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Previously from 'Really?':

Mafia places me in front of Orgainal's door and walks off. I open the door to Orgainal sitting on the bed.  


"So, what did Mafia do to you?" Orgainal growled, getting up from his spot on the bed. 

I was ready to run to RF's room if I needed to. 

"Nothing, he made me and Berry breakfast and escorted me here," I answered turning around to close the door. Once I did I turn around to see Orgainal pressing his body against mine. My breath hitched as I tried to move away from him. He shoved his hand right next to where my head I. Then he placed his other arm next to my waist.

"Wally, you need to move so I can get dressed. I smell horrible. I must also wash my face and brush my hair and teeth." I tried to move under his arm but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to we I was standing. 

"No, not until you agree to be mine. Or one of the neighbors will take a permanent sleep. Do I make myself clear, my dear?" Orgainal whispered in my ear. I feel my eyes lift at the threat. I slowly nod, and Orgainal moves back. 

I was about to move before he grabs my arm and I turned to look at him. He grabs the back of my neck and gently pulled me to a kiss. 

I had enough of being assaulted so I shoved him away, opened the bedroom door, and run down the hallway. I did not stop until I reached the door to exit Home. I looked around to make sure no one was around before glaring at Home. They notice that I was not afraid of breaking a window to get out so they unlock the door. I pulled open the door and took off sprinting down the lawn onto the sideway. 

I did not stop until I reach my house door. I open the door, turn, lock the door, and then walk around the place, locking every window I see. I made sure that everything was locked and I walked into my bedroom. 

I got my comfort clothing from my dresser and enter the bathroom that is attached to my room. I walked in and got out of my dirty clothing. I shiver from the cold and enter the shower. I turn on the shower and set it to the right comfortable temperature. I quickly shore, then turn off the shower. I dry out my body, get dressed, brush out my hair, and blow dry it. Then I brush my teeth.  

I reenter my bed and flopped onto the bed. I flipped over to look up at the ceiling. My mind races at the fact I ran away from the Wallys. But still, I feel violated and I feel the tear starting to form. I quickly wipe them away. I took a few deep breaths and calm down. 

I close my eyes before my stomach growled. I sit up, swing my legs off of my bed and step onto the hardwood floor. I head into the kitchen to grab my favorite snack. I enter my kitchen and grab my snack from the pantry. I left the kitchen and enter my bedroom once again. 

I look outside my window to see the sun setting. 

I ate my snack quickly and placed my dish on the bedside table. 

I look down at my clothing to see if I can sleep in it. I decide I can so I grab the bedsheets at the end of the bed and pull them up. I climb into my bed and pull the sheets up to my chin. I close my eyes and fell asleep. 

But the sound of a window breaking woke me up. I open my eyes, not wanting to get up from my bed. I look at my bedroom door, seeing the door open. There stand a person that was in the doorway  I quickly close my eyes, trying to pretend to be asleep. I hear footsteps walk up to my bed. The person climbs over me and cuddles me from behind.                        

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