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Earlier in Living Is Harder:

"Listen to me and listen well. You and the other neighbors are going to die. Wally has six other people living inside of Home and each of them is going to kill the other neighbors along with you. Wally already killed Poppy but now they are going to kill the rest of you guys. So you guys need to leave the neighborhood and head into the forest." I whisper, watching the door. Howdy gently grabs my face and kisses me gently on my lips. I close my eyes and place my hand on his cheek. We pull away and both of us blush.


"U-Um." Is all I could say and Hodwy picks me up and onto the counter. I look away, fluster, and cover my face with my hands. He gently pulls my hands off of my face and turns my face turns him. He pulls me closer to him. I look up at him, confuse. 

"Um, Howdy-!" I did not get to finish my sentence as he kiss me again and press our chest together. I close my eyes as we continue. I pull away from him and take a couple of deep breaths. 

"(Y/N), I love you so much. I want you to be my partner. Do you accept?" Howdy asks, grabbing my hands. I look away. 

"I don't know. I can't get attached to you until Wally and the other versions of him think I am dead or something. But first, we need to tell the other neighbors. Then we need to come up with a plan for Wally to think I am dead or I have left for god." I say, placing a hand on his cheek. Howdy lends into my touch and nod. 

I get down from the counter and hug him. Howdy's lower set of arms hugs me back and we pull away. He smiles and heads into the back f the store. I walk into the door and flip the 'open' side to 'closed' and lock the door.  I walk to the back of the store to find Howdy on the phone. I listen to make sure he is not calling Wally. 

"Hey, Eddie and Frank. I need you two to come to the store but use the back. Can you call Sally and Barnaby and tell them the same and see if Juie is at Sally's place? Alright, see you guys later." Howdy hangs up and turns to me. I give him a closed-eyed smile. He smiles back and picks me up. I giggle and wiggle around. He laughs and pulls me close. Howdy rests his head on my shoulder as I hug him. 

"I love you so much, lovebug. Or is Wiggleworm a better nickname? How about butterfly?" Howdy mutters in my ear. I laugh again and nuzzle into his neck.

"I like the nickname lovebug," I whisper, closing my eyes. Then there was a knock on the backdoor. Howdy gently places me on the ground and walks to the door. He opens it to see everyone standing there. 

"So, Howdy, what do you need? The rest of the neighborhood is here except Wally. Is there a reason why?" Julie asks, confuse.

"Yes, there is a reason why, but not because he always steals my apples. But the fact he kidnapped (Y/N) and killed Poppy out of love." Howdy explains quietly after everyone enters the store. 

"Are you sure? We all know that you loved (Y/N), but Wally told each of us that he found them dead in the forest." Juie gently places her hand on one of Howdy's arms.

"No, he is correct, because Wally told me everything," I say as I step out from behind Howdy.  

Living Is Harder Wally AUs x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now