Sick snuggles

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"Your cheeks look a little flushed baby, you feeling okay?" Jane asked her wife. She was lay in bed with her laptop on her knee, finishing off some files on her day off.
"I don't feel too well" Maura groaned, walking towards the bed. "I have a cold, my heads pounding, and I have cramps" Maura whined. Unbeknownst to most, Maura, when sick, turned into a massive baby, needing affection and attention at all times. She became extra clingy and needy, and Jane secretly loved it.

Maura was a very touchy person with Jane anyway, but it was entirely different when she wasn't feeling well.
"Oh baby, c'mere, you wanna watch a movie?" Jane pushed the laptop onto the bedside table and turned on the tv. Maura sniffled and climbed onto the bed, settling her hips between Janes parted legs, and dramatically flopping down onto her. Jane smiled softly as Mauras arms wound around her waist, and her head rested on her chest. "You're really warm sweetheart, have you taken some medicine?"

"Yeah, I took something, non drowsy my ass" Maura mumbled, as Janes hand found her hair and began gently raking her fingers across her scalp and the base of her neck. Maura was wearing a tank top and some boxers of Janes, having just had a shower, she didn't have the energy to get changed. Jane chuckled softly and flicked on Pitch Perfect, which was secretly, one of Mauras favourite movies.

Maura cuddled deeper into Jane, sighing loudly as Janes fingertips trailed lower, over her shoulder blades and exposed skin of her upper back.
"Mm, s'nice" Maura hummed into Janes collarbone.
"It is? Thats good baby, try and have a nap, you might feel a little better when you wake up" Jane pressed her lips to Mauras warm forehead, her free hand coming beneath the fabric of the tank top to scratch her back softly.

Maura kissed Janes collarbone and settled her head, letting the comfort relieve her a little and make her feel better. Jane tangled their legs together a little more, knowing how Maura liked to feel encased and surrounded, so that she knew Jane was there. Jane continued her comforting movements as she felt Mauras breath even out, light snores falling from her mouth due to her blocked nose. Even once Maura was fully asleep, Jane continued the soothing motions, because she loved to do it.

The feeling of Maura sleeping in her arms, laying there, comforted, trusting, made Jane feel indescribably happy, knowing that Maura came to her for comfort, for love, for life. She looked over Mauras side profile, the slope of her nose, her long, dark eyelashes, perfect lips drawn into a slight smile. She brought her hand across Mauras cheek, fingers parting around her ear, and gently caressed the soft skin with her thumb. Kissing her head once more, she sat and watched the film, still stroking and holding her wife in her arms.

About 20 minutes later Maura began mumbling something.
"Whats wrong?" Jane asked softly.
"Hurts" Maura grimaced in her half awake state.
"What hurts darling?"
"Stomach" Maura mumbled, shifting to try and get comfy.

"Here, let me move you" Jane sat a little further up in the bed, bringing Maura to lay against her left side, rather than atop of her. Maura snuggled into her side, head still on her chest, right arm wrapped under Jane, the other over her stomach, under her shirt, to rest on top of the swell of her breast and her heart. Jane smiled at the contact and moved one of her hands to pull Mauras thigh over her pelvis, softly running her hand across Mauras thigh, up to her hip.

Her other arm was wrapped around Mauras back and slipped beneath the fabric of her vest top to settle on her stomach, gently massaging the bloated part of Mauras lower abdomen to try and alleviate some of the pain.
"Tell me if I hurt you okay?"
"M'kay" Maura responded.
"Hows your head beautiful?"
"A little better" Maura responded, smiling softly and meeting Janes eyes. Jane smiled back and pecked Mauras forehead again. "You always know how to make me feel better" Maura said quietly.

Jane rested her cheek against Mauras head, listening to the gentle breaths of Maura slipping back into a deep sleep.
"Sweet dreams beautiful" Jane whispered.

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