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Previously from Sleep:

I head into my bedroom and change into some shorts and climb into my bed and fall asleep, thinking about (Y/N)'s situation.   



I should find out more about (Y/N). They seem to be kind, shy, and nervous when meeting new people. I want to make sure that they are okay. 

Original by not like to talk about this but he needs to calm his jealousy. He already killed Poppy to show his darling that no one can get in his way and that he was jealous that his neighbors were hangout with (Y/N) more than him. 

I roll my eyes and get up from the dining table, grabbing my dishes and putting them into the sink. 

I walk into the living area and sit on the couch. I notice that are is someone that was already sitting in one of the chairs. It was Preist with Berry sleeping with her head on his lap. He looks up from Berry's sleeping form and nods to me. 

"How are you doing, Father?" I ask, quietly. 

"I am good. The lord, Home has been good to Berry and I." He whispers. I nod and look down at Berry. She slightly moves and stays still. 

"I wish I can have a child like yours, Father. Berry is very sweet and kind to others." I look back up at him, to see him smiling and slowly running his figures through her hair. 

"May I?" I point to her. Priest nods and carries Berry over to me and rests her head on my lap. I gently and slowly run my figures through her soft hair. She sighs and turns towards me. I smile and keep doing that while Priset and I have a convention. Then he brings up (Y/N). 

"What do you think of (Y/N), KP?" Priest asks, eyes staring directly at mine. 

"I think (Y/N) is shy when it comes to meeting new people but is a good person," I answer. I look down at Berry. 

"Do you think Berry likes them?" I whisper. 

"Yes, I do think Berry likes them, if not love them as a friend or a parent." He pauses, "I also like (Y/N). I think they are a good influence for Berry and Original. I do wish that they would stop trying to leave. We don't need Orgainal to hurt them and then them being scared of all of us." Priest gets up. 

"I think it's best if we let Orgainal on his own devices and we make sure that (Y/N) does not get hurt or develop PTSD from us." Priest walks up to me and picks up Brry. 

"Good night, Father. See you and Berry in the morning." 

"Good night, KP." Priest and Berry enter the hallway and disappear. I then get up, enter the hallway, then enter my bedroom. I close the door and change into sleepwear. I climb into bed and fall asleep thinking of our conversation.         

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