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Then more footsteps enter the store and I see Opposite, Lovesick, KP, and Orgainal, dragging Howdy. I look at Howdy to see he is still breathing. I look back at Orgainal. Original drop Howdy and stalks back up to me. RF lets go of me and I fall to the floor. Orgainal grabs my chin and lanks my face up to his.

Then he punches me.

In the face.

He lets go of my chin and kicks me in the stomach. I fall onto my back and he yanks me towards him. He sits right on top of me and starts to beat me. I could only feel pain in my heart, knowing that this neighborhood in no more. Then the pain from the rest of my body shoots up and I end up passing out from blood loss and the sudden pain shock.  


I slowly wake up to feel a large amount of pain running through my body. I try to sit up but my body gives out. 

I turn my head to see red yarn wrap around my body. I follow the yarn to it was connected to the ceiling. Then I try to pull on the yarn and it ends up getting tighter around my neck. I let go of the yarn and lay still. 

I look more to see, I am hanging off the ground and I am in a  room with windows. I look down and see I am about ten feet off the ground. I lean my head back and stay like that until it is uncomfortable for me. 

Preist P.O.V: 

The rest of the Wallys are grabbing the other neighbors and tying them in the basement. I wander around in Orgainal's Home and come across a door that was never there before. I open the door to see (Y/N) wrapped in red strings. Like what my Home does to me if they do not approve of my actions.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" I call softly. They head turns to look at me and slowly nod. 

"Home is there a way for you to be able to get me up to their level, please, my lord?" I ask, placing a hand on the wall with the door. Red yarn wraps around my body and pulls me up to their level and we stay there for a while. 

"I asked Berry why she helped you escape and she said something funny to me. She said that kidnapping the person you are obsessed with is not the way of showing your love for them. I laughed at her for that. I mean look at Orgainal. He has you right where he wants you to be. In his Home forever and ever. I might have to try this with my own (Y/N)at my AU. When I get back there of course. But it does not mean I will stop loving you." I say to them. 

"So, I am your backup plan or your comfort item? I am not my person to you guys. Am I just a stress toy for you to use and then leave on the side of the road like a piece of trash? Am I, not a different person?" (Y/N) cries out. I look at them with so much love and understanding. 

"Oh no, dove, you are different from my (Y/N). That is one of the main reasons that I want you to be mine. But the others maybe expect RF and want you all for themselves." I say. 

"W-What do you mean 'expect RF'? (Y/N), asks with concern in their voice. 

"Oh, I mean he sees you as a child of his. He wants to protect you from the rest of the world. I mean we all do, but he wants to do it like a father would protect their child." I explain to them. 

"Okay, thank you. Can you check my injures? I asked Home, but I can't understand them very well." (Y/N) asks. I sigh and move closer to them. There are multiple bruises and their arm is at an odd angle. 

"Hey, (Y/N) can you move your arm, please?" I ask looking at it with concern It might be dislocated. 

They try but then they cry out in pain and the arm did not move. 

"Oh dear, that's bad. I think it is dislocated. I will be to set the arm back in place so it works again. You will need to be brave for me, my dove." I go to their side with their dislocated arm and sure enough, it is dislocated. I rest my hand on each side of the joint. I look at them and they look back at me with fear. 

"Take a deep breath (Y/N). The soon I get this done, the sooner the pain will disappear." They nod and take a couple of deep breaths. I look down at their arm, take a deep breath, and snap it back into place.

They let out a scream and start to pant. I run my hand on their face and kiss them on the cheek. Then they begin to cry and I hug them and pull them onto my lap. The door bangs open and the other Wallys enter the room.   

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