under her care

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"Okay, thats the last one. Am I free to go now?" Jane asked, excitement laced in her voice at the mere thought of getting out of the hospital and being able to rehabilitate at home. Granted she couldn't do much, and she wouldn't be able to return to work for a lease a few more weeks, even then it would be desk duty for a little while. But anything would be better than the same four walls and that shitty paper thin hospital gown.

"There's one more thing" The doctor looked between Jane and Maura. "It's necessary for the hospital to be sure that Jane is being released into the care of somebody with knowledge of her condition. Obviously you're still struggling to walk and even raise your arm, but they're willing to discharge you as theres nothing else we can do for you in the hospital now. Is there somebody willing to provide you with that care while you rehabilitate?"
"Please don't call my Ma" Jane looked at Maura.
"Why would I call your mother?" Maura smiled confusedly. "You're coming home with me"

"No, Maura I couldn't ask you to do that. I'm actually incompetent right now, like seriously Ma had to help me shower the other day. I don't wanna put that on you" Jane shuddered at the memory.
"Jane. You're not asking, I'm telling you. I have a PHD in all things medical care, and all things Jane Rizzoli" Maura chuckled. "I'll sign for her. Just don't push yourself and make me have to send you back, thats all I ask. Behave"
"Thank you, Maura" Jane smiled. Maura nodded and gave Janes hand a squeeze before taking the documents, reading over them meticulously, and then signing and handing them back to the doctor.

"Perfect, everything you need is behind reception, ask for it on your way out. I wish you all the best" The doctor smiled.
"Thanks for all your help, I know I mustn't have been the easiest patient but, I appreciate your patience"
"Anytime, detective. I've had much worse" The doctor smiled at them both before leaving the room.

"Come on then, lets get you dressed and take you home" Maura smiled, taking out the sweatpants and oversized T-shirt she had brought for Jane.
"Yeah, lets go home" Jane loved the idea of calling Mauras house home, after all she did spend more time there than at her own apartment.

Once they were ready to leave, Maura went to the front desk and picked up Janes medications, bandages, pamphlets and everything in between. Jane was okay to walk but she had to go slow, so Maura put everything in her car so she could fully concentrate on helping Jane.


They made it back to Mauras apartment around 7pm. Jane was exhausted for the physical exertion of getting home, and she was in pain. While she still had some of the adrenaline, she let Maura help her up the stairs.
"Okay. Im gonna grab your medication and then I think I should redress your wounds, so that they don't get infected" Maura nodded, half talking to herself, half talking to Jane. Jane just nodded and collapsed into Mauras bed, they had a silent agreement that the guest bedroom wasn't necessary.

Maura reappeared moments later and sat on the edge of the bed next to where Jane had lay, almost asleep now.
"Im just going to remove your t-shirt so I can get to you properly okay sweetie?" Maura asked quietly, gently stroking the exhausted woman's shoulder. Jane hummed affirmative and Maura gently pulled the clothing from Janes body, making a mental note that button downs would be easier for the time being.

She decided to do the back first, the bullet had entered on a diagonal, so the exit wound was just underneath the band of Janes bra. The entrance was on her stomach, just before the curve round of her waist.
"Can you roll over? Im gonna redress the back first" Maura gently rubbed her thumb over Janes shoulder. Jane rolled and before Maura could even ask, unhooked her bra with her good arm, and then let her arms flop to her sides.

Maura gently uncovered the injury.
"Subdural haematomas around the circumference of the exit wound" She mused quietly to herself, clearing away the bloody bandages and pulling out some new ones. She put some of the distilled water on a cotton pad and cleaned the area, and then took out the antiseptic wipe and cream. With careful fingertips she put the cream on Janes back, and then wrapped a fresh bandage over it, putting some medical tape over to secure it.

