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From Wallys:

"So I need everyone to get into the forest before the others are going to come out and try to kill you guys...

"Too late, (Y/N). We are already here." RF's voice was behind me. I feel my breath stop.


I was about to back but RF grab my arm, highly, and tug me into his chest. I flinch as his claws dig into my arm and I try to pull my arm away. But he digs his claws deep to the point where the blood starts to drip out. I look up at him and see he has the shadow face thing that Orgainal does. I look back at the other neighbors and yell.

"RUN!!!" At that moment almost everyone moves. The other neighbors run out the door. Howdy glances back at me once more and sprints to the forest with Orgainal, Opposite, KP, Lovesick, and Mafia on their tail. Preist stays behind with me and RF. 

I close my eyes and try to pull my arm away once more. RF pulls me back I whimper and glance down at my arm. There are holes and blood where his laws are digging into my flesh. RF notices and grabs my wrist instead. 

"You know, the other neighbors are going to be tortured because of you. Especially Howdy. He should have not kissed you. Orgainal is very pissed at Howdy, but also you. I don't know if I can protect you, (Y/N). Orgainal is mostly going to hit you, if not torture the other neighbors in front of you." RF tells me. He pulls into his chest and wraps his arms around my torso. Priest comes to me and grabs my face. 

"Where. Is. Berry?" Preist growls. I turn my head, confuse.

"I told Berry to take Orgainal to my house. Did Orgainal not tell you where Berry is?" I ask. Preist shakes his hand and tightens his grip on my chin. 

"If I find her hurt or even dead I will hurt you and maybe sacrifice to Home for the month. Preist threatens. I nod, scared. I did not realize I was crying until Preist wipes my eyes.

"Oh, dove, I did not mean to scare you. I am very protective of my daughter. That is all. I promise. I don't think Orgainal, RF, or Lovesick will let me get away with that." Preist titles my head up and kisses me on the lips. He pulls away and kisses my head. I turn away and close my eyes. 

Then footsteps could be heard. I turn back and open them to see Mafia cover in blood. I yelp and jump toward RF. Mafia shrugs and comes up to me and got onto his knees. He kisses my whole face except my lips. I shiver and turn away. He grabs my face harshly and smashes his lips onto mine. I gasp and he surprisingly does not take advantage of that. Then Mafia pulls away and smirks. I realize he has probably got blood all over my face. 

Then more footsteps enter the store and I see Opposite, Lovesick, KP, and Orgainal, dragging Howdy. I look at Howdy to see he is still breathing. I look back at Orgainal. Original drop Howdy and stalks back up to me. RF lets go of me and I fall to the floor. Orgainal grabs my chin and lanks my face up to his. 

Then he punches me. 

In the face.

He lets go of my chin and kicks me in the stomach. I fall onto my back and he yanks me towards him. He sits right on top of me and starts to beat me. I could only feel pain in my heart, knowing that this neighborhood in no more. Then the pain from the rest of my body shoots up and I end up passing out from blood loss and the sudden pain shock.               

Living Is Harder Wally AUs x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now