falling in love with maura isles

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Hey! Me again :/
I really love this one, it takes snapshots from moments that i find adorable but aren't long enough to make into full one shots themselves.

3rd person mostly from janes POV

Enjoy :)


1. her scent

Maura had this scent, that kinda just followed her around. Jane had noticed it the first time she met Maura, it was strong but not overpowering, nor uncomfortable. It was a mix of a deep scented perfume, not floral nor sweet or musky, simply deep, and something so distinctly her.

It clung to Janes clothes every time she and Maura hugged, it stuck to her sheets every time Maura stayed in her bed, to her apartment every time Maura entered it. It was so transcending and Jane couldn't get enough. She could tell if Maura entered a room, or if she had simply been inside of the room just by the remainder of the scent she left in her wake.

2. google mouth

Jane was in constant awe of Mauras intelligence. As much as she liked to dismiss it with her sarcastic remarks and blunt conversation skills, really it was because she couldn't contain the smile that threatened to take control of her face.

"Did you know that..." Maura began another of her talking sprees. Big words and biological terms spraying from her mouth like water from her nose. And the scary thing was how naturally it came to Maura, she wasn't trying to show off, she was simply doing what she knew as talking, engaging in conversation, sharing her passion, for science.

"No, Maur, no I didn't know" Jane smiled gently as Mauras chatting subsided. Maura smiled and took another sip of her wine, leaning back against the side of her couch, legs resting over Janes lap.
"Well, now you do"

3. her smile

Head tipped back, eyes squeezed shut, all teeth and jawline and light. They were leaned against the countertop in Mauras kitchen, of coffee in her hand, fingers looped through the handle to wrap around the mug, other hand resting against Janes upper arm as she laughed at whatever sarcastic remark Jane had just made. Jane smiled back as the skin beneath her sweatshirt burned where Mauras fingertips made contact with it.

She watched in awe of the beauty that played out in front of her. Maura tipped her head back forwards and looked at Jane, smile still wide across her features, eyes soft with the light from the lamp reflecting in them.
"What?" Maura asked, noticing Janes expression. She took a sip from her mug and peered at Jane over the rim.

"Nothing." Jane shook her head with a smile. "You're real pretty, you know that?"
"Well I believe that beauty is subjective. You know the Ancient Greek believed that..." And she was off again, Jane just shaking her head and sipping her own coffee.

4. driving

Jane had never understood it when they said that watching people drive was attractive, not until she felt it herself.

The way Mauras hand clutched the wheel, the other arm resting in the space where the window was rolled down, head leaning her hand. Sunglasses covered her eyes allowing her hair to fall in a way that exposed her neck. Her dress rode up as she was sat down, exposing her mid-thigh, and high heels were attractive themselves, never mind driving in them. Every now and then she would turn her head to glance at Jane, who was talking about the most recent case.

Yeah. Jane thought to herself. Yeah, maybe driving is attractive.

5. that damn red dress

"Maura I swear to God if you aren't down these stairs in 30 seconds you are going to this art gala thingy alone!" Jane yelled from her seat on Mauras couch. She heard the telltale sign of Mauras heels against the hardwood floor of the hallway upstairs.

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