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Previously from What:

"Wa-Wally! What do you mea-!"Before I can finish my sentence, he injects something into my neck, causing me to collapse.

"Have a good sleep, my dear." That is the last thing I heard before passing out.


Your P.O.V

I sit up, feeling nauseous. I rub my head with a headache pounding in my head. I groan and fall back into the bed. I look around the room, realizing that I am not in my bed, or in my bedroom. I also don't think I am in my house. 

I get up from the bed but something is stopping me from getting up. I look at my leg and saw a chain wrap around my ankle. I pull on the chain, hoping that it is loose, but no, of course, no. 

I roll my eyes and sit back on the bed. I look down at my hands and feet, seeing if there is any dirt or grime stuck in my nails. Then I look at the bed to see if the bed or room has a hint of where I am at.

 I faintly smell apples and hairspray, just like Wally. But Wally smells more like apple pie than hairspray. I conclude that I am inside Wally's bedroom or one of his guest rooms. 

Then the door opens and my head snaps to look at the person. Standing in the doorway is a version of Wally that has a lab coat, a black turtleneck, black jeans, and an artificial arm and hand.  He looks at me and I look at him. He walks up to the bed and grabs my leg. He pulls on my leg, causing me to get closer to him. I flail around trying to get away from him. 

"Calm down! I am not going to hurt you, so stop struggling." He growls putting pressure on my leg. I stop, freezing. 

"There, the chain is off. What that so hard?" I look at my leg, seeing that the chain is off. I look up at him. But I can't look into his eyes for a long time. 

"Th-Thank you, sir." I look at my hands, intimidated by his gaze. 

"My name is Rainbow Factory Wally or RF Wally for short, shorty. So, what is your name, dearly?" I slightly blush at the pet name but answer. 

"My name is (Y/N). It is a pleasure to meet you, RF." I look into his eyes, noticing his eyes are a deep red. 

"Your eyes are a beautiful red." He slightly blushes and looks away. I smirk at his reaction. 

"Heh, cute." His eyes snap up to look at me. He then smirks and jumps on top of me. 

"Uh, RF, what you doing?" I blush from embarrassment. He gently puts his artificial hand on my cheek, rubbing his hand on my cheek slowly. With his other hand, he pulls a strand of hair out of my face. and tucks it behind my ear. A very loud and annoyed voice yelled through the door. We both look at the door.  

"Hey RF! Are they f-cking awake? I want to meet Original's friend!" RF looks back down at me and whispers in my ear.  

"Are you ready to meet the others, dear?"               

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