3am and nowhere to go

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Three knocks at the door had Jane utterly confused. She groaned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, checking the clock and cursing whoever was at the door. She was going to just ignore it, let the person decide enough was enough and leave her the hell alone. But when they knocked again she dragged herself up, and walked over to the door, switching on the main light as she went.

She looked through the peephole, expecting one of her brothers, or her mom, but to her surprise it was Maura that was stood there, biting her nails, shivering. Jane flung the door open and pulled the blonde in, sleep clouding her judgement.

"Jane. I'm sorry, I had nowhere else to go" Mauras voice cracked, but she wasn't crying.
"Don't apologise, you know you're welcome any time. Some are more acceptable than others but...hey, whats the matter?" Her face contorted into one of concern as she woke up considerably upon seeing the hurt look on Mauras face.
"Thats the thing I- I don't know" Maura shrugged, looking at the floor.
"Okay, it's okay, you're here now yeah? Come sit down" Jane placed her hand in the small of Mauras back and guided her to the sofa. "Where's your key?"
"I didn't- I walked, I just started walking and I ended up here"

Jane bit back the comment about how dangerous it was for Maura to walk that far on her own in the dark and cold, and instead began rubbing soft circles on Mauras back, then she really took in the blondes appearance.

Maura was clad in some sweatpants and a t-shirt, a pair of sneakers, and a hoodie, which she had tied around her waist. Her hair was down over her shoulders, and her eyes were red rimmed and dark, tired, sunken in. She was shaking ever so slightly and her breathing was heavy.

"What made you need to walk?"
"I just, I couldn't sleep, I'm so tired that I didn't want to drive, I didn't mean to come here and wake you, to be perfectly honest I don't remember getting here. I just, walked. Im sorry that I woke you"
"Hey no, its all good honey. You want something to drink? Food?" Maura shook her head.
"Can we please just go lay down, I'm exhausted"
"Sure we can" Jane was a little confused, but she didn't let it show.

Maura shed the sweatpants in favour of a pair of Janes boxer shorts, and the t-shirt for a black tank top, it was a lot warmer in Janes bed than on the streets of Boston at 3am.

Jane climbed back into bed, propped up with her legs parted, she pulled Maura between them and exhaled as the blonde gratefully leaned back into her. Jane wrapped her arms around Mauras slim frame, holding her waist tightly. She felt Mauras stomach jerk beneath her, indication that she was about to cry.
"Maura, talk to me sweetheart, what's wrong?"
"I really don't know Jane. I just feel like I need to cry. I want to cry to see if it helps, but I wanted to be with you. You make me feel safe and loved and my bed was so cold and I was so alone and I just-" A sob fell from her lips.

"I would've come over, if you called" Jane said softly, resting her chin against Mauras head.
"Like I said I- I didn't mean to come here, I did it subconsciously." Maura whispered. "Im sorry"
"Stop being sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for" Jane gently rubbed up and down Mauras sides. "I got you, you can cry, I'm right here" Jane said softly. And that broke the dam. Tears began freely flowing from Mauras eyes, she turned her body so that she was straddling Janes hips, leaning forward to bury her face in the crook of Janes neck, arms wrapped around the brunette.

Jane immediately wrapped her arms around Maura once again, one hand slipping beneath the cotton of the tank top to rub her back, encouraging her to expel all of her emotions. Her other hand clasped Mauras head to her body, stroking through her soft golden hair.
"I've got you angel, its going to be okay. You're going to be okay"

Jane understood. She too had nights where it felt like the only way to move on was to have a good cry, over nothing and everything all at once, she knew that Maura didn't often express these emotions, but when she did, she needed comfort, as opposed to Janes need to be alone.

She cradled Maura, subtly rocking them to try and comfort her. She kept her close and whispered sweet nothings to her, her heart feeling the shock of every sob that surpassed Mauras lips, knowing that she couldn't really make it feel any better.

"Let it out darling, let it all out. I've got you, its okay"
"It hurts Jane, and I don't know why" Maura sobbed.
"I know baby, I know. It'll feel better soon, I promise. I'll be right here until it does, if it takes a day or a lifetime, I'll be here to hold you" Jane pressed butterfly kisses to Mauras exposed shoulder, her fingertips tracing the soft skin on her back.

Jane bit her lip to hold back her own tears, the heartbreak of feeling the human embodiment of sunshine break down in her arms. This was a long time coming, Maura was strong for everyone, it went almost unnoticed under Janes own protective, strong nature, and nobody often thought of Mauras passive bravery.

"You don't have to keep it in all the time Maur, you're allowed to feel the small things, they aren't small in the moment" Maura clutched Jane tighter, grasping at her t-shirt to make sure she didn't disappear. She got it, Jane understood, and that thought alone comforted Maura, her sobs quieting down and becoming less frequent until they were nothing but heavy breaths and slight tremors.

Jane moved to lay down, taking Maura with her, but Maura lifted her head with wide eyes.
"No! No please don't go!" Tears built up once again and Jane quickly moved the hand that was in her hair, to her cheek.
"I'm not going anywhere darling. Come on, lay down, you're exhausted love" Jane settled down on the pillows, Maura shifted so she was lay on top of Jane, slightly to her left. She kept her right hand around Jane, her left one coming up to rest on Janes chest, beside her own head. Janes hand stayed on Mauras back, and the other gently wiped the traces of tears from her face, before returning to her hair, gently scratching at her scalp.

"Go to sleep, Maur, it's okay, I'm right here. I've got you, you can sleep now beautiful, I wont let go" Jane kissed Mauras hairline repeatedly, leaving her lips pressed there as she spoke. Maura didn't answer, simply moved impossibly closer to Jane, releasing a shaky, long exhale into Janes skin. "Shh sh sh" Jane repeated, gently coaxing Maura to sleep, with her hums and words and touch.

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