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From Scream:

"Take a deep breath (Y/N). The soon I get this done, the sooner the pain will disappear." They nod and take a couple of deep breaths. I look down at their arm, take a deep breath, and snap it back into place.

They let out a scream and start to pant. I run my hand on their face and kiss them on the cheek. Then they begin to cry and I hug them and pull them onto my lap. The door bangs open and the other Wallys enter the room.   


Opposite P.O.V:

I look up to see that (Y/N) and Preist wrap in red strings. I narrow my eyes, mad. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I open my eyes and glare up at them both.

"What the h-ll are you going to (YN)!" I yell up at them. Priest turns his head and looks down at us. 

"I was just finishing setting their arm in the correct place because Orgainal dislocated it. "Priest asks and runs his hands up and down their back as they curl up in a ball. 

"Home, lower (Y/N), but drop Priest, please." KP growl. Home did do asked and lower (Y/N) while Priest fall to the floor, onto his a-s. I laugh a bit and turn to (Y/N). I walk past everyone and pick them up. They shift in my arms and resettle. I run my hand up and down their arm and pull them closer to me. I look up at the others 

"I think it's f-cking time to kill the other neighbors and let them choose which AU they will live in. And Orgainal, you have to live with one of the other Wallys but not me." I growl handing them as close as they can to my body. Orgainal glares at me and nods. 

"The problem is, I want my neighbor to live with me along with someone else. But nobody will want me to live with them." I roll my eyes and growl, 

"What if we make an AU where this little dumba-s that is in my arms can't leave and we can visit them or live with them? We can also make the other neighbors, but we make them only love them as a friend so they don't get depressed, you know?" I say. They all look at each other and nod. 

"All right but who can we do that, smarta-s?" RF asks, clearly not happy. I roll my eyes and shove  (Y/N) into his arms. 

"I don't know, you are the smarta-s here, not me," I growl, body tensing. 

"Calm down, ladies. (Y/N) is still in our presence." Mafia says grabbing onto my shoulder. I scoff and pull away. 

"RF and I can try to make an AU made for them and then ask them if they want to move into AU or move with one of us." Mafia looks at RF and RF nods.

(Y/N) shifts and looks up at RF and grabs onto his turtleneck. Original walks up to RF and reach up of (Y/N). Rf chuckles and hands (Y/N) into his arms. His smile widens and squeezes them slightly. 

"Ow, Original that hurts." (Y/N) whimpers. 

"Oh, sorry love." Original apologies and kiss their forehead. He looks up at RF and Mafia. 

"Can you get started on the AU soon?" Orgainal asks. Both of them leave the room then soon everyone left the room except me, Orgainal, and the lovely (Y/N). Lovesick reenters the room and walks up to (Y/N).

"Back off Lovesick, you are going to get (Y/N) sick."Orgainal backs up a little bit. 

"But I wan-t to h-hold them, heh." Lovesick giggles. Orgainal look at me and I shrug. Orgainal turns back to Lovesick and gently hands (Y/N) to him. Lovesick's smile widens and cuddles them closer to his body. He leaves the bedroom and heads into the hallway. I follow him, making sure he is not going to force himself upon them. He heads into his bedroom with them and closes the door. 

I turn around to see Orgainal doing the same as me. I jump a bit and scoff at him. I walk into the living room to see a (F/C) portal. RF turns to me and his eyes hold a question. 

"Where is (Y/N)?" Rf asks.  

"They are with Lovesick right now. I think Lovesick is cuddling with them." I answer. Rf nods and nudges Mafia. Mafia looks at him, tilting his head a little. 

"Can you get (Y/N)? They are in Lovesick's bedroom." Rf tells him. Mafia nods and heads to Lovesick's bedroom. 

"So, is this the portal to the new AU?" I ask Rf. Rf nods and sighs. 

"I am scared for them. They have so many injuries that could end up getting infected, and that can lead to death." R says, his body slightly shaking.  widen my eyes realizing he sees them as a child and he is their father and the fact he lost Ophelia. I roll my eyes and walk up to him. 

"Doon't worry one of your Poppys can patch them up," I say, trying to comfort him. Rf nods and his body stops shaking.

Then footsteps echo into the living area. I see Orgainal looking at (Y/N) who is being carried by Lovesick. Mafia is behind them along with Kp and Priest, who is holding Berry's hand. 

"Lovly, can you put me down now, please?" They ask. Lovesick giggle and sets them down.  RF clears his throat and looks at them. 

"(Y/N), this AU is about to be destroyed so you have the option of living inside of the new AU me and Mafia made for you, or you can live with one of us and Orgainal will move in with you, and the other person, or the AU," Rf explains. 

"So I can either live in the AU you guys made me or with somebody else along with Orgainal?" They summarise. RF nods. 

"Well, then I choose..."                           

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