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I almost fell asleep when I heard a crash from the living area. I open my eyes and got out of bed. I walk into the hallway. I got into the living space and my eyes widen.


I look down to see Orgainal under Opposite, who holding a bat. 

"What the actual h-ll happened here?!" I snap at Opposite. He turns his head to look at me. Opposite's eyes darken and started to walk toward me. I stood my ground as he walk closer to the point our chest are touching. 

"Why the f-ck are you here? I thought Orgainal would lock you in his  bedroom." Opposite glare down at me as I narrow my eyes up at him.

"One, Orgainal kidnap me, and two no he did not lock the door nor do I think he would," I growl, his presence pissing me off. 

I hear a low mumble from where Orgainal is laying and I walk past Opposite to check on Orgainal to make sure he is not injured. I kneel to Orgainal's head and pull his head onto my legs so he is more comfortable. After a minute are so Orgainal opens his eyes. He lifts his off of my lap and stared at my (E/C). 

"Oh, you're out of the bedroom. Do you want some breastfast, love?" Orgainal asks quietly, rubbing his eyes. I giggled at his actions.

"Sure, my dear." I kiss Orgainal on his nose bump. His face was now covered in a bright red blush. 

He grabs the back of my head and pulls me closer to him. He sat up and pull me onto his lap. Now it is my turn to blush. My cheeks and ears burn from embarrassment. I glance down at my hands, not wanting to look at Orgainal. I felt his hand lift my chin, making me look at him once more.  He pulls my waist closer to his to the point our bodies are pressed against each other. Orgainal wraps his arms around my neck and pulled my head towards his head. Then he smashes our lips together. My eyes widen and I was trying to get away. I felt tears pricking in my eyes. I feel violated and I close my eyes, not wanting to look at Orgainal.  

"Hey! Orgainal! Get off of them! They don't like that!" Opposite loop his arms around my torso and pull me off of Orgainal's lap. Opposite pull me close to his chest. On instinct, I cuddle closer to him. Orgainal's face turn that black face thing and stood up. 

"GIVE THEM BACK, OPPOSITE!!!" Orgainal growls in his demonic-like voice. Opposite pulled me closer to his chest, and I cry a little harder.  

"Oi, RF! I need your f-cking help!" Opposite yell while backing away with me. I heard footsteps and opened my eyes to see RF's chest. I looked up at RF and RF's face darken.

"What. HAPPENED!? Why is (Y/N) crying?" RF snap. By now everyone else was awake and coming down the hallway.

I grab onto Opposite's sweater and bury my face into his chest. Opposite rest his hand on my back. 

"Stop crying. You look pathetic." Opposite growl but hugs me closer. 

"Opposite, don't say that. That is never something you say to a person that is crying. Come here, neighbor." I looked at Mafia to see his arms open. I look at Opposite while sniffing. He understands and carries me over to Mafia and dumps me into Mafia's arms. Mafia hugs me close and quietly hush me like a mother hushing their baby. 

"Guys I am going to take (Y/N) into the kitchen for some breakfast while someone alms down Orgainal because he is scaring (Y/N)." Mafia walks out, with Berry following, of the living room and into the kitchen and dining area.

"Alright, so I am going to put you on one of the barstools and I am going to make you and I so can make breakfast, okay little bird? Hey, Berry can you sit next to neighbor, do not talk to them, just let your presence comfort them, okay? " Mafia kissed the top of Berry and I heads and did what he told me was going to do. Half an hour later, I finished breakfast with Berry, and Mafia was just finishing. 

"Thank you for the food, Mafia. It was really good  And thank you, Berry, for sitting with me, sweet pea." I say to Berry and Mafia him. He nods and gets up. 

"I am about to get dressed for the day, do you want to get dressed as well or wait? He asked. I thought for a moment and nodded. 

"Can you carry me, please? You don't have to if you don't want to of course! But I like to be carried." I mumble and blush at the fact I rambled. I look at Mafia and he smiles and scoops me right off the chair and carries me to Orgainal's room. Mafia places me in front of Orgainal's door and walks off. I open the door to Orgainal sitting on the bed.                       

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