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It had been a fairly mundane day at BPD they had a suspicious death earlier but eventually ruled out homicide. So when Janes phone rang her face lit up, expecting it to be dispatch with a new case, but it contorted into an expression of confusion when Mauras face lit up the screen. She answered and held the phone to her ear.

"Hey Maur"
"Can you come down here please?"
"Yeah is everything okay?"
"No, I don't feel too good" Mauras voice sounded shaky.
"I'm on my way" Jane said, standing up and making her way out of the bullpen.

The elevator seemed to move slower than it ever had before, and the whole ride down, Jane got increasingly worried. Maura never got sick, and she hated to ask for help when she did. When she finally got to the bottom floor, nobody else was there, no lab techs, no Susie, nothing. She frowned and walked into the morgue and found Maura, back her, hands clenching the edge of the sink, slightly swaying.

"Hey honey" Jane said carefully. "You okay?" She put a hand on Mauras back. Mauras head shook, which she seemed to regret as almost immediately after, her whole body lurched forwards, and she heaved into the sink. "Whoaa, okay, alright let it out" Jane held Mauras waist with one hand, the other rubbed soothing circles against Mauras warm back. Maura threw up twice, tears burning her eyes.

This was her big secret, she hated, hated vomiting. The feeling of being unable to catch your breath, the burn, the smell, the taste, everything about it made her stomach turn.

"Sorry" She husked out meekly.
"Hey, it's okay. Don't be sorry" Jane said softly. "Are you alright?"
"I feel a little better now yes, although I do feel somewhat lightheaded" Maura said quietly.

Jane handed her a cup of water, Maura shifted to turn around and face Jane after washing her hands.
"Swill, spit and then have a sip"
"Thank you" Maura said, voice barely there. Jane thought it was over, but then Mauras body began trembling excessively. "I...I'm gonn-"

The plastic cup slipped from Mauras grip, splashing on the floor, Jane acted fast, catching Mauras head as she began to lull backwards, headed straight for the edge of the sink.
"Woah woah, okay. Okay" Jane pulled Mauras head into her own body, pulling her away from the sink.

She slowly lowered them both to the floor, she lay Maura on her side in the recovery position, and gently placed her head down. Then she moved so her own back was against the cabinets, and placed Mauras head in her lap to elevate it. She grabbed the plastic cup, which still had some water in it, and dipped her fingers into it, then gently trailed them across Mauras neck, forehead and jaw, trying to wake her up. she looked down at her watch, it had only been 40 seconds, but it felt like hours.

"C'mon Maur, time to wake up now" she said, gently stroking through Mauras hair, trailing some more water onto her chest. Janes breathing calmed down when she heard a small sound come from the back of Mauras throat. Then, the M.E blinked her eyes open slowly, focusing in on the material of Janes t-shirt, she was confused, and tried to move to get a better understanding, but Jane placed a hand on her shoulder and gently held her down. "You're okay Maur, its okay. Just stay down for a little while, wouldn't want you going again" Jane smiled down at the blonde.

Maura nodded and closed her eyes, but Janes hand on her cheek woke her back up. "Stay awake for me Maur, okay?"
"Mhm, okay"
"Whats got you feeling so ill?"
"Im uncertain, I haven't felt like this in quite some time"

The fact that Maura didn't immediately spout knowledge about different diseases that could cause this reaction worried Jane.
"I think its a good idea for you to go to the hospital, just to check you out, okay?" Maura nodded, her face was ghostly white, and her limbs were shaking relentlessly. "Do you think you can move yet? We can stay here for a little while if you need to?"
"I think I can get up, I just may need some help staying that way" Maura chuckled humourlessly.

"Okay darling, I'm gonna call Korsak down here to help, and then I'll drive you to the hospital okay?"
"Yeah, okay" Maura nodded.

Korsak made his way down to the morgue as quickly as he could, and the two of them helped Maura up. Maura wrapped her arms around Jane and Korsak, and they practically carried her to the car.

"You gonna be okay?" Korsak asked. Jane nodded.
"Thanks, Vince"
"Let me know shes okay?"
"Yeah of course" Jane nodded. Korsak nodded back and then went back into the building. Jane drove them both towards the hospital.


"Being the Chief Medical Examiner has its perks huh?" Jane marvelled. Maura had been sent through immediately into a private room, and was seen instantly.
"Yeah I guess it does" Maura chuckled. She had improved significantly after being given some anti-nausea medication. The nurse had been in to take blood, and the doctor had checked her over, they were just waiting on the blood results.

"Hello Dr Isles" A nice doctor with dark brown hair and tanned skin entered the room, closing the door behind her. "How are you feeling?"
"Much better, thank you" Maura nodded.
"Would you like some privacy to discuss your results?"
"No thats okay, you can talk in front of Jane, she would worry too much anyway" Maura teased Jane, who rolled her eyes but still took Mauras outstretched hand.

"Our blood results confirm that you are 6 weeks pregnant, everything is okay, baby appears fine but we would like to do an ultrasound to make sure the foetus is developing properly"

Both women heard nothing after the word 'baby'.

"You're pregnant?"

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