Come back to bed

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Jane always like to joke that Maura had some kind of sixth sense, and that rang true as Mauras eyes blinked open in the middle of the night, as she noticed the empty other half of their bed.

She rolled onto her back and turned her head towards the balcony doors, noticing the curtain was open, and spotting her wife out on the balcony. She wrapped her pajama clad body in a blanket as she stood off the bed.

Jane was so lost in her train of thought that she didn't hear the sound of the balcony door sliding open. As a warm, slim body wrapped itself around her she jumped a little.
"Everything okay?" Maura asked, arms encircling Janes waist.
"Yeah, Maur, I'm good, just couldn't sleep, brain wont turn off ya know?" Jane responded, leaning back into the warmth and blanket behind her.
"Come back to bed baby, its cold out here" Maura said softly, pressing a kiss to Janes bare shoulder blade. She gently guided the taller woman back into their bedroom.

"You want advice or do you want comfort?"
"I don't even know whats up" Jane sighed, tears of exhaustion and frustration building. Maura noticed the wobble in Janes voice, and though she couldn't exactly see in the dark room, she knew Jane was crying.
"Thats okay, you're okay, just try and relax" Maura said softly, pulling Jane into her arms and stroking her face with one hand. "There you go, shh sh" Maura pressed her lips to Janes parting. Jane snuggled deeper into Mauras chest, the top of her head nestled beneath Mauras jaw. Maura slipped her fingers beneath Janes tank top, gently running her fingertips up and down her spine, while her other hand caressed her cheek, swiping away at the few remaining tears.

Janes hand slid beneath Mauras silk pyjama shirt, holding onto her waist like her life depended on it.
"I've got you darling, you're okay" Janes brain tended to work overtime some nights, especially after particularly hard cases, reminding her of her history with Hoyt.

"I want...I-"
"What do you want, darling?" Maura asked her wife softly.
"It sounds weird" Jane shook her head.
"Jane" Maura warned.
"I want to feel your skin, not in a like, sex way I just...I wanna feel close to you"
"Thats a perfectly normal thing to crave, Jane" Maura said softly. "Sit up for me" Jane sat up. Maura gently grasped the hem of her own shirt, lifting it up and over her head to expose her bare upper half to Jane. She placed it on the floor neatly and then moved her fingertips to Janes sides.

She swept her hand down Janes waist until she reached the hem of her tank top, gently skimming the material before grasping it with her fingertips and lifting it up over her head. She put that next to her own top on the floor, soon joined by their pyjama bottoms, and gently ran her hand over Janes naked torso.
"You're beautiful, do you know that?" Maura asked, her eyes focused on Janes and her hands gently stroking Janes ribs.
"I knew you just wanted me for my body" Jane teased.
"Jane! I love your body but you are so much more than that to me"
"I know baby, I'm just joking" Jane chuckled, pressing her lips to Mauras briefly. "You make me feel beautiful"
"Good, because you are. You are perfect to me. I love you"
"I love you too" Jane whispered, as Maura kissed her once again, hands clutching Janes waist gently.
"Good, now lay down, try and get some sleep" Maura kissed her a last time and then lay down, pulling Janes body into her own so she could bask in the rare occasion that she got to hold Jane.

"I love you so much" Jane whispered. "I don't know how I ever got so lucky" She almost laughed. Janes hand began running a path, sweeping Mauras hip, up to her waist, then her ribs before flattening it against her stomach. She rested it there for a second before repeating the pattern.

The hand Maura had on Janes cheek moved to her chin, tilting Janes head up so that she could look af her. Maura caught Janes eye in the darkness and gently pressed her forehead to Janes forehead.
"I love you, more than I can actually ever express. You, my darling, are beyond my wildest dreams. I'm so proud of you Jane. Endlessly proud. I'm so, so happy, that I get to call you mine, and that I am yours" She tilted her head down so she could connect their lips, tenderly, but adoringly.

Maura kissed Jane a little deeper, her hand coming to rest on her waist, gently pushing her down on to her back. "Is this okay?" She asked against Janes lips.
"Yeah, baby" Jane whispered back. Maura moved herself so she was hovering a little above Jane, and began planting soft kisses down Janes neck and gently trailing her tongue down Janes throat and jawline. "Maura" Jane breathed.

"Just relax darling, I've got you" Maura kissed Janes lips one last time before her hand began descending downwards, up over her chest, stopping for a while to lay tender touches, followed closely by her hot mouth. She delicately wrapped her lips around a nipple, flicking it with her tongue as she felt Janes hands on her waist, pulling her on top so their bodies were pressed together. Maura laughed against Janes breast, only enhancing Janes moans.

Mauras hand continued its downward path, as Maura herself sat up so she could properly look at Jane. Jane, whose eyes were looking up at her like she hung the moon, who's lazy smile was making Maura want to melt. "So beautiful" Maura whispered, looking into Janes eyes as her fingertips left ghost touches between Janes legs. ""So ready for me" Maura whispered, leaning back down to kiss Jane as her fingers sunk inside of her.

Janes head tipped back as Maura worked her hand with a gentleness and precision, knowing exactly which buttons to press and where to make Jane feel good.
"Maur, please-" Jane moaned. Maura smiled softly and kissed Jane, like it was the beginning and the end all at once, all while driving her to the edge. "I-"
"I know, baby. I've got you, come for me beautiful" Maura whispered into Janes ear.

Janes neck extended and her back arched as Maura dragged out slower movements and let her lips stay brushing Janes. Janes body tensed for mere seconds, before her back hit the mattress once again, feeling an increased sense of intimacy with Maura from the way she had spoken to her.

Maura wanted nothing back, she simply wrapped her body around Janes, the skin on skin contact setting off reactions in every single one of Janes nerve endings. Jane tangled her hand in blonde waves and kissed Maura, lips softly gliding over each other, neither wanting to let go.

Eventually the exhaustion won out, Maura pressed one last kiss to Janes cheek and settled on top of her.
"Sweet dreams, angel" She whispered, as Janes eyes fell shut and she drifted off to sleep.


Jane woke up from a nightmare a couple of hours later. It was still dark outside, and she panicked momentarily as she couldn't feel Mauras body atop of her own anymore. But as she reached her arm out she found the blonde on her side, facing away from her, but still with her back pressed to Janes side.

Jane turned over to face Mauras back, wrapping her arms around Mauras waist and holding her tightly.
"You're safe. Shes safe" Jane repeated.
"Mm baby?" Maura hummed, slowly coming to. Jane just squeezed Maura tightly, not wanting to let her go, still hearing her heartbeat in her ears. "Jane, whats the matter?" She asked sleepily.

Jane surprised them both when she responded with a sob, one that shook through her own body and Mauras.
"Oh baby, oh its okay" Maura rolled to face Jane, and cradled her head to her chest. "Shhh, sh sh, you're okay sweetheart. You're okay, I'm right here sweet girl, we're okay, I've got you" Maura whispered, pressing her lips to Janes head. "Alright? You're okay darling; you're okay"
"I'm sorry Maur" Jane sobbed against Mauras clavicle. "I'm so sorry"
"No, don't apologise Jane. It's okay. Don't cry baby, I love you" She pulled her impossibly closer, gently soothing her and whispering sweet nothings until she relaxed. "I'm right here, I love you so much darling, so so much"

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