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Previously from Rooms:

We walk into a living space which is in the middle of Home. When I saw the people that are in the living room my eyes widen I bit. Each person looked somewhat like Wally I know. 


My eyes gaze over everyone. I looked at RF, realizing that he was the tallest version of Wally. I look back at everyone else. 

I saw one person almost identical to Wally but if Wally have let his hair down and was sick with the flu. 

I look at the next version of Wally that looked a bit like him, but instead of wearing Wally's classic blue cardigan, white button-up shirt, and rainbow pants, this man was wearing rainbow spencers, black pants, and a blue button-up shirt with the collar and cuffs white.

I look over at the little girl about the age of five or six and she has the cutest little blue or cyan horns and tail. In her hand, she has a red and yellow windmill toy. She was wearing black overalls and a blue or cyan shirt that matches her horns perfectly. 

My eyes turn to look at the person right next to her. He must be Perist because he dresses as a priest as far as I can tell. He has a white sash with crosses on the ends, and his outfit is similar to RF's outfit but with a silver buckle in the middle of his shirt.

The next person I look at was the redhead. He wore a purple cardigan and rainbow pants but instead of the blue stripe, it's purple. He also has his hair in a swirl but instead of blue, his is red. His face had a 'rest in b-cth' pose. 

Then onto the last person. The last person looks like they are from royalty. They had a fur cape, a blue with gold stripes suit, checkered pants, a red button-up shirt and knee-high boots, and a crown.

While I was analyzing everyone's heads turned to look at me. Wally good up from his spot on the couch and walks to me. My eyes land on him, and my eyes darken. Wally stops when my eyes met his. 

"So, why am I here, hm?" I glare at him, making sure he can sense the anger. He notices and backs up. 

"Well, I am wanting, sir." I quietly growl. He gulps and then answers. 

"Well, I needed to make sure you didn't tell the other neighbors about the others that live inside of Home." Wally looks down at his feet, like a dog that knows that they were about to get in trouble. I widen my eyes a bit. 

"So, you thought it was a good idea to KIDNAP me and take me somewhere that one I don't know well, two I don't know you well, and three with people that I don't know?! Seriously Wally, think it though!" I snap, not loudly but not necessarily quietly either. 

Wally's head turns up at me quickly, and before my brain could process, Wally's hand was wrapped around my mouth. My eyes widen once more at Wally's reaction. I look at Wally and saw that he had a forced smile. 

"You need to calm down, and breathe, (Y/N)." I nod slowly and close my eyes to calm down. I take a couple of deep breaths. After I did that, Wally moves his hand from my mouth to my hand. 

"Do you want to meet the others, (Y/N)?" Wally asked with a little squeeze of the hand. I nodded, slowly. 

"(Y/N), correct?" I looked up to meet eyes with Wally with the rainbow spencers asked. 

"Y-Yes that is me, sir." I stuttered. I hate looking into new people's eyes. Most people find it cute and that I am shy, which they are not wrong but I just do not like looking into people's eyes. 

"Dear, please look at me with those beautiful eyes of yours." My face turns a slight red and looks up to meet with looking into his eyes with only a foot of space. He offers his hand out as a handshake. I look at his hand and then at his eyes. I accept his hand and we shook. As we did he introduces the others to me. 

"I am Mafia, the little demon girl is Berry daughter of Perist that is sitting right next to her. Lovesick is the one that looks like he's got the flu, but trust me, don't get too close, you might end up getting sick." I nodded and Mafia continues. 

"The redhead is Opposite, he is a tsundere, so he means the opposite of what he is saying. You already met RF and Original so the last person is King Peice of KP for short, hottie." 

He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it. My face burns once again from embarrassment. Mafia chuckles a bit before getting tackled by Original.               

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