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This one is a little similar to Breathe, but its lighter and more romance ensues:)

TW : anxiety


"So no, I do not want to go with you, oh look! Saved by the bell" Jane yelled. She pulled her phone from her holster and answered with a smile. "Hey Maur, you just saved me from going knocking on 132 doors so thank you" Jane laughed.
"C-can you-" Maura breathed and didnt even manage to finish her sentence.
"Im on my way" Jane immediately sensed Mauras tone and left the bullpen with no explanation.

"Maura?" Jane yelled into the empty morgue. She made her way round the corner and through the door to her office. She tried the handle but it was locked, all the blinds were closed and she couldn't see into the room. "Honey its me can you let me in?" Jane asked softly. She heard shuffling and then the door unlocked, revealing a disheveled, shaking blonde. "Whats wrong?" Jane asked, locking the door behind her and drawing the blind that covered the window in the door. She took in her best friends symptoms, and recognised them as ones she herself displayed after her nightmare.


"You anxious sweetheart?" Jane asked.
"I believe so, my breathing, my...hands t-tingle and my heart- I cant- Jane" She began breathing even more erratically.
"Okay, Maur, look at me. You're anxious, I'm gonna try and help before it turns into a panic attack okay?" Jane slowly approached Maura, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Come and sit down with me" She guided her to the sofa and knelt in front of her.
"My so fast" Jane knew she was teetering on dangerous territory as no medical jargon was leaving Mauras mouth.

"I know, sweetheart, I know. But Im here now, okay? You're safe, you're not alone, okay?" Jane took one of Mauras hands in her own, the other resting on Mauras thigh, both thumbs making matching patterns. "Focus for me, whats 5 things you can see right now?"
"T-the ch-chair. My t-t-tibetan masks, m- my, my tablet, the b-blinds, and y-you" She shook as she completed Janes task.
"Good, you're doing really well Maura" Jane stroked her knee. "Now 4 things you can touch"

Maura reached around herself. "The c-couch, my sk-skirt, your h- hand, and y-your other hand" Maura said, placing her free hand on top of the one that Jane had in her lap. Jane felt her knee bouncing up and down beneath her grip and gently pushed it a little harder, trying to get Mauras shaking under control.
"Good" Jane smiled, noting Mauras less broken speech. "Three things you can hear"
"The morgue techs next d-door. The clock tick-ticking, Your voice" Maura said, clearly more calm than she previously was.

"Two things you can smell"
"Your perfume" Maura paused for a moment, smelled the air and then stifled a giggle. "Deco" She let the laugh out. Jane laughed too, half of it being in relief.
"You always smell them before you even see them" Jane shook her head, looking up at Maura with a big grin on her face, proud of her best friend. "See, you're okay, you did it. Now take one of those big centring breaths you like so much and let me hug you" Jane said quietly, moving to stand up and sit next to Maura on the couch.

Jane sat with her back against the arm of the sofa, and pulled Maura between her open legs, wrapping her arms around her waist and pulling her close. She felt Maura take a few deep breaths, before letting them return to normal, feeling better to be in Janes embrace.
"Thank you Jane, I feel much better now" Maura sighed, turning onto her right to wrap her arms around Janes waist and snuggle into her. Jane brought a hand up to Mauras hair, gently scratching at her scalp.

Maura looked up at Jane, searching in her eyes.
"How do you do it?" Maura asked quietly, still making eye contact with Jane.
"Do what, darling?" Jane still massaged Mauras scalp.
"You always know just what to say. I mean you're the most impatient person in the world but, you always take your time with me. You know how to make me better when I don't even know whats wrong" Maura said quietly.

"Because, you're my person Maur, I will always have time for you" Jane kissed Mauras forehead.
"I think, I think I just overdid it a little. Not having enough breaks, not really taking care of myself like I usually do. I have generalised anxiety disorder but it doesn't present too much any more, little blips here and there but nothing I can't handle. This just got the better of me today and I needed help"

"And Im glad you called me" Jane whispered, not wanting to bring ip how Maura had never discussed this with her, she knew Maura to keep herself to herself so not to worry other people. "Im always gonna be here for you, sweetheart, always"

Maura smiled gently and pushed her body up, pressing a soft kiss to Janes lips.
"You" She whispered.
"Me what?" Jane asked, still dazed but not at all unhappy.
"I assume the last thing on your list, was to name one thing I could taste. I can taste you" Maura said, matter-of-fact and sure of herself. Jane smiled and shook her head. Maura lifted up to kiss her again but Jane gently held her back. "Im sorry, I-I thought"

"Hey, Romeo, don't spiral on me again" Jane joked, putting Maura at ease a little, but she was still confused. "I want to, but I don't want to take advantage of you right now, you might feel better but you're still vulnerable and I don't want to abuse that. I also don't want our first proper kiss to be on your uncomfortable as fuck couch" Jane chuckled, Maura laughed too, and then settled back into that look of adoration.
"This is why I..." Maura stopped herself.
"You what?" Jane asked.
"I don't want to say it on my 'uncomfortable as fuck couch'" Maura smirked. Jane raised an eyebrow at the profanity but then the words sunk in and she grinned widely.

"'This is why I' too" Jane teased. "Cmon, I'm taking you home honey. You said it yourself you haven't been taking care of yourself properly. So we're gonna go home, and Im gonna take care of you until you can take care of yourself okay? Don't say no Maura, I can see you're about to, please just let me do it. Just give me 10 minutes to talk to Cavanaugh and I will be back, you get your things and meet me in here okay? 10 minutes" Jane promised. Maura nodded, resigning to fate and leaning back into Jane. Jane gave Maura a squeeze and then they both moved.

Jane secured the rest of the week off for both herself and Maura, with it being Thursday that meant they had all weekend to make sure Maura was okay.
"Okay, you ready?" Jane asked. Maura nodded and took the hand that Jane had held out for her. As much as she hated having to take time off, she knew she needed it, and needed the time with Jane.
"Come on then sweetheart, lets get you better"

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