maura isles has cramps

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Another fluffy one, kind of a sick-fic? I guess?
If you're grossed out by blood then don't read the end :)
No romance here unfortunately, just the besties<3


"No, I never said that Jane! I said the cause of death was a myocardial infarction , I never digressed what the cause of that was" Maura said, sharp and cutting. Jane took a step back. She knew Maura didn't like to guess but jeez, that was harsh. "Im sorry. Jane I'm sorry, I know that was rude I'm just, I'm having a bad day and I don't mean to take it out on you, that was unfair." Maura sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Hey don't worry about it" Jane brushed it off, giving Maura a small smile. The blonde never usually got so worked up. "What's making your day so bad?"
"Menstrual cramps" Maura nodded. "I have Endometriosis, a condition that causes adhesions to form between my endometrial layer on the perimeter  of my uterus, to the surrounding organs and tissues in my abdomen. And so when my uterus contracts to shed my uterine lining, the adhesions cause it to have to work harder, therefore increasing the sensation of pain in my lower abdomen"  Maura rambled, and then moved to lean against a counter, placing her elbows down and resting her head in her hands.

"Maura that sounds awful. Do you need to go home? Is there anything I can do to help?" Jane placed her hand on Mauras back,
"No, thank you. We get off in an hour and then I can go home and take my medication. I left it at home because I don't like to take it at work. It makes me, emotional" Maura explained. Jane raised an eyebrow. "Don't ask" Maura sighed. "I normally can handle the pain but, it's almost excruciating today"
"Okay well, I'm gonna come and stay with you tonight" Jane rubbed her back gently.
"That's quite alright, I wouldn't want to put you out over my inability to control my medical condition" Maura shook her head and stood up. Jane rolled her eyes.
"Maura, and I say this with all of the love in the world. Shut up" Jane said, face straight. Maura laughed softly and walked back over to the body she was working on.

"I need to go back upstairs, but i'll come get you at hometime babe okay?" Jane said, her hand on Mauras upper arm.
"Okay, I'll see you later Jane" Maura smiled softly.
"Later" Jane saluted as she left the room.

Maura and Jane had been best friends for years now, but Maura had never mentioned this part of herself to Jane before. Maura definitely wasn't a prude, and she definitely wasn't one to shy away from 'taboo' conversations.

8pm rolled around and, as promised, Jane was down in the morgue, collecting Mauras things together for her.
"Come on, Maur, this guy's not gonna be any less dead tomorrow" Jane said, hand on the small of Mauras back to guide her towards the door. Maura nodded, covered up the body, and took her coat. She put it on and then let Jane lead her to the car.

When they got back to Mauras Beacon Hill home, Jane sent Maura to shower, to try and relax her muscles. She came out after wearing some black satin sleep shorts with a matching black short sleeve silk sleep shirt. Her hair was down over her shoulders in its usual loose, honey curls and she smelled amazing, like her usual raspberry fancy body wash, and even fancier vanilla body lotion she put on afterwards.

"I think I'm going to go and lay down in bed, I get most comfortable there and it would be hard for you to get me into bed once I take my medication" She gave a slight laugh. Jane nodded and walked over to Maura, taking her hand.
"I made up a hot water bottle for your stomach, lets go get in bed and we can, watch some crappy TV"
"How about a documentary"
"Don't push your luck, Dr Isles" Jane smirked, letting go of Mauras hand and walking towards her bedroom.

Jane got changed into some plaid pyjamas bottoms and just left her sports bra on to sleep in. She showered and brushed her teeth and then went to join Maura in bed.
"I've taken my tablets, they will take exactly 3 minutes to kick in" Maura said, lay on her back with her shirt pulled up, exposing her ribs and the underside of her left breast. She had the heating pad placed on her lower abdomen, as she closed her eyes and drew her eyebrows together as a wave of cramps hit her.

"Try and breathe through it, honey"  Jane lay down, propped herself up on her left side and brushed some hair away from Mauras face.
"It's really bad Jane" Maura whispered.
"I know, Maur, I'm sorry. How can I help?"
"Can you hug me?" Maura asked, tears in her eyes.
"Of course I can" Jane said, opening her arms and inviting Maura into them, wrapping them around her. Maura, who's tablets we're settling in and her emotional, clingy, cuddly side was coming out. Jane was a little taken aback by the power of the drugs, but not at all deterred by Mauras sudden needy nature.

"How you feeling sweetie?" Jane asked, as Maura got comfy. She attached herself to Jane, half her body wrapped around Janes. Her arm was resting over Janes bare stomach, holding her waist tightly, her thigh had found its place across Janes pelvis. Her head was resting just beneath Janes jawbone, against her clavicle, where she could hear the soft drum of her heartbeat against her chest.
"Comfy, thank you Janie" Maura whispered. Jane stifled a giggle at the nickname, but hoped Maura didn't notice her raised heartbeat. She was starting to understand what Maura was saying about her medication.

Jane hand one hand resting on Mauras waist, the other on the bare thigh that was resting against her own body. She traced sweeping patterns across her back and waist. She let her hand splay across her hip, pulling Maura into her. Maura let out a soft, satisfactory breath and tilted her head so she could nuzzle the skin on Janes neck.
"I love you so much" Maura said into the crook of Janes neck, placing a soft kiss there.
"Oh Maura" Jane chuckled slightly. "I love you too, Sweetheart" She pressed her lips to the crown of Mauras head.

Maura began breathing more rhythmically, and Jane continued stroking her skin softly, hand slipping beneath the silk material of her shirt to caress her warm skin. She didn't really even register herself doing it before she drifted off into her own sleep.

She was startled awake by shifting in the bed, and then small sobs, before the en-suite door closed and suddenly Jane was cold. She got up, and noticed the dark colouring in the bed. Realising what must've happened, her heart broke for knowing that Maura must've been embarrassed. She heard the shower turn on, so she got out of bed, noticing the blood on her own pyjama bottoms. She quickly changed them and then got to changing the bedding, putting it in some cool water and bicarb of soda in the other bathroom sink. Then she went back into the bedroom, made the bed, and beelined for the bathroom door.

"Jane I'm so sorry" Mauras breaking voice shattered Janes heart.
"Oh darling, its okay! This isn't the first red-ish brown stain we have ever had to deal with is it?" Jane joked. She heard a light chuckle from Maura, followed by a sniff, then the door unlocked. Maura was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a bralette. "I didn't know you even owned sweatpants" Jane said. Maura slapped her arm playfully and then looked over to where she expected to see a messy bed.
"Oh Jane" Maura sighed, covering her face to hide her tear stained cheeks. Jane just comforted her, pulling her smaller frame against her own taller one. "Thank You" Maura whispered.
"Anytime Baby. Come on, lets go back to sleep" Jane felt Maura nod against her chest, clearly beating her too it. Jane half carried Maura back to bed, placing her down gently and sliding in behind her to spoon her.

"Love you, Maur" Jane said into the back of Mauras neck.
"I love you too, Jane" Maura took the hand that was splayed on her stomach and brought it up to her chest, pulling Jane closer so their bodies were pressed together. "So much"

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