Quite miss home.

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Maura liked to believe she was a very rational thinker. A logical person. Someone who let their head rule their heart.

But she missed the way things used to be. She missed the up all night chats, the playful workplace banter, the hugs, meals, reassurance and unadulterated love. She knew that some of those things would always be there, but some of them wouldn't really ever be the same. The love still went steady, but the hugs were sparse nowadays, and the meals were missing something, more so someone, and Mauras heart bled tears of yearning for the time when she took those things for granted, for failing to remind herself that nothing lasts forever.

Now Jane was hundreds of miles and a 6 hour drive away and nothing could've prepared Maura for just how painful it would be to come back to Boston together, only to say goodbye again in 3 days time.

So once Jane was gone Maura began to fail to see the light in the situation, that Jane was doing something else that she enjoyed, and Maura herself was opening up new hobbies, finding herself in ways she never could've expected. Instead she picked every good thing she used to have, and began to feel solemn at just the sight of her kitchen counter, where Jane used to lean every morning, one hand clasping a cup of coffee, the other creating wild hand gestures to go along with whatever story she was telling.

Angela was great, and Maura truly did love her like her own family member, but she was just yet another reminder of the fact that Jane was gone.

Okay so maybe Maura was being a little dramatic, Jane wasn't gone, she just hasn't had as much time for Maura recently, but then again neither had Maura for Jane. Their schedules began to collide and Jane hadn't had time to come home in the past month or so, but Maura hadn't found time to go visit Jane either. They picked up the phone when they could and it was like nothing had changed, but everything had.

Regardless, she let her head win out once again, it was 1 o'clock in the morning, so Maura switched off her lamp, and lay back in the bed that Jane had often joined her in, letting sleep take her.


Jane, while a rational person, often let her heart take over, which sometimes caused problems for her, but this time the yearning was unbearable. Jane couldn't physically take the pain of never knowing. Quantico was great, but it wasn't Boston. She had been there for 3 months now, and as much as she enjoyed it, she missed home.

She missed the meals, she missed her people, Boston was her calling, Maura was her person, and how she had spent this long away was beyond her. She longed for the feeling of Mauras marble countertop, or Mauras million thread count sheets, or her hair. She missed work, she even missed her Ma.

She wished she had put in more effort to go see them, but the truth was, going home, and knowing she would have to leave again, broke her heart. Talking to that familiar, soft feminine voice over the phone made her tear up, and never want to leave Boston again.

All of these things began to weight on Jane until she couldn't physically stand it anymore. She checked the clock on her bedside table, 9pm. She slammed her laptop shut, packed a suitcase, changed into some sweats, and made herself a coffee for the journey. Packing the car and getting in, she set off, driving home through the night.


Maura was fast asleep by the time Jane made it back to Beacon Hill. Jane stood at the door and took a deep breath, hands shaking as she pushed the key into the lock and disarmed and reset the alarm system, placing her suitcase in the hallway and locking the door once again. She softly moved around the house she knew like the back of her hand, body shaking in anticipation of seeing the one face she so desperately needed to see.

She padded up the stairs in the dark, careful not to make any noise that would startle the sleeping beauty in the room down the hall.

Gently pushing the door to Mauras bedroom open, Jane let out the breath that had been building in her lungs for the past 3 months when she saw Maura, sleeping like an angel as usual, eyes shut, lips slightly parted, hair in a strawberry blonde halo around her head.

She quietly made her way over to the bed, sitting on the edge and feeling as Maura began to stir, careful not to scare her, Jane gently tucked a piece of hair behind Mauras ear.
"Its just me honey" Jane whispered as Maura began to open her eyes.
"Yeah Maur its me" Jane said softly. Maura, eyes still half closed, reached upwards to hug Jane, squeezing her tightly.
"What are you doing here?"
"I missed home" Jane said earnestly, looking deep into Mauras eyes. "I- I missed you, Maur. I don't wanna be anywhere without you ever again"
"Jane" Maura breathed, face inches away from Janes.

Maura leaned up and closed the remaining gap between the two, their lips joining in the most tender kiss in history. They continued their soft first kiss, until one of them choked out a sob.
"Im sorry I just missed you so much" Maura cried.
"Im here now, I'm here, I don't ever want to miss you again" Jane whispered, kissing Maura lips again softly. "I love you Maura"
"I love you Jane, I love you so much. Thank you for coming back to me"
"How could I ever stay away? You are home, everyone needs a home"

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