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"Maura this looks incredible, thank you so much" Angela smiled widely at the blonde as she put the meal on the table. Everybody was round at Mauras house for Sunday family dinner, Korsak, Frost, the Rizzoli's, and Maura.
"Thank you Angela, does anybody need anything before we eat?" Everyone shook their heads no and Maura smiled before taking her seat next to Jane.

The two had decided to make their relationship official a few weeks ago, but were keeping it quiet for a while so that they can navigate it themselves before receiving the input of the others, as much as their intentions are good, they are notorious meddlers.

Jane gently placed her hand on Mauras thigh and gave it a soft squeeze of appreciation, Maura turned her head to look at Jane with adoring eyes, nodding slightly in acknowledgment and covering Janes hand with her own and interlocking their fingers. Jane had never been so happy to be left handed, she certainly didn't mind giving up her right hand for Maura.

Everyone had finished eating and chatter around the table began to raise in volume, as it did every single week. Maura loved it, she loved that she had found a family in this amazing group of people, and she loved the confort the bustling atmosphere brought to her.

Maura stood to start washing the pots.
"Oh here honey let me help" Angela said, moving to stand.
"Oh no Ma, Ive got it, you chat" Jane said, standing herself and collecting empty plates to put in the dishwasher. Angela smiled to herself once Jane was out of sight, knowing her daughter's need to be close to Maura, just not to the full extent that it was.

Janes hips brushed past Mauras as she moved over to the dishwasher, then she put her hand around Mauras waist as she pressed Maura into the counter, leaning over her to grab a dishwasher tablet from the box on the side. She felt Mauras breath hitch and hips push back as she trapped her, and smirked. She checked behind her and sure enough, everyone was too busy chatting to see them. She leaned forwards and put her lips to Mauras ear, warm breath hitting Mauras skin made the shorter woman drag her bottom lip between her teeth.

"This dress looks incredible on you" The words made Mauras spine tingle and her skin burned where Janes hand held her waist. Maura turned her head so now she was next to Janes ear, smirked and whispered back.
"I think it'd look better on our bedroom floor, don't you?" Maura giggled seductively as she felt Janes body tense behind her. Maura pressed a quick kiss to Janes earlobe and then walked back into the living room.

Jane gripped the kitchen counter until her knuckled turned white, biting her lip and smiling to herself, even now it shocked her to be on the receiving end of Mauras flirting, it made her stomach turn in the best way and a heat flow through her body.

She composed herself and then joined everyone in the living room, taking a seat on the couch between the arm of the sofa and Maura, who was sat next to Angela. Korsak was on one arm chair, Tommy on the other. Frankie and Frost sat on the floor, all half tuned in to conversation, half focused on the sports game playing out on the TV.

Maura immediately curled into Janes side, this was normal, they were always affectionate from the start of their friendship, so nobody gave it a second thought, which made it a little easier to keep their relationship under wraps.

Maura pulled a blanket off of the back of the sofa and placed it over herself and Jane. Jane lifted her arm and turned more sideways, so Maura could lean into her body and lay her head on Janes chest. Mauras left arm wrapped around Janes back, and her right hand came to rest rather high on Janes right thigh. Jane let the hand she had free rest on the arm of the chair, her right hand over Mauras shoulders, fingertips trailing over her collarbone and resting just above the swell of her breast.

Mauras fingertips tickled the fabric of Janes jeans, gently massaging her thigh, knowing full well the consequences her actions would have. This was confirmed when she felt Janes breathing quicken against her head. Maura teased a little higher, having to hide her smile as she watched Jane muddle her way through the conversation tommy was attempting to have with her.

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