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He brought my hand up to his lips and kisses it. My face burns once again from embarrassment. Mafia chuckles a bit before getting tackled by Original. 


Both Mafia and Orgianal fall to the ground and Orgainal starts to beat the living crap of Maifa, surprisingly. But then Mafia pins Original down and shoves his hand above his head. 

"Let me GO!" Original yells and tried to flail around but fails. I walk up behind Mafia and pull him off of Orgainal. 

"Get off of him!" I growl, digging my nails into Mafia's shoulders. Mafia's eyes widen as I pull him off of Orgainal. Mafia process to fall onto the floor. 

I pant lightly, and I look at Orgainal to make sure he was not hurt. He did not have any injuries, so I turn my attention to Mafia. Mafia though has a couple of cuts with stuffing coming out. I took a deep breath and looked up to the roof, facepalming. 

I look back down at Orgainal and help him off the floor. Original smiles and tries to hold my hand but I move it away. 

"I need a sewing kit, do one of you have one I can use to help Mafia?" I glance up at everyone. Opposite get up and enter the hallway. 

I walk up to Mafia and sat right next to him. He sat up and rests his head on my lap. I look down at him, eyes big as moons, and blink. He smirked up at me and chuckles. I look at Orgainal to see that he looked like he was about to tear Mafia apart. 

I hear footsteps and turn to see Opposite's legs. I look up at Opposite who has a sewing kit in his hand. I grab the sewing kit and I start to fix Mafia. Opposite sat next to me and watches as I work on Mafia. When I was done, I close the sewing kit and return it to Opposite. He takes it and walks back into the hallway. 

"Alright, Mafia, you need to get up, (Y/N) fixed your injuries. So, get off of their lap." Orgainal's voice was dripping with jealousy and anger. Mafia turned his head and got up. After he did, I got up from my spot on the floor. 

"Hey, neighbor, do you want to meet the others?" I looked up at Orgainal and slowly nod. 

We walk together into the living room. Orgainal sat down on his chair and pulls me onto his lap. My eyes widen and I try to get up but Orgainal wraps his arms around my waist. I glare down at Orgainal and Orgainal smirks up at me. I roll my eyes and turn my attention to the others. 

"Alright, this is who is this going to call. I am going to call each of you guys names and you raise your hands and introduce yourself, so (Y/N) knows what your voice sounds like, good?" Orgainal announces. Each of them nods. 

"Alright let's start with KP," Orgainal calls. The one that looks like a king stands up and bows. 

"My name is King Peice Wally, or KP for short, doll." My cheeks heat up from both the name and the bow. 

"Alright Lovesick, your turn. Don't even think of coming closer to them. They do not need to get sick and with their lower immune system, they have a higher chance of getting sick."

"Okay, geez Orga-Orgainal, no need to get so possessive of the-them. Anyways, hello there, lovely." Lovesick flirts. I bury my face into Orgainal's chest. He rests his hand on my back and rubs it. 

"Do you still want to meet the rest of them?" Orgainal asked quietly. I slowly nod. I turned back them. 

"Opposite, your next," Orgainal called out. 

"Let's get this over with. The name is Opposite and don't talk to me at all unless you want to be beaten." Opposite growled and glared at me at the same time. I moved closer to Orgainal. 

"You already met RF and Mafia, so Priest and Berry are last." 

"My name is Berry!" The little demon girl introduces herself and then looks at Priest. Priest nods at me and introduces himself. 

"As both Orgainal and Mafia said, I am Preist, dove." I nod and bury my face into Orgainal chest again. 

"Are you ready for bed? You look a little tired." I nod and he picks me up bridal style and carries me to his bedroom. He rests my head on the pillow and pulls the sheets up to my chin. Then process to cuddle me. I fall asleep to Orgainal's humming and hugs.

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