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I close the door and change into sleepwear. I climb into bed and fall asleep thinking of our conversation. 


Priest P.O.V

I get up from bed and I dress for the day. I check on Berry, who is still sleeping. I kiss her on the cheek and enter my closet to worship our Lord and Savior, Home. I do this for about an hour or until Berry wakes up. 

"Dad? Are you praying to Home again?" I can hear Berry's voice outside of the closet. I get up from the ground and exit the closet. 

"Hi, sweetie, how are you doing?" I highly kiss her forehead and pick her up. 

"I am doing good, Dad. How about you?" She looks at me with her cute eyes. I chuckle and answer. 

"That's is always to hear and I am good. Do you want to go to the kitchen, and we can get some breakfast." I say and she nods. 

"But before we go, you need to change out of those PJs and brush out those tangs in your hair, okay dear?" I say to her. She nods and gets down. I walk into the bedroom, waiting for my child. 

There was a knock at the bedroom door as I was waiting. I get up and open the door. Opposite was standing there, looking worried for once.

"What do you need, Opposite?" I ask, slightly tilting my head.

"I might have messed up RF's drink and now he is about to kill me. Can you hide me here, please?" Opposite begs, on his knees. My eyes widen and I move from the door to let him in. He gets up and walks in. 

"Thanks. Wow, your room has a lot less 'Home' stuff than I thought you would have." I roll my eyes and snap. 

"Just because I pray to Home does not mean I am obsessed with them. My goodness, is this what you guys think of me? Obsessed with Home?" I roll my eyes once more and sit on my bed, still waiting.

There was a pounding at my door. Opposite's eyes widen and he him under the bed. I get up once again and answer the door. 

RF is standing there with a glint in his eyes which can only mean he is not happy. I gulp.

"Yes, RF? Do you need something?" 

"Where is he?"


"You know who, Priest. Now where, the h-ll, is OPPOSITE!?" He yells. I back up a bit and snap back.

"One, do NOT yell at me. Two, Berry is getting ready for the day I do NOT need her to hear your yelling and THREE how would (Y/N) react if they see you like this?! I bet they would not like you very much right now, huh? Also, ask nicely. But if you MUST know, he is under my bed."

Rf pushes past me and grabs Opposite's leg and yanks him out. 

"You traitor! I thought I could f-cking trust you!" Opposite yells as he is pulled by RF down the hallway. I roll my eyes and facepalm. 

"Are these the people I have to live with, Home?" I hear footsteps behind me and Berry was nice and ready for breakfast. 

Hey Dad, do you think (Y/N) will be at breakfast today?" Berry asks me. I scoop her up and tell her this. 

"I don't know, sweetheart. They did escape and Orgainal was not happy with them, so why knows, my dear. Now, you ready for breakfast?" She nods and we walk in the hallway, leave the hallway, pass the living room, and into the kitchen and dining area.        

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