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I look at my bedroom door, seeing the door open. There stand a person that was in the doorway I quickly close my eyes, trying to pretend to be asleep. I hear footsteps walk up to my bed. The person climbs over me and cuddles me from behind.


I can feel the person's breathing. I take a deep breath and punch the person in the balls multiple times.  The person groans and curls up in a ball.

"S-Stop neigh-bor." Just by voice alone, I know it is Lovesick. Lovesick slowly gets up from behind me and flips me onto my back. He pins my hands above my head and rests his head on my chest. Lovesick lets go of my hands and hugs me closer to his body. I can feel his breath on my torso. He moves his head to look up at me with hearts in his eyes. 

"You know... you ca-can get sick fr-from me, (Y/N)." Lovesick slurs. I roll my eyes and was about to fall asleep when Lovesick scoop me up off of my bed. My eyes shoots open when he did that. 

"Lovesick, put me back down, now." I wiggle around, trying to get out of his arms, but he tightens his grip. 

"Oh no, neighb-or, Orgainal needs you to come back. He has already k-illed Poppy and was about to ki-ll Howdy if KP did not s-stop him. You should count yourself luck-y, sweetheart that Orgainal loves you very much." Lovesick says. 

I can feel the tears falling down my cheeks, grieving for Poppy who was like a mother to me. I move closer to Lovesick and he cuddles me closer. He gently wipes the tears away and hushes me quietly. 

He gets up from the bed, me still in his arms, and walks out of my bedroom and then out of my house. I grip Lovesick's rope tighter. He looks down at me and I look up at him. He smiles like a drunk person. 

"Hey, Lovesick? Can I give you a nickname?" I ask, ready for him to say no. 

"S-Sure. What's the n-ame, heh." 

"Can I call you Lovey?" I whisper, feeling tired. Lovesick's breath hitch and he stops. 

"Ye-Yes. You call me that if I can call you sweetheart." I have to think about it for a moment and I nod. He smiles once more and continues to Home. 

By the time we arrive to Home, I am half-asleep. Original is waiting for us to arrive and is sitting on the doorstep. He was not happy to see Lovey carrying me. Orgainal instantly grabs me out of Lovesick's arms and into his. Organallightly kiss my forehead and carry me down into the basement. 

Inside the basement is two chairs with a matching table, and a bed with (F/C) sheets with matching pillowcases. There is also a bedside table with a lamp and a chandelier in the center of the room. 

Orgainal sets me on the bed, and pulls the sheets up to my chin. I shift slightly, trying to get comfortable in the bed. He comes back with a pair of thick socks and a rope. He pulls off my socks and puts the socks onto my feet. He then ties the rope around my ankle and then ties the other end of the rope to the bedpost. 

Once Orginal was done, he gets up and walks out the door. I close my eyes and finally sleep.          

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