babies make the earth turn

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I gotta warn you this one if f.l.u.f.f.y.
I'm a sucker for a happy ending what can I say? :)))


Light sleeper wasn't even the word for it. Maura had never been a heavy sleeper, per se, but she definitely could sleep through a shuffling sound. Now, she woke at every movement, sound, sniff, that her brain registered. But the funny thing was that she wouldn't change it for the world.

She looked over to Jane, who was sound asleep. Her hair was sprawled across the pillow, arm wrapped around Mauras waist and a leg slung over Mauras hips. Maura smiled softly and then shifted out of bed just before the Baby started fussing, she knew it was coming and wanted to comfort her before she started screaming. She gently shifted out from beneath Jane, moving to the crib by the side of the bed.

"Hey Lou, good morning" She smiled, picking up Lucia , her baby. Jane had moved in to help out with the baby, but it had soon become a turning point in their relationship, bringing them closer together. They hadn't done anything that crossed any lines, but their friendship had certainly turned into something more. They were acting distinctly more couple-ish, lingering touches, glances that lasted longer than usual, more kissed on cheeks and foreheads than before. And then there was the feelings, the ones that were so evident but neither wanted to address, not yet, both terrified of losing the other.

Maura sat back down on the bed, unbuttoned her silk pyjama shirt and fed Lucia, gently stroking over her little head as she nursed. Maura was exhausted, and as much as Jane was a huge help with everything else, this was the one thing that she couldn't take care of, feeding. But Maura didn't mind, not really. Breastfeeding was a natural process that was shown to increase the bond between mother and baby. Maura loved it, being able to still provide for her baby after she was born.

"Maur?" Jane said, shifting to sit up next to Maura.
"Hey" Maura smiled sleepily at Jane, still cradling the baby.
"Have you been up for long?" Jane asked, as Maura dropped her head to rest it on Janes shoulder. Jane reached around Maura and pulled her closer into herself. Maura felt her body relax as more of it leaned against Janes. Jane began trailing her fingertips up and down Mauras arm, lulling the older woman to sleep.
"Jane; I will fall asleep if you keep doing that" Maura chuckled lightly.
"Thats okay, Ive got Lou if you fall asleep, its almost 4, Maur, you've barely slept all week"
"Having a week old baby will do that to you" Maura laughed lightly. Jane smiled and held her close. Lucia started to fuss and Maura gently pulled her away. She handed her to Jane while she buttoned her shirt back up, and then held her arms out to take her back.

"Maur" Jane said, firm but soft. "Sleep. Please honey"
"-But nothing, Love, you need to go to sleep, you cant just walk round like a zombie" Jane chuckled, as Maura settled into her side.
"Thats actually not possible, experts say that due to the lack of substantial bone structure Zombies would be completely unable to walk for more...than..." Then nothing. Maura had fallen asleep right in the middle of an information explosion.

She can finish telling me later Jane thought to herself, fond smile playing on her lips. She stayed awake to watch over both of her girls as they slept against her body. Lucia looked just like her mother, same green-brown eyes, same bow mouth, her hair was darker than Mauras, and her nose a little more button shaped, but she was the image of her mother, both girls were beautiful.

When Maura woke again it was to the soft movements of Janes hand on her back. And then she heard the small whines of her little girl.
"Hey" Jane said gently, as Maura rolled onto her back to face her.
"Good morning" Maura smiled. Jane leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Mauras cheek.
"Im sorry to wake you but Lou needs feeding" Jane smiled. Maura sat up and unbuttoned her shirt, before taking Lucia from Jane and feeding her again.

About an 45 minutes later, Jane disappeared into the kitchen, Maura chucked at the curses she could hear falling from Janes lips as she dropped things in the kitchen. 15 minutes later Maura got up, holding the baby over her shoulder with a muslin cloth under her, as she winded her.

Lucia was a very good baby, rarely cried, rarely sick, complied perfectly with the routine Maura and Jane were settling her into.

"Hey Gorgeous" Jane smiled as the two girls came through the kitchen. "Hi Maura" Jane teased. Jane giggled and then took the muslin cloth off of her shoulder, placing Lucia in her bouncer and then walking over to the sink. She poured herself a glass of water, and then a pair of arms encircled her waist, hands connecting over her stomach.

Maura smiled and placed the glass down.
"Im so proud of you, sweetie, you know that right?" Jane said softly. Maura turned around, still in Janes arms but now pushed against the counter and facing her. She wrapped her arms around Janes shoulders and played with the hair at the nape of her neck.

"I appreciate everything you're doing for us, for me, i don't know that I could manage without you" Maura said quietly, eyes scanning Janes face.
"Of course you could, Maur. But I just wanna lighten the load a little, being a mother is hard, especially a single one, you don't deserve to struggle, you're the most giving person I know" Jane smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind Mauras ear. Her hair was tied back into a neat ponytail, small honey blonde pieces framing her face.

Maura smiled and pressed her lips to the corner of Janes mouth, before gently slipping out of her arms to go and tend to Lucia. Maura sat on the sofa, picking up Lucia and leaning in the corner. Lucia blinked up at her with those big hazel eyes and Maura was overcome by a wave of emotion, tears springing to her eyes.

"Okay, I don't know what you were feeling for breakfast so I made you some of those gluten free pancak-" Jane started, walking over to Maura holding a plate of food. "-Hey, whats the matter?" Jane asked in a gentle voice, placing thw food on the table and sitting next to Maura. "Sweetheart? Whats wrong?" She placed her right hand on Mauras left thigh, the other gently came up to cup her cheek. Maura shifted so her body was resting against Janes side

"Nothings wrong. It's just the hormones. Im so happy right now Jane. So unbelievably content" Maura smiled waterly.
"Oh honey" Jane chuckled, wrapping an arm around Mauras back and holding her waist. Jane used her free arm to take the baby from Mauras arms. "Hey Lou. Hi darling" She smiled. "You gonna sleep better for Mommy tonight? So that her and Aunty Jane can feel alive at 9am? Yeah? Im glad we can agree"

Maura turned her head, smiling adoringly at the two most important people in her life, and in that moment she made a split second decision.
"Hey, Jane?"
"Yeah honey?"

Soft lips encompassed Janes own, and she felt as if nothing was wrong in the world. Her heart was beating out of her chest as Mauras slender fingers pressed against her cheek. Maura pulled away and all the thoughts that had been running around her head were finally quiet.

"I love you" Maura grinned, eyes flitting across her family.
"I love you more" Jane squeezed Mauras waist softly and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I am a little annoyed that you did that first, because I wanted to do it first. But boy am I glad you did, I don't know when I would've got the balls" She joked. Maura elbowed her teasingly and giggled, settling back into the warmth and finally feeling whole.

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