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"What are you doing here? I thought you were on a date?" Jane asked, as Maura stepped into her apartment. She made eye contact with the saddest pair of eyes she had ever seen. "Oh my god Maura, whats wrong?" Maura had been dating Lucas for about 5 months now, and this was the first guy that had seemed nice enough for her to see, after her previous trouble with relationships. They had become exclusive about a month ago, taking on the term of girlfriend and boyfriend.

It was a simple date, dinner at his place, maybe a couple drinks, hopefully a little more, but it was 7:30pm and she was already at Janes apartment.
"Do you think I have put on weight?" Maura asked, ignoring Janes earlier question.
"What? No, Maura what are you-"
"He was in bed with another girl" Maura blurted out.
Jane jumped off the sofa and took Mauras hand.
"Oh god, Sweetie I am so so sorry" Jane pulled Maura towards her. "C'mere" She held her in a tight embrace.

"Can I stay here tonight?" Maura asked, tears clear in her voice as she buried her head in Janes shoulder.
"Of course, you can stay here any time, you know that" Jane furrowed her brow in concern and rubbed comforting circles on her back. "Why don't you go get changed, have a shower if you like, get comfortable, you hungry?"
"No, I've lost my appetite"
"That's understandable. Maura, you are worth so much more than anything he could give you, okay?" Jane pressed her lips to Mauras hair, and then released her.

Maura drew back from the embrace and Jane wiped her tears.
"You know where the pyjamas are, once you're done, come back and we can have some wine okay? I'm sure I've got a half decent one around here somewhere"
"Okay. Jane?"
"Yeah honey?"
"Thank you"
Jane just smiled back and nodded, ushering Maura towards the bedroom before moving into her kitchen to find said bottle of wine.

After half an hour Maura still hadn't returned, so Jane went into her bedroom to see what was going on. Her heart broke into a million pieces when she saw Maura, standing in front of the full length mirror, in just her underwear, scrutinising every inch of her body.
"Maur, come on honey don't do that" Jane said softly, moving over to Maura to take her hands away from her stomach. She stood behind her, watching as the tears dripped down her cheeks in their reflection in the mirror.

"You are beautiful, Maura. You're so beautiful it actually hurts a little bit every time I look at you" Jane said softly, Maura still didn't meet her gaze in the reflection. Jane dropped Mauras hands and slowly brought her own hands to rest on Mauras waist, satisfied when Maura didn't tense or recoil, she slid them down to her bare hips, stepping closer.

"Your body is incredible, you got these amazing hips, perfect curves where they should be, your waist, small but not so much so that you look fake" She trailed her hands up to Mauras waist. "Your stomach, and abs, all toned from all that yoga you do" Jane smiled, her arms slipping round to caress the soft skin on Mauras stomach. "Your scar" Her hand came just above the band of Mauras underwear, fingertips tracing the scar. "This proves how fiercely you love, it shows how brave you are, how strong you are" She stayed there for a few seconds.

"Your shoulders, and arms" She stroked them. "Perfectly toned, strong but still feminine" She squeezed Mauras bicep softly and then trailed down to her hands. "Your hands, do all the work that you love so much, they're delicate, yet powerful, in a way other people will never have the pleasure of knowing" She interlaced their fingers together. She pressed a soft kiss to Mauras shoulder, and then wrapped one arm around her waist again and brought the other up to her head, still stood behind her.

"That beautiful big brain of yours. I will never understand a fraction of it. You're so intelligent its not even funny, languages, diseases, people, you can navigate them all without giving it a second thought"
She began running her fingers through Mauras hair.
"Your hair is so soft, golden with auburn undertones, it falls perfectly no matter what you do with it"

Next, her hand cupped Mauras cheek. "Your face, I cant even put that into words. You have this kind of beauty that cant be bought" She caressed her cheek with her thumb. "Soft skin, sharp, feminine jawline, perfect nose, kissable lips, your eyes, god Maura, your eyes" She pressed a kiss to Mauras jaw, down to her neck.

