Never see them coming

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"Fuck!" Maura screamed as she saw the car coming towards her, she knew there was no way she could stop in time, and the sound of the collision was much louder than she would have ever imagined.


"Hey Jane, you heard from Doctor Isles this morning?" Frost asked Jane.
"Yeah, she called me just before she left actually, she should have been here by now" Jane said, checking the clock.
"Okay, I don't want to panic you, but I've just overheard some cops radios going off outside, theres been a crash, and the description sounds a lot like Maura, and her car-"

Jane was out of the door before Frost even finished explaining. She jumped in her car and broke every speed limit, lights flashing and sirens on, she had to get to Maura. She followed back the drive Maura would've taken to get to work, until she came to that damned bend in the road, where Maura, and her car, were found.

She parked on the side and ran over, meeting the same police officers she had assumed Frost was talking about; she ran past them towards Mauras car.

"Maura! Maura can you hear me?" She shouted. The doctor was out cold, and the stupid damned door wouldn't open, as it had been smashed into the structure of the car. "Somebody fucking do something!" Jane yelled.
"Fire and Ambulance are on their way detective, we cant do anything until the get here" A police officer said, taking down the details of the woman driving the other car, which, somehow, had barely a scrape to show for the accident. She overheard the woman accept her fault, she had turned when she shouldn't have.

"I swear to you, if she-" Jane pointed towards Maura, who was still out in the car. "-Is harmed in any way, you will have a lot more to worry about than insurance, okay? Do you understand me?" She yelled. The woman nodded and turned back to the police officer, Jane jogged towards Mauras car, as the fire engine and ambulances arrived.

"Do we have any details? The EMT asked.
"Doctor Maura Isles, 36, no pre existing medical conditions, shes-" Janes voice cracked. "She's my best friend, please wake her up"
"We will do everything we can Ma'am" The woman gave Jane a promising look, and then turned to where the side door of the car was being cut off.

After then paramedics got Maura safely onto a stretcher, C-Spine immobilised, they rushed her off to hospital, with Jane following behind in her own car. She rushed through the door to the emergency room.

"Im here for Maura Isles" She said to the woman at the front desk.
"Shes not allowed any visitors right now, but if you wait here then someone will come get you as soon as you can see her." The woman responded.
"Okay thanks" Jane sighed, scraping back her hair and sighing.


Jane was getting scared, and Jane Rizzoli didn't do scared. Maura hadn't been conscious for 48 hours now, she had a head injury, a broken arm, and a 10 centimetre gash on her thigh where some glass had implanted itself during the crash.

She was holding Mauras good hand between her own two, her lips pressing soft kisses to Mauras grazed knuckles as she prayed for her best friend to open her eyes.

"Mm" An almost unnoticeable sound escaped Mauras throat.
"Shhh sh, dont try and talk, ive got you" Jane whispered, pressing the button on the bed that called the doctor in. "You're okay sweetie, you're okay" Jane bit back tears, not sure if she was reassuring Maura or herself at this point.

The doctor came in and checked over Maura, deciding that she needed to stay one more night in the hospital, and then hopefully after that she would be okay to go home.

"Do you remember what happened?"
"Mhm, the crash, wasn't my fault Jane, I promise" Maura broke down into tears.
"Oh I know, I know honey, its okay, don't cry, its okay now" Jane wrapped a hand around Mauras head and pressed her lips to her hair.

"I've only just seen your pretty eyes again, you cant block that view with tears" Jane teased, despite her own eyes being watery as they locked in on Mauras.
"How do you feel? Dizzy? Sick?"
"All of the above" Maura chuckled humourlessly.
"You want some water?"
"Please" Maura nodded.

Jane picked up the cup and the straw, navigating it past slightly parted lips to allow Maura to sip it.
"I feel weak" Maura breathed.
"You will do honey, for a little while, but I've got you okay? Once you start healing youll feel a whole lot more like yourself okay?" The fact Maura wasn't spilling medical terminology saddened Jane (who never thought would be something she would miss) as it meant Maura really wasn't well enough.
"I want to go home"
"I know, but you have to stay here one more night, and if you stay out of trouble then I promise I will take you home tomorrow" Jane tucked a piece of hair behind Mauras ear softly.

Maura nodded and leaned into the palm Jane had now rested on her cheek.
"Go to sleep Maur, I'll be here when you wake up"
"I promise" Jane kissed Mauras head.
"Love you..."
"I love you too darling"


"Carefully!" Angela yelled.
"Ma! Will you calm down? I know shes hurt, I wasn't gonna drop kick her to Cincinnati!" Jane yelled back.
"My head" Maura reminded Jane of her headache.
"Sorry honey, you wanna go to the sofa or to bed?" Jane asked, arm wrapped around Mauras waist.
"Bed, please, I'm exhausted" Maura whispered. Jane stared back at eyes that looked empty.
"Okay, okay come on" Jane helped Maura into her bedroom and quickly left to say goodbye to her mother.

"What do you need?"
"A wash" Maura chuckled. "I can't stand up though"
"I can go run you a shallow bath, just enough for you to sit in while you clean off. I have some bags to wrap round you cast and bandages so they don't get wet"
"Okay" Maura said tiredly. Jane took another long look at her, bit her lip, and then went into the bathroom to start running a bath, putting in some lavender scented bubbles to help settle Maura a little, checking and double checking the temperature.

"Cmon then Madam, your bath awaits" Jane re entered the bedroom, to find Maura in tears on the bed. "Hey, what's the matter does something hurt?"
"No, well yes but, I just...I feel like such an invalid, and you are stuck here helping me. I'm so sorry Jane"
"Maura, with all the love in the world, shut up, okay? I want to be here helping you, okay? I love you honey, you're my best friend, I'm not about to leave you stranded" Jane promised, kneeling to look at Maura on her level.

"Now come have a bath, and then you can go to sleep" Jane helped Maura to the bath. "Okay, naked time Isles"
"You're not funny" Maura deadpanned.
"Oh shush, I don't know how you stayed unconscious for so long, not hearing my jokes and seeing my beautiful face" Jane teased.
"You think very highly of yourself" Maura chuckled. "Im wounded" Jane feigned hurt.
"Just help me get undressed"
"At least let me take you to dinner first"
"Once I can walk again" Maura shot back, smirking at the floor. "Otherwise how will we have a happy ending?"

"Maura!" Jane coughed, which Maura laughed at.
"Please, just help me"
"Okay okay" Jane helped Maura undress, and then wrapped her bandages, before helping her into the bath slowly.

She helped Maura wash her body, and her hair, gently massaging her scalp to ease the tension headache. She was careful of where she put her hands, and tried not to pay attention to where she was running the sponge.

When she noticed Mauras eyes slipping closed she decided that was enough.
"Okay baby, come on, its bed time" She helped Maura back out and got her into her bedroom.

Maura stayed awake long enough for Jane to help her change into a hoodie and a pair of boxer shorts, and allow her to braid her hair, albeit a little wonky, so that she could get some sleep.

"If you lay on the left of the bed, and turn on your right side, you can rest your left arm and leg on me, and that way you sleep on your good side" Jane calculated.
"I think you could chop my arm and leg off at the moment and I'd be too tired to notice" Maura breathed.
"Okay, c'mere" Jane said softly, laying down and opening an arm to invite Maura into her. Maura let Jane move her body with a tenderness that Jane only used with Maura, until Maura was comfortable and safely tucked against Janes body. "Okay, there you go honey, sleep now"
"Night Jane"
"Goodnight honey, sweet dreams" Jane pressed her lips to the top of Mauras damp head.

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