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"(Y/N), this AU is about to be destroyed so you have the option of living inside of the new AU me and Mafia made for you, or you can live with one of us and Orgainal will move in with you, and the other person, or the AU," Rf explains.

"So I can either live in the AU you guys made me or with somebody else along with Orgainal?" They summarise. RF nods.

"Well, then I choose..."


"Well, then I choose the AU," I say. The Wallys nod and some of them head into their rooms and start collecting their stuff. 

Original wraps his arms around my waist and guides me to my house. 

"All right we need to get your stuff together and then we can head to our new house. I think you will love the new AU. It has (Favorite Restaurant) and (Favorite Mall). I think we are also sharing a house. Thank Holy Home that Home is only a church.  By the way, do you want to go to church?" Original lasks, while grabbing stuff off the shelves in the living room. 

"WALLY! Put that stuff down. I want to grab my stuff for the art studio and some stuff for the bedroom. Not the stuff on the shelves, okay? I head into the studio with Original. He looks around and gasps. 

"Your studio is so pretty! I bet I can get RF and Mafia to build a studio similar to this but bigger for the two of us. If you want, I can grab all of your other art supplies. OH! I forgot to tell you, I have your art bag in my bedroom. So after we are done packing we can grab it and then head to the new house, okay love?" Orgainal asks. I nod and head into my bedroom and start packing clothing, bathroom items, and other things. After an hour, I am done packing my stuff and head into the studio to see Orgainal finishing the last of the packing. 

I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around him and he goes limp in my arms. I giggle and pull him up onto his feet. I let him go and he falls onto the ground, flustered. There is a knock on the studio and I turn around to see KP and Lovesick standing there. 

"Hi, you two. Can you help me and Orgainal bring my stuff to the house that I moving into, please" Thank you, pretty boys!" I say and grab some of my stuff and head to Home. 

"W-Wait! (Y/N) get back here!" Lovesick yells. I take off running and reach to Home and they open the door and close it behind me. 

The portal is still open when I enter Home. I take a deep breath and walk into it. 

The new AU has a new neighborhood. I see Howdy's store and I could feel the sadness in my body. I sigh and then walk along the pathway. I reach a house that looks exactly like mine but this one is bigger. I walk to the door. I open the door and see it has the exact layout of my old house. I walk into my bedroom and start unpacking my stuff. After I finish unpacking there more footsteps enter my house. I leave my bedroom and see Sally and Barnaby in my house. 

"Hi! Do you need something?" I call. Both of them look at me and Sally waves at me.

"Hi there new neighbor! My name is Sally Starlet and this is Barnaby B. Beagle." I nod to them and smile. The footsteps enter the house behind them. 

"'Cuse me I need to get in the house," Orgaial says as he squeezes past everyone and heads to me.

"I have the rest of our bed and bathroom stuff. He whispers and walks past me and walks into our bedroom. 

"Alright, I think that is our quote to leave!" Sally's bright voice says and drags Barnaby out of the house. Lovesick and KP walk into the house and see me waiting for me. 

"H-Hey (Y/N)! Where should we pl-ace your stuff." Lovesick asks, with hearts in his eyes, with pink stuff dripping out of his mouth. 

"One, get a face mask, and two fellow me." I walk into the art studio. It is bigger than the one at my old house. Both of the boys place my stuff and leave. I unpack my stuff for the art studio. Original walks in and starts to place his stuff in the art studio and hands me my art supplies bag. I place all those things in their place. After we are done, Orginal grabs my hand and leads me around the neighborhood, pointing at all the new buildings, like the new church for Home and where the other Wallys are living. 

"I hope you know RF ad KP is not doing to stay full-time. They still have a place to look over." Orgainal informs me and I nod. 

After a while, I have gotten used to everyone and the fact I can not ever leave. Eventually, I got adopted by RF unofficially, I am married to the other Wallys and I have taken Berry as my daughter. 


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