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"(Y/N), this AU is about to be destroyed so you have the option of living inside of the new AU me and Mafia made for you, or you can live with one of us and Orgainal will move in with you, and the other person, or the AU," Rf explains.

"So I can either live in the AU you guys made me or with somebody else along with Orgainal?" They summarise. RF nods.

"Well, then I choose..."


(Y/N) P.O.V:

"Well, then I choose Opposite," I announce. Opposite's eyes widen and he rolls his eyes. Original runs and hugs me from behind and whispers.

"Why Opposite?" 

"He is a funny person to watch when he is angry and the fact if he makes me cry, you will be there to comfort me, is that good?" I ask quietly. 

"Oi, (Y/N), head to your house and grab your stuff. If you don't get back here in two hours I will leave you here, got it? Hm, I wonder if I need to get you a new house..." Opposite starts to ramble on about houses, his neighbors, and other things. I laugh a bit then rest a hand on his arm. He pauses his mumbling and looks at me.

"I want to go to my house and grab some stuff and head to your AU." I say, "And if you don't trust me then one of you can come with me to my house," I say walking to the door and multiple pairs of footsteps follow me to the door.

"Wai-t, dear! Wait for us!" Lovely calls and I turn around to see everyone except Opposite and Orgainal running after me. My eyes widen, I turn, grab the door handle, open the door, and run out the door. The sun kisses my skin as I run out the door.

For some reason, I stop and spin in a circle and burst into a fit of laughter. The others run into me and we all fall into a massive pile of bodies. I wheeze on the bottom and manage to escape and stuck my arms out and run to my house. Arms wrap around my waist and pick me open. I let out a surprise squeak and I start to wiggle around.

"(Y-(Y/N)! Stop moving! HAHAHA!" KP's laughter booms in my ear. He spins us in a circle. My smile widens and burst laughing. He sets me down and I take off running to my house once more. The footsteps follow me until I reach my door. I open the door and enter my house.

"Wow, so this is your house. Hm. It looks like you. Where is your bedroom?" Berry asks. I grab her hand and guide her to my bedroom. I open my bedroom door and walk into it. I start to grab stuff.

"Do you need help with anything?" Mafia's voice is right behind me. I jump and turn to him.

"U-Um sure. I need you to grab stuff from inside my art studio which is next to the kitchen. Please don't break my stuff or else I will break you. Got it?" I growl. He nods.

After about an hour we got everything that I need and want and we head back to Home. They open the door and we enter. Opposite and Orgainal are in mid-conversation and turn their heads to us.

"I am ready to go, Opposite. So is Orgainal moving in with me?" Opposite nods, reluctantly. I place the stuff on the ground and turn to face the others. Each of them places my stuff on the ground. I run up to Mafia and hug him close. He hugs me back, tightly. I move to RF and continue until I hug everyone.

I grab my stuff and walk into the portal. The sound of people arguing enter my ears and I pause. I close my eyes and reopen. Opposite walks up right behind me and grabs my shoulder  I wait for Orgainal. He walks through the portal. The portal closes behind us then we head to Opposite's Home. He opens the door and all three of us enter. I look around and see nothing special, but the basic set-up of a house. He guides us to a door near the back and he opens it. We enter and inside is a bedroom with two beds inside.

"All right. (Y/N), you get the bed to the right and Orgainal you get the bed to the left. You guys can place your stuff by the back wall. We will get some decks and we will get rooms for you two. Original and I nod and we set our stuff next to the back door.

After a couple of months, Orgainal and I have gotten comfortable in Opposite's neighborhood. The other Wallys visit every month and I go to their AUs now and again. I think I am happy with this. I do miss my friends but I am happily married to Orgainal and Opposite.


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