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"God, you're so beautiful" Jane breathed, planting soft kisses down Mauras sternum, continuing her path further down to her stomach, sucking little marks into her hipbones.

"Jane, wait" Maura said, almost timidly.
"You okay?" Jane asked, sitting back immediately.
"I just- I'm feeling a little anxious, and I don't really want to." Maura admitted quietly. Jane moved off of Maura and covered her naked body back up with the duvet, "I'm sorry"
"Hey, no, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for! Nothing at all, I'm so glad you felt like you could tell me no. Do you want some pyjama's?" Jane asked, softly stroking Mauras cheek.
"No its okay. I'm not uncomfortable with you, I just, don't think I would have been able to really enjoy it, is it okay if we just, watch a movie?"
"Of course baby" Jane settled under the covers next to Maura.

"Please can you hold me?"
"Like you have to ask" Jane smiled at Maura. "Can I kiss you?"
"Of course" Maura smiled back, accepting Janes lips on her own softly. Jane kissed her forehead and then pulled her into her arms. Jane flicked on a Disney movie, making sure to hold Maura tightly.
"You don't have to talk about whats making you anxious, but you know I'll always listen right?" Jane asked, softly running her fingertips up and down Mauras back.

"I know. I don't really know, its just an odd, unpleasant feeling in my chest and I don't like it. You know that me wanting to stop wasn't anything to do with my attraction to you, don't you Jane? I love you so incredibly much, and I think you are the most attractive person I have ever met" Maura said, tears welling up in her eyes. "And its not that I think you would be angry but a lot of people are when I say I don't want to..." She began to cry softly, simply tears spilling down her cheeks.

"Oh honey, of course I know that. I promise you I am not mad, or upset, or disappointed. I want to make sure you are happy and safe first and always" Jane wiped away Mauras tears. "I am so sorry that other people have made you feel as though you're wrong for not wanting to, but I promise you, I will never be one of those people. If you never want to have sex again, if that was what made you happy, then that is what we will do. You're allowed to stop it any time you want to, even if its something you usually have no problem with, I love holding each other and just being close to you more than sex, the closeness, it means more. I love you so much, sweetheart. I'm always going to listen to you. I love you, I love you, I love you" Jane pulled Maura back into her body.
"Thank you, Jane. I love you so much" Maura whispered into Janes bare chest.

Jane gently ran her fingers through Mauras hair, intermittently kissing her forehead, cheeks and lips, whispered I love you's echo through the bedroom.
"You're perfect" Maura whispered softly, raising her head to look at Jane. "You're perfect and I am so happy that you're mine. I love you darling. You take such good care of me, and you love me. I hope you know that if you ever want to tell me no, you can."
"I will, I promise. You're beautiful Maura, your face, your mind, your body, everything about you is beautiful" Jane gently kissed her again. "Perfect."

Maura turned her body more into Janes, resting her head on Janes chest and letting the steady rhythm of the heart beneath her ear sooth her.

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