"Your neck, its elegant, classy, perfect. Your tendons pop out in all the right ways" She pressed a kiss to Mauras neck, lingering for a few seconds. Her hands fell back to Mauras hips. "Your back, your muscles and skin there are so perfect" She began crouching slowly as she trailed kisses down Mauras spine, until she reached the top on her underwear, dimples just visible. "These little dimples at the base of your spine" She was pully crouched now, hands trailing down Mauras thighs and legs. "Your legs, your ass, all toned from all those heels you insist on wearing"

She kissed the backs of Mauras legs, her calves, up over the swell of her ass and back up to her neck again, another kiss, followed by a soft scraping of teeth and the soothing motion of her tongue sweeping over it.

Her hands followed the curve of her hips, over her waist, up to the sides of her breasts.
"Your chest is, well, its torturous, Maura" Janes thumbs swept up and down across the sides of Mauras lace bra.
"Take it off" Maura whispered, finally meeting Janes eyes in the mirror.
"Yeah?" Jane confirmed.
"Yes" Maura nodded slightly. Jane ran her hands across Mauras back, slowly unclasping the bra, pushing the straps from her shoulders, watching as it dropped to the floor and hard, dusky pink nipples were exposed to the air of Janes bedroom.
"Fuck" Jane breathed, latching on to Mauras neck again.

This time Maura let out a small whimper, before spinning round and facing Jane.
"Touch me again. Please Jane, I want you to touch me, I need you to touch me" Maura practically begged.
"Are you sure?"
"This isn't a rebound thing, Jane. This is a you and I thing, I want you, I've always wanted yo-" Maura felt her back hit the wall and Janes hands gripping her waist, lips crashing into her own. Maura moaned as Janes tongue slipped inside of her mouth.

"You...are not...naked enough" Maura panted between kisses, furiously trying to take Janes shirt off. Jane stood back to let her, lifting her arms before moving to push her own sweatpants off, leaving her naked on top, wearing just a pair of boy-shorts.

"God, Jane. You're beautiful. You're perfect, you know how to make me-" Her eyes welled up with tears.
"Its okay baby, its okay. Come on, come sit down" Jane all but carried Maura over to the bed and sat her up against the pillows, letting herself sit next to her. She pulled a blanket over them both and turned to face Maura.
"Im sorry to get all emotional"
"Im sorry I felt you up" Jane chuckled, face blushing.
"Do not apologise for that, ever" Maura smirked through her watery eyes. "I meant what I said, you, you're all have ever wanted" She whispered.

Jane lifted her hand to Mauras face, brushing hair behind her ear before cupping her cheek. She pressed her lips against Mauras, it was softer this time, delicate, precise. Maura moved to straddle Jane, blanket long forgotten.

"You're so beautiful, you know that? I think you're perfect Maura. I fall harder for you every single day, and it kills me to see you hurt like this. Your body, your mind, your face, you are so beyond gorgeous it hurts, please do not ever put yourself down ever again okay?" Maura wrapped her arms around Janes neck and hid her head in Janes neck.

"I've fallen in love with you Jane. I go on dates to push it away, because I though-" She hiccuped a cry. "Shh, it's okay, you don't have to explain yourself to me. I've got you now, right? You're mine now. I'm not going to run Maura, I've wanted this forever"
"So have I, please don't leave me" Mauras abandonments issues played on her mind, she couldn't help it. Janes hands rubbed up and down Mauras back.
"Look at me, Maura" Jane said, it was soft but demanding. Maura lifted her head back and rested her forehead against Janes, eyes locking. "I am not going anywhere, not now, not tomorrow morning, not ever. I'm yours, entirely, baby. Okay?" Jane whispered. Maura pressed her lips to Janes, hands tangling in curly hair.

Jane moaned into Mauras mouth as the kiss heated up and their skin moulded together. "God Maura, you drive me crazy you know that, going on all these dates with all these low lives, you deserve better" Jane breathed into Mauras mouth.
"Show me. Show me that you can be better them" Maura whispered.
"Fuck" Jane quickly flipped them over, laying Maura down and hovering above her. She began kissing Mauras neck, more aggressively this time, until Mauras hand found its way to her hair and gently tugged her back up.
"Wait" Maura said softly. Janes eyes grew wide with concern, Maura kissed her to silence it. "You already are better than them Jane, what you said, how you touched me, that..." Maura trailed off.

"I love you, Maura"
"I love you too, Jane"
"Now let me prove it"

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