Janes breathing was shallow and even, telling Maura that she had fallen asleep. She looked at the soft exposed skin on Janes back and couldn't help herself, she leaned down and gently pressed her lips to the space just above the bandage, and then carefully, fastened the bra and rolled Jane over onto her back so she could give the front the same attention,

She gave the front the same care she had to the back, and then felt Jane slightly move beneath her, letting out a deep sigh and slight wince of pain at the depth of her breath.
"Careful. Try and keep your breaths controlled" Maura gently placed her hand over the fresh bandage. "Breathe in for me" Maura said, concentrating on the movement of the skin beneath her hand. Jane inhaled and then gasped when she got to a certain point. "Okay, that was good, Jane, we will try and make them deeper each time until it no longer causes you any pain" Maura smiled and tucked a piece of Janes hair behind her ear.

She reached for a flannel sleep shirt she had found in the closet and started to get Jane in a position to put it on, when a cool hand grabbed her wrist.
"You didn't kiss it better" Jane smirked. Maura looked like a deer in headlights, but when she saw the genuine look in Janes eyes, she leaned over her body and pressed a tentative kiss to the abs on Janes stomach. She lifted back up, one hand on either side of Janes waist, and smiled softly.
"There, better?"
"Im healed already" Jane smiled. "Might go do a cartwheel to celebrate" She chuckled, wincing as she pushed herself back up onto the pillows.

"Woah there, cowboy. Be careful" Maura chuckled. She moved back from the bed and put everything away, and then washed her hands and face. "You hungry?" Maura asked.
"Not really" Jane shrugged. "You know, the giant hole in my body kinda depleted my appetite, the food I had before has filled me up"
"Well, I never thought Id see the day Jane Rizzoli turned down food" Maura smirked. Jane chuckled and Maura slid into bed next to Jane. She was careful not to jostle her as she did so.

Jane yawned and then cried out in pain at the pain it caused, pulling her right arm into her body. "Oh hey, it's okay" Maura grabbed Janes left hand and let her squeeze it as the wave of pain washed over her. "You can take some more painkillers now" Maura took two from the bottle and put them in Janes right hand, opening a bottle of water and holding it to Janes lips with her left hand, looking into her eyes to see for any sign of pain. Jane swallowed the tablets and Maura took her water away.

Once Jane was settled, hand still attached to Mauras, she looked into Mauras eyes.
"It hurts really bad Maur"
"I know, darling. You seem to forget I am a medical practitioner, I know how much pain you must be in right now. You're allowed to feel it Jane, just because your in pain that doesn't make you weak" She said running her thumb over Janes knuckles. "What you did was brave. Let yourself feel the aftershock" She nodded.

Jane smiled weakly and tears welled in her eyes. She crumbled and desperately reached out, grasping for Mauras comfort. Immediately Maura understood, Jane was being vulnerable with her right now, and she was a person that needed physical touch to feel comfort when she broke down.
"Okay, okay, its okay. Ive got you" Maura said softly, slowly directing Janes body into her arms, facing each other. She held her close, careful to not harm her. She pressed kisses to her forehead, cheeks, nose and hairline.

Jane kept her eyes trained on Mauras lips, and when she leaned closer, Maura kissed her head again.
"I don't want to take advantage" Maura whispered, hand coming up to cup Janes cheek. "I want to kiss you, Jane, but I will not do it under these circumstances. If you want it in the morning, then be my guest" Maura grazed Janes cheekbone with her thumb. "But right now just let me hold you"

Jane pressed her forehead to Mauras, it was taking every inch of her self control to not kiss her. She nodded and pressed her lips to the corner of Mauras mouth, a promise. "I will want it" She chuckled.
"Then go to sleep" Maura teased.
"Everybody knows, the sooner you go to sleep, the sooner the morning comes" Jane sighed and closed her eyes.

"Thats actually not true, however the concept of time is subjective, every persons viewpoint being different, so I suppose maybe it is true in a way. Either way you should still go to..." Jane was breathing evenly, face relaxing, body becoming more limp. "Sleep" She laughed softly, giving Jane one more kiss on the cheek before letting her own conscious succumb to sleep.

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