im never leaving you

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Hey! Just a short one about the two exploding at each other, unveiling their feelings in a way neither expected it to happen.


"What am I gonna do without my best friend?" Maura asked sombrely.
"Maura" Jane sighed sadly. "Hey, Maura what are you doing?" Jane asked, looking up at Maura.
"Excuse me, I have a foreign body in my cornea" Maura said, rubbing at her teary eye as she walked away.

Jane followed her into her office and shut the door behind her.
"Maura, talk" Jane said.
"No, Jane, it would be selfish of me to give my input in here"
"No, Maura, it would be selfish of you to keep how you feel about this from me!"
"You're being short sighted!" Maura yelled. "You're the one being selfish! So what, you're gonna just pack up and move to some army base, to serve soldiers and just leave everything behind? Leave me behind? Leave yourself behind? I mean seriously Jane I never thought you'd actually leave. And over a man no less. I just, I cant get my head around it!" Maura shouted, tears free flowing now, but out of anger.

Jane was taken aback by Mauras sudden outburst.
"And you think I'm the selfish one? You're only thinking about you right now! You're only thinking about how all of this is gonna affect you Maura! If I leave you will get over it! You will be fine in a few months, you'll forget all about me, you'll find somebody and you'll fall in love and you'll forget I ever existed!" Jane scoffed.

"What the hell Jane! I would never forget you. I cant believe you think that little of me! I wont ever be able to pretend like you never existed because I'm so incredibly in love with you, and that pain will never leave me if you do" Maura sobbed.

Jane was ready to yell back, when Mauras words sunk in, and she took a step back, leaning against the doorframe. Mauras hand flew to her mouth when she realised what she had said. She looked down for a moment to process and then looked up at Jane, who had turned a ghostly shade of white and was looking at Maura like a deer in headlights.

"Jane-" Maura started. Jane attempted to lift her hand as if to silence Maura. "I'm so sorry. I should never have..." Maura trailed off, for once at a loss for words. Jane was still frozen, stood in front of the locked door, ready to bolt at a single wrong move from Maura. Maura took a slow step towards Jane, and when Jane didn't run, she took another, then another, until she was standing within arms length of her. "Jane. Please. Say something, anything!" Maura begged. Tears began to well in her eyes.

"Why didn't you ever tell me you loved me back" Jane whispered, dark eyes focused intently on Mauras own hazel ones. "Why didn't you say anything, and let me settle for that, that boy!" Jane said, tears streaming down her face. "I said yes to him because I thought I would never have the chance to say yes to you, Maura." Jane sobbed.

"If you love me then why didn't you say anything" Maura was crying erratically now too.
"Because I was scared, scared of losing you. Losing the one person that has ever understood me, losing us" Jane whispered, taking a step closer.
"I was scared too" Maura said, eyes still fixed on Janes as they became close enough to feel each others body heat. "I'm still scared, Jane. Im terrified" Maura admitted quietly. "I don't want to ever have to miss you"
"You never will" Jane nodded, staring intently at her, her hands finding Mauras waist and holding her close. Maura nodded back as her own hands found Janes cheeks.

"I love you so much" Maura whispered against Janes lips.
"I love you more" Jane said back quietly, before closing the gap and sealing the deal that lasted a lifetime.

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