest.  

  Your P.O.V:

I woke up, knowing that I had to get ready soon to meet Wally at Home.  

I sigh, slightly from the fact that Home still scares me, knowing that Home can see and respond to what I am saying. 

I get from my bed and got dressed, brushed my teeth and hair, and washed my face. 

I walk into my stained glass studio and then grab my paint-splattered apron hanging on the back of the door. I also grab my watercolor paints, canvas, paintbrushes, and anything else that I will need for painting. I put all of my tools and paints into my art bag, put on my shoes, and left my house to hang out with Wally. 

I wave to Julie Joyful who was hanging out with the town's actress Sally Starlight and nod to our mailman Eddie Dear who is married to our butterfly expert Frank Frankly. He tips his hat at me and walks along the yellow sidewalk. I run along the sidewalk until I reached Home. 

 I walk up to Home and waved, and of course, they open and close one of their shutters as they waved back. We had a minor staring contest until I look away, feeling awkward. I smile and put a hand on their front wall. But as I did, I heard mumbling, like there are multiple people inside of Home. I looked up at Home, concerned. 

"Home, why is there more than one voice inside?" I ask. Home only looks down at me as if they are scared for me. I hear the front door open and closed and I turn around to face Wally with his art supplies. He looks up and Home and waves.

"Alright Home, me and Y/N are going now." As he says that he grabs my arm and tug. I follow him into the forest. 

"Are you ready neighbor?" Wally asked while practically dragging me farther into the forest. 

"Haha, yep! I am ready to paint and to hang with you, Wally!" I chirp while walking with Wally. Then we stop at the edge of a lake. 

"This is a perfect place to paint, Wally!" I gave him a closed eye smile.  I placed my bag on the ground. I stood up straight to face Wally. 

Then I feel his hand on my cheek and I open them to see Wally slightly blushing and smiling at my reaction. I gently put a hand on his hand and melt into his touch. His smile widens and moves closer to my face. 

"Uh, Wally, you're a little close." I  was trying to scoot back but he wrap his other arm around my waist pulling me closer to the point our chests were touching. I move my hand from my face onto his chest, trying to stop moving us closer. He removes the arm around my waist to grab my hands and shoves me to the ground, and decides to sit on my lap. 

"Wally! Let me go!" I yell and try to wiggle away from him but his grip tightens. 

"Wally stop! That hurts!" I whimper. Wally finally notices and releases my hands and got off my lap. 

"I am so sorry neighbor! I did not realize that I was hurting you!" He looks like he was about to cry. I immediately sat up and hug him. Wally being Wally, processes to go limp.

"No, please don't cry, Wally!" I whisper. He sniffs once and hugs me back. Then Wally pulls back and smiles. I smile back a little and he gently grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. My face instantly burns from embarrassment. Wally chuckled and gets up. 

"I think neither of us wants to paint anymore." Wally offers his hand and I accept. He pulls me up off the ground. 

I grab my stuff and Wally grab his art supplies and we head out of the forest. 

"Hey Wally, can we have a sleepover soon?" I ask softly. Wally's eyes widen and he turns to look at me. 

"If we have it at your house yes, but if you want to have it at Home, then sorry no," Wally answers my question. I tilt my head a little. 

"Why not?" I ask, confused. 

"Well, I have...things that will get in the way of our sleepover." Wally looks away. He looks scared. Then I remember the voices inside of Home today. I need to ask Wally before I get home. 

"Hey, Wally? I have a question. Can you stop for a minute?" We stop and Wally faces me. 

"So. What did you want to ask me, neighbor?" Wally tilts his head. 

"Well, today I was outside of Home and heard voices other than yours. Were there people inside of Home other than you?" I ask him. Wally's eyes darken. 

"You should have not heard them," Wally starts to walk towards me, threatening. 

"W-Wally. Please stop. You are scaring me." I back up into a tree. Wally stalks up to me and pins his hand next to my head. 

"You are not going anywhere, (Y/N). But I can't have you telling the others about them, so I guess I will have to take with me back to Home. I think the others will love you." His voice is husky.

"Wa-Wally! What do you mea-!"Before I can finish my sentence, he injects something into my neck, causing me to collapse. 

"Have a good sleep, my dear." That is the last thing I heard before passing out.    

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