growing pains

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"Mommy!" 11 year old Olivia yelled out into the hallway, sounding slightly panicked.
"One second Ellie, you just finish your breakfast and then get your stuff together for school okay?" Maura smiled at her 9 year old daughter. She swiftly made her way up the stairs and knocked on the bathroom door. 

"Livvy, can I come in? Whats wrong honey?"
"I-, yeah come in" She responded. Maura clicked the lock open and scanned the room, looking for anything that could be wrong. Then she saw the root of the problem and her face contorted into a sympathetic smile. "Your Ma and I were wondering when this would happen. You remember what it is right? What I taught you about menstruation a couple of years ago? And I'm sure its been mentioned in school"

"Yeah, I know what it is I just, I don't know how to..."
"Okay, then I will show you, alright?" Maura smiled encouragingly, biting back tears at the fact her first child was officially grown up.
"Okay" Liv nodded.

Once they had finished up in the bathroom, Maura put the washing machine on; and rang the principle of Olivias school, telling them she wasn't feeling well, and wouldn't be in today or probably tomorrow, just to cover her bases. Usually she wouldn't let her kids play hooky, but this time she didn't mind, she remembered how overwhelming it was her first time she got her period.

"Liv, I'm just going to take Ellie to school okay? I've spoken to your principle and I've decided to work from home, you can go back to bed if you like? Or sit down here with me and watch some TV while I work"
"Are you sure?"
"I don't tend to assume, but I did think you'd probably like the day off to get your head around it" Maura said softly. Liv nodded and leaned into her for a hug, which Maura gratefully reciprocated, rubbing her back softly. "Go back to bed sweetheart, I'll come check on you when I'm back okay? I just have to swing by the office and pick up some things"

Once Ellie was at school, Maura drove to BPD, dropping into the office to grab some files, and then went upstairs to find Jane and explain.
"Hey Maur" Jane smiled, confused. There wasn't any active cases at the moment so she wasn't really expecting a visit from her wife so early in the work day.
"Hi, can I talk to you" Maura gently tugged Janes shoulder, suggesting they go somewhere else to talk.

They slipped into on of the interrogation rooms, and Jane perched on the edge of the desk.
"Whats up baby, you look a little sad" Jane took Mauras hands.
"Liv got her first period this morning, and I know it's completely normal and doesn't really change much but, shes growing up Jane. Shes growing up and its so sad" Maura said quietly.
"Awh, honey c'mere, we knew it would happen sooner or later, her mood swings have been almost as bad as mine" Jane chuckled, pulling Maura in for a hug.

"I've let her take the day off, and Im going to work from home too, I know the hormones can be quite overwhelming the first time so"
"Doctor Isles! Are you letting our daughter play hooky?"
"Just this once" Maura chuckled. Jane gently kissed her lips and nodded.
"I'll be home at 4 okay?"
"Okay" Maura kissed Jane once more before they headed out. In reception they shared one last kiss before Maura left to go home.
"I love you" Jane said.
"I love you too, I'll see you later"

Maura made her way home and walked in to find Liv sat on the sofa, watching Pitch Perfect.
"Hey sweetheart, how you feeling"
"My stomach really hurts" Olivia sighed.
"Let me get you some pain killers, and a heating pad. I have to apologise, my love, you take after me for this, I always get cramps whereas your Ma suffers with headaches and back pain, which I expect will be passed on to Ellie" Maura sighed.

She filled the heat pad and moved back over to the couch, giving Olivia the painkillers and gently resting the heating pad against her stomach.
"It should start to ease off soon" Maura gently wrapped an arm around Olivia and stroked her shoulder.
"Can I lay on you?"
"Of course you can sweetheart" Maura shifted herself so her body was in the corner of the sofa, legs straight out against the footrest. Liv lay down and rested her head on her mothers thighs, feeling a deep comfort wash over her as Mauras hand played with her hair, the other turning the TV down slightly.

Maura knew she had work to do, but she also knew that she would never put work before her children, like her own mother had done.
Maura watched as Olivias eyes closed and she fell back into sleep, glad that she wasn't in pain while she slept, Maura balanced her laptop on the side of the couch, and worked using only her right hand, her left still massaging Livs scalp.

It was about two hours later, at around 12pm, that Liv woke properly, sitting up.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" Maura asked as the blonde rubbed at her eyes.
"Understandable, you can have ibuprofen now, you can take two every four hours, the same as paracetamol , they work better when staged at two hour intervals, the chemicals begin to wear off as you take the others, allowing your body to stay at a lightly numbed state" Maura said, moving to the kitchen to go get some.

"I'm gonna go have a shower, then lay upstairs for a bit and do some homework" Olivia had always been a good child, did well with her studies just like her mother. Ellie was intelligent, but a little less enthusiastic.
"Okay darling, what would you like for lunch?"
"Mm...fries" Liv suggested, pleading smile on her face. Maura couldn't resist, it was the exact same smile that Jane gave when she wanted something she really shouldn't have.
"Only because you're having a tough day, and you have to eat your salad too, same rules as your mother gets. Deal?"
"Deal, thanks Mommy" Liv gave her mother a squeeze and then ascended the stairs.

Maura chuckled to herself and put some fries in the oven, before cutting up some veg and pouring herself a glass of water. She got lost in thought and completely zoned out, not registering the sound of someone coming into the room until a pair of arms snaked around her waist.
"Jesus!" Maura yelled, which turned into a chuckle as Janes warm laughter filled her ears. Maura leaned back into Janes embrace and let herself be held. "What are you doing home darling?"
"The guys let me clock off early to be with you both" Jane said, pressing her lips to Mauras neck.
"Thats very nice of them"
"I have some files to go through but nothing pressing" Jane rested her head on Mauras shoulder.

"Mom, are my fries almost- Ew, get a room you two" Liv cringed as she walked into the kitchen.
"Doctor Isles! Fries? For lunch?" Jane teased.
"And salad!" Liv added. Jane laughed as she took her arms from around Maura and walked over to her daughter, pulling her into a hug and kissing her head.
"Guess you're a grown up now huh?" Jane smiled softly into Livs hair.
"Yeah, god, mom whats a tax?" Liv teased. Maura went to open her mouth and Jane could sense an unnecessary ramble coming on.

"Baby shes teasing you" Jane called over, letting Liv go and moving over towards Maura
"Well, Im glad you find each other so funny. I might have to eat all of these fries on my own"
"Well, if you think that little waistline would agree with it then..." Jane teased once more.
"Jane Rizzoli-Isles you are a nightmare"
"I am your dream baby don't kid yourself" Jane pressed her lips to Mauras and gave her a little wink. Maura smirked back and moved to the oven, pulling the food out and dishing it all up.

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