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"Hey RF! Are they f-cking awake? I want to meet Original's friend!" RF looks back down at me and whispers in my ear.

"Are you ready to meet the others, dear?"


RF offers his hand out, and I accept it. He gently pulls both of us off the bed and got us standing, ready to walk out the door. He turns his head to look down at me. I look back up at him. 

I realize I never asked how tall he is. So, I ask him.

"Hey, RF. How tall are you?" His eyes widen and then chuckles once. 

"Ha, I am 6'11"." He answers. My eyes widen at his height. 

"God, dang." I turn my head away from his direction. I heard him sigh. 

"Can we get moving, please? I want to beat the living crap out of Wally." I growl, eyes darkening. RF chuckles a bit at my statement. 

"Alright, let's go, dear." RF grabs my arm and pulls me into the hallway after opening the door. As we enter the hallway we hear the same loud voice.  

"Oi! RF! Where this Wally's friend?!" The same loud and annoyed voice yells from the living area. 

I look around to see where this room is, which is at the end of the hallway. I looked at the hallway noticing that there is a different symbol on each door.         

"Hey, RF, what do the symbols of the doors mean?" I looked at him. He then looks at the different doors too. 

"Well, each of these doors is bedrooms. The one with the heart s Lovesick's bedroom. The one with the plum is Opposite's room. The door with Home surrounds a cross Perist's room who has a demon child, named Berry. The one that is near the entrance of the hallway with the black king piece is King Peice or KP's room. The door on the other side of the hallway from KP's room with the gun symbol is Mafia's room. Then Organial's room is the one you slept in and has an apple symbol. Then my room is across from Lovesick's room with the rainbow image." He explains to me about the rooms. 

"Okay, so does every room has a full bathroom? Or do you guys have to share a couple of bathrooms?" I ask. He looks back down at me and then answers. 

"We each have our bedroom and full bathroom because some of us a messier them others." He glares at Lovesick's room as he answers the question. I follow his gaze seeing if there is anything that made him angry. I did not see anything that could make him mad so I reach up and place my hand on his upper arm. His eyes glance from the door to my hand. His eyes slowly travel to my eyes. 

"Can we getting, please?" I quietly ask him. All RF did was nod. I pull my hand away and turn back to the entrance of the hallway, ready to see who would be waiting. RF walks in front of me, while still pulling on my arm. I followed so my arm is not ripped off. 

We walk into a living space which is in the middle of Home. When I saw the people that are in the living room my eyes widen I bit. Each person looked somewhat like Wally I know. 

Living Is Harder Wally AUs x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now