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From the last chapter:

For the past week, I have only drunk the drinks Orgainal. He has now started to panic and think that I am sick. But I am not, just defining him least notably. Speaking other devil, he should appear, I can hear Oragainal's footsteps outside of the door.  


I turn to look at him. 

"Dear, can you please eat something? You are starting to lose weight, and it is concerning to the others and I that you have not eaten anything. What must I do to get you to eat? Do you was your favorite food? Do you want someone else to make your food? WHAT do you WANT for me?" Orgainal's eyes fill with tears as my blank expression does not change. 

He walks over to where I am sitting on the bed He gently places the tray of things for me and the bedside table like he has done with the other trays of gifts. I watch as he sits next to me. 

"(Y/N), can you PLEASE tell me why you have not been eating at least? And do NOT tell because you are 'NoT hUnGaY'." Orgainal mimics my voice. 

I turn away and whisper, "I am not hungry, okay? I don't get hungry often." 

Original snaps and starts to yell at me and I flinch slightly. Then a stinging pain flashes across my cheek. My head turns with the force of the blow. I now could feel tears run down my cheeks as I lift a hand onto my cheek. I hear Orgainal slightly gasps and try to reach out and touch me. 

"Get...out, Wally. Before I get violent and hit you back." I growl slightly. 

"But, (Y/N)-"

"GET OUT!" I snap, glaring at him. He gets up, backing away. I glare at him until I could not hear or see him. After he left, I sob into my hands. I feel my check, making sure it is not swollen. After that, I grab the clothing that Wally has brought me and change. It is the same outfit that he tried to give me on the first day of being here. 

Original's P.O.V:

Why did I hit them? I did not mean to! I was so scared and angry that they would die. I enter my bedroom, climb into bed, and start to cry. I hear knocking at my door, but I ignore it. Then the knocking turns into banging. I sit up.

"W-What do y-you WANT!?" I yell at the person. 

"It's only me, Original. God d-mn, can I come in?" RF says through the door. 

"Fi-Fine." I stutter. RF enters and closes the door. He turns towards me. 

"What did you do to them?" RF asks. I look up at him. 


"What did you do to them? You do not cry unless you did something bad to them, so what did you DO, Wally?" I gulp.

"I accidentally hit them, because they still did not eat. I was very scared and mad, but I swear, I did not mean to hit them!" I quickly say. RF slowly nods,  not happy, but not too mad at me. 

"I am going to see them and hear their end of the story. After that, I will talk to the others about this. We do not need (Y/N) to be scared of all of us." RF explains to me. I nod and rest my head on the pillow. 

"Goodbye, Original". RF says then gets up and leaves.  

Living Is Harder Wally AUs x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now