steady in your arms

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An ice blue, cold stare pierced into her, his hand covered her mouth, but it was pointless, she was too tired to scream anyway.

But that smirk, something about it, the way he was enjoying this, he was proud of himself for this, it gave her a second wind. Something in her ignited. She was Doctor Maura Isles, and she had to be strong right now. She bit him, hard, definitely drawing blood, which she spat out, before screaming, as he sprung back in pain. Her body ached, so she couldn't do much more than screaming , praying that somebody would save her.

"You little bitch, you're gonna pay for that!" He yelled. It was the first time she had heard his voice at a normal volume. She saw him come hurtling towards her, and she closed her eyes and resigned to fate, there was no point in fighting it, she couldn't save herself.

But someone else definitely could. She didn't even have a chance to register what had happened, not that she could process it anyway, everything hurt, she was so tired, and she just wanted to curl up and go to sleep.

She could hear the Miranda Rights being read out somewhere nearby, and she felt a presence kneel next to her.
"Maura! Maura you have to stay awake okay? Please, Maur, please" Jane bit back a sob. She longed to reach out, to grab Maura, to hold on to her and never let her out of her sight again. But she feared that would only make it worse.

Everything else happened so quickly, statements were given, tests performed, by the time Jane got Maura home it was nearing 3am. The guy was behind bars until the trial, and Maura felt like she was behind her own bars. She couldn't talk, barely move, she could hardly think, her whole brain consumed with vivid flashbacks.

"Maura come on, you need to shower" Jane said quietly. Maura didn't move, didn't speak, didn't even look at Jane. Jane knelt in front of where she was sat on the couch, and slowly reached out to hold Mauras hand, finding relief when Maura didn't pull back.
"Sweetheart, I can only imagine how incredibly violated, and vulnerable you must feel right now. What just happened to you was traumatic, and wrong, and vicious. I don't want to make that any worse okay, you don't have to speak, I'm going to help you, tell you everything I'm gonna do before I do it, and I want you to stop me if you need to okay? Just three taps, okay? Tap me three times and I will stop, and reevaluate. Does that sound okay?" One tap.

Jane smiled slightly, understanding their new system. "Okay, I'm gonna pick you up, and carry you into the bathroom okay?" One tap.

"Okay, Maura, I'm going to start to take your clothes off, if you want me to stop, three taps, okay?" Another tap. Jane began peeling away the clothes, the red blouse, with the three top buttons missing. The torn black skirt, with blood stains down the sides. The black, snapped heels, the jewellery, until Maura was in just her underwear. "I'm gonna take your underwear off okay?" A few seconds passed, Jane watched as Mauras eyes fell closed for a second, and then opened again as she gave a tentative tap. "Okay. I'm gonna start with your bra, I am not going to hurt you, okay? It's just me Maur" She moved around to unhook Mauras bra and put it on the pile with the rest of her clothes, and then took off her thong.

She could've cried, she could've clung to Maura, and begged her to talk. She could've gone down to the police station and finished what she started when she caught the guy, she could have done so many things but she didn't. She just got rid of the garment and gently coaxed Maura under the gentle, warm spray of the shower. She washed away the dirt, and the blood, from Mauras arms, thighs, face and anywhere else she saw. All while receiving those soft taps from Maura.

"I'm gonna wash your hair now, darling, okay?" Jane said softly. "You're doing so well Maura, I'm so proud of you" Jane gently pushed Mauras damp hair back from her face. She washed the blood from her hair and watched the night disappear down the drain. If only it was that easy.